List of Defects
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def1]
/usr/bin/ldd:26:1: warning[SC2034]: TEXTDOMAIN appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 24|
# 25| # We should be able to find the translation right at the beginning.
# 26|-> TEXTDOMAIN=libc
# 27| TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
# 28|
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def2]
/usr/bin/ldd:27:1: warning[SC2034]: TEXTDOMAINDIR appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 25| # We should be able to find the translation right at the beginning.
# 26| TEXTDOMAIN=libc
# 27|-> TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
# 28|
# 29| RTLDLIST="/lib/ /lib64/ /libx32/"
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def3]
/usr/bin/ldd:159:2: warning[SC2034]: verify_out appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 157| for rtld in ${RTLDLIST}; do
# 158| if test -x $rtld; then
# 159|-> verify_out=`${rtld} --verify "$file"`
# 160| ret=$?
# 161| case $ret in
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def4]
/usr/bin/memusage:21:1: warning[SC2034]: TEXTDOMAIN appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 19| memusageso='/usr/\$LIB/'
# 20| memusagestat='/usr/bin/memusagestat'
# 21|-> TEXTDOMAIN=libc
# 22|
# 23| # Print usage message.
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def5]
/usr/bin/sotruss:20:1: warning[SC2034]: TEXTDOMAIN appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 18|
# 19| # We should be able to find the translation right at the beginning.
# 20|-> TEXTDOMAIN=libc
# 21| TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
# 22|
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def6]
/usr/bin/sotruss:21:1: warning[SC2034]: TEXTDOMAINDIR appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 19| # We should be able to find the translation right at the beginning.
# 20| TEXTDOMAIN=libc
# 21|-> TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
# 22|
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-398): [#def7]
/usr/bin/sotruss:61:14: warning[SC2183]: This format string has 1 variable, but is passed 0 argument.
# 59|
# 60| do_ambiguous() {
# 61|-> printf >&2 $"%s: option is ambiguous; possibilities:"
# 62| while test $# -gt 0; do
# 63| printf >&2 " '%s'" $1
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-156): [#def8]
/usr/bin/tzselect:134:10: warning[SC2046]: Quote this to prevent word splitting.
# 132| *)
# 133| if test 1 -le $select_i && test $select_i -le $#; then
# 134|-> shift `expr $select_i - 1`
# 135| select_result=$1
# 136| break
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-156): [#def9]
/usr/bin/tzselect:168:7: warning[SC2046]: Quote this to prevent word splitting.
# 166| done
# 167|
# 168|-> shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
# 169| case $# in
# 170| 0) ;;
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-569): [#def10]
/usr/bin/tzselect:179:2: warning[SC2188]: This redirection doesn't have a command. Move to its command (or use 'true' as no-op).
# 178| do
# 179|-> <"$f" || {
# 180| say >&2 "$0: time zone files are not set up correctly"
# 181| exit 1
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def11]
/usr/bin/tzselect:193:10: warning[SC2154]: status is referenced but not assigned.
# 191| (umask 77 && mkdir -- "$tmp")
# 192| };} &&
# 193|-> trap 'status=$?; rm -fr -- "$tmp"; exit $status' 0 HUP INT PIPE TERM &&
# 194| (iconv -f UTF-8 -t //TRANSLIT <"$TZ_COUNTRY_TABLE" >$tmp/ \
# 195| 2>/dev/null &&
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-569): [#def12]
/usr/bin/tzselect:493:3: warning[SC2188]: This redirection doesn't have a command. Move to its command (or use 'true' as no-op).
# 491| # Make sure the corresponding zoneinfo file exists.
# 492| TZ_for_date=$TZDIR/$TZ
# 493|-> <"$TZ_for_date" || {
# 494| say >&2 "$0: time zone files are not set up correctly"
# 495| exit 1
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def13]
/usr/bin/tzselect:505:2: warning[SC2034]: i appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 503|
# 504| extra_info=
# 505|-> for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# 506| do
# 507| TZdate=`LANG=C TZ="$TZ_for_date" date`
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-691): [#def14]
/usr/bin/tzselect:512:3: warning[SC2254]: Quote expansions in case patterns to match literally rather than as a glob.
# 510| UTsec=`expr "$UTdate" : '.*:\([0-5][0-9]\)'`
# 511| case $TZsec in
# 512|-> $UTsec)
# 513| extra_info="
# 514| Selected time is now: $TZdate.
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def15]
/usr/bin/xtrace:21:1: warning[SC2034]: TEXTDOMAIN appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 19| pcprofileso='/usr/\$LIB/'
# 20| pcprofiledump='/usr/bin/pcprofiledump'
# 21|-> TEXTDOMAIN=libc
# 22|
# 23| # Print usage message.
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-156): [#def16]
/usr/bin/xtrace:81:34: warning[SC2046]: Quote this to prevent word splitting.
# 79| if test "$filelen" -gt "$width"; then
# 80| rwidth=$(expr $width - 3)
# 81|-> file="...$(expr substr $file $(expr 1 + $filelen - $rwidth) $rwidth)"
# 82| fi
# 83| printf '%-20s %-*s %6s\n' $fct $width $file $line
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-156): [#def17]
/usr/bin/xtrace:154:38: warning[SC2046]: Quote this to prevent word splitting.
# 152|
# 153| # We have two modes. If a data file is given simply print the included data.
# 154|-> printf "%-20s %-*s %6s\n" Function $(expr $COLUMNS - 30) File Line
# 155| for i in $(seq 1 $COLUMNS); do printf -; done; printf '\n'
# 156| if test -n "$data"; then
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def18]
/usr/bin/xtrace:155:1: warning[SC2034]: i appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 153| # We have two modes. If a data file is given simply print the included data.
# 154| printf "%-20s %-*s %6s\n" Function $(expr $COLUMNS - 30) File Line
# 155|-> for i in $(seq 1 $COLUMNS); do printf -; done; printf '\n'
# 156| if test -n "$data"; then
# 157| $pcprofiledump "$data" |
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def19]
/usr/bin/xtrace:173:3: warning[SC2034]: termpid appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 171| # Now start the program and let it write to the FIFO.
# 172| $TERMINAL_PROG -T "xtrace - $program $*" -e /bin/sh -c "LD_PRELOAD=$pcprofileso PCPROFILE_OUTPUT=$fifo $program $*; read < $fifo" &
# 173|-> termpid=$!
# 174| $pcprofiledump -u "$fifo" |
# 175| while read line; do
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-252): [#def20]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:17:2: warning[SC2164]: Use 'pushd ... || exit' or 'pushd ... || return' in case pushd fails.
# 15| # Silence the pushd/popd messages
# 16| pushd() {
# 17|-> command pushd "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1
# 18| }
# 19|
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-685): [#def21]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:20:1: warning[SC2120]: popd references arguments, but none are ever passed.
# 18| }
# 19|
# 20|-> popd() {
# 21| command popd "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1
# 22| }
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-252): [#def22]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:21:2: warning[SC2164]: Use 'popd ... || exit' or 'popd ... || return' in case popd fails.
# 19|
# 20| popd() {
# 21|-> command popd "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1
# 22| }
# 23|
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-569): [#def23]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:25:39: warning[SC2064]: Use single quotes, otherwise this expands now rather than when signalled.
# 23|
# 24| # Clean up any downloaded files before we exit
# 25|-> trap "rm -rf /tmp/glibc-bench-compare.$BASHPID.*" EXIT
# 26|
# 27| task=0
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-563): [#def24]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:40:3: warning[SC2034]: task appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# 38| ;;
# 39| t)
# 40|-> task=1
# 41| options=1
# 42| echo "Not implemented."
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-477): [#def25]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:57:47: warning[SC2166]: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
# 55| shift $((OPTIND-1))
# 56|
# 57|-> if [ $# -gt 2 ] || [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ $# -lt 2 -a $options -eq 1 ]; then
# 58| echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] <old> [new]"
# 59| echo
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-398): [#def26]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:80:10: error[SC2070]: -n doesn't work with unquoted arguments. Quote or use [[ ]].
# 78| # We were given a path to the rpms. Figure out the version-release and
# 79| # decompress the rpms.
# 80|-> if [ -n $1 ]; then
# 81| vr=$(rpm --queryformat="%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}" -qp $1/glibc-2*.rpm | head -1)
# 82| mkdir $vr && pushd $vr
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-252): [#def27]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:82:16: warning[SC2164]: Use 'pushd ... || exit' or 'pushd ... || return' in case pushd fails.
# 80| if [ -n $1 ]; then
# 81| vr=$(rpm --queryformat="%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}" -qp $1/glibc-2*.rpm | head -1)
# 82|-> mkdir $vr && pushd $vr
# 83| fi
# 84|
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-398): [#def28]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:89:10: error[SC2070]: -n doesn't work with unquoted arguments. Quote or use [[ ]].
# 87| done
# 88|
# 89|-> if [ -n $1 ]; then
# 90| popd
# 91| echo $vr
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-252): [#def29]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:90:3: warning[SC2164]: Use 'popd ... || exit' or 'popd ... || return' in case popd fails.
# 88|
# 89| if [ -n $1 ]; then
# 90|-> popd
# 91| echo $vr
# 92| fi
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-252): [#def30]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:98:14: warning[SC2164]: Use 'pushd ... || exit' or 'pushd ... || return' in case pushd fails.
# 96| get_build() {
# 97| echo "Processing build $1"
# 98|-> mkdir $1 && pushd $1
# 99| brew buildinfo "glibc-$1" |
# 100| sed -n -e "s|/mnt/koji\(.\+$arch.\+\)|\1|p" |
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-252): [#def31]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:110:2: warning[SC2164]: Use 'popd ... || exit' or 'popd ... || return' in case popd fails.
# 108| rm -f $1/*.rpm
# 109|
# 110|-> popd
# 111| }
# 112|
Error: SHELLCHECK_WARNING (CWE-252): [#def32]
/usr/libexec/glibc-benchtests/glibc-bench-compare:130:1: warning[SC2164]: Use 'pushd ... || exit' or 'pushd ... || return' in case pushd fails.
# 128|
# 129| tmpdir=$(mktemp -p /tmp -d glibc-bench-compare.$$.XXXX)
# 130|-> pushd $tmpdir
# 131|
# 132| # Get both builds.
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def33]
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:638:3: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 636| hol_find_entry (struct hol *hol, const char *name)
# 637| {
# 638|-> struct hol_entry *entry = hol->entries;
# 639| unsigned num_entries = hol->num_entries;
# 640|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def34]
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c: scope_hint: In function ‘hol_find_entry’
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:638:21: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘*hol.entries’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:47: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:443:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c: scope_hint: In function ‘hol_find_entry’
# 636| hol_find_entry (struct hol *hol, const char *name)
# 637| {
# 638|-> struct hol_entry *entry = hol->entries;
# 639| unsigned num_entries = hol->num_entries;
# 640|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def35]
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:1018: error[ctunullpointer]: Null pointer dereference: argp
# 1016| argp_hol (const struct argp *argp, struct hol_cluster *cluster)
# 1017| {
# 1018|-> const struct argp_child *child = argp->children;
# 1019| struct hol *hol = make_hol (argp, cluster);
# 1020| if (child)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def36]
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:1449:7: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'num_entries' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'hol')
# 1447| hol_usage (struct hol *hol, argp_fmtstream_t stream)
# 1448| {
# 1449|-> if (hol->num_entries > 0)
# 1450| {
# 1451| unsigned nentries;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def37]
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:1727:12: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'num_entries' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'hol')
# 1725| /* Just show where the options go. */
# 1726| {
# 1727|-> if (hol->num_entries > 0)
# 1728| __argp_fmtstream_puts (fs, dgettext (argp->argp_domain,
# 1729| " [OPTION...]"));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def38]
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:1756:46: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'argp_domain' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'argp')
# 1754| if (flags & ARGP_HELP_SEE)
# 1755| {
# 1756|-> __argp_fmtstream_printf (fs, dgettext (argp->argp_domain, "\
# 1757| Try `%s --help' or `%s --usage' for more information.\n"),
# 1758| name, name);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def39]
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:1766:11: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'num_entries' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'hol')
# 1764| {
# 1765| /* Print info about all the options. */
# 1766|-> if (hol->num_entries > 0)
# 1767| {
# 1768| if (anything)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def40]
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-help.c:1786:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'anything' is never read
# 1784| "Report bugs to %s.\n"),
# 1785| argp_program_bug_address);
# 1786|-> anything = 1;
# 1787| }
# 1788|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def41]
glibc-2.39/argp/argp-parse.c:798:6: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential memory leak
# 796| &parser->opt_data);
# 797| else
# 798|-> opt = _getopt_long_r (parser->state.argc, parser->state.argv,
# 799| parser->short_opts, parser->long_opts, 0,
# 800| &parser->opt_data);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def42]
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:7: note: expanded from macro 'assert'
# 115| # define assert(expr) \
# 116| ((void) sizeof ((expr) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ \
# 117|-> if (expr) \
# 118| ; /* empty */ \
# 119| else \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def43]
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dl_allocate_tls_init.part.0’
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘<unknown>’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:570:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:570:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:570:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 115| # define assert(expr) \
# 116| ((void) sizeof ((expr) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ \
# 117|-> if (expr) \
# 118| ; /* empty */ \
# 119| else \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def44]
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dlfo_mappings_segment_allocate’
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘ptr’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c:236:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/include/elf.h:6: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/stackinfo.h:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/stackinfo.h:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/alloca.h:7: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/stdlib/stdlib.h:706: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/stdlib.h:16: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/atomic.h:47: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/libc-pointer-arith.h:46:35: note: in definition of macro ‘ALIGN_DOWN’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c:224:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘PTR_ALIGN_DOWN’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c:236:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c:236:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 115| # define assert(expr) \
# 116| ((void) sizeof ((expr) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ \
# 117|-> if (expr) \
# 118| ; /* empty */ \
# 119| else \
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def45]
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:11: note: expanded from macro 'assert'
# 115| # define assert(expr) \
# 116| ((void) sizeof ((expr) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ \
# 117|-> if (expr) \
# 118| ; /* empty */ \
# 119| else \
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def46]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero-large.c:86: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 84| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 85|
# 86|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 87| {
# 88| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf1) + align, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def47]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero-large.c:86: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 84| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 85|
# 86|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 87| {
# 88| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf1) + align, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def48]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero-large.c:114: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 112|
# 113| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 114|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 115| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 116| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def49]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero-large.c:114: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 112|
# 113| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 114|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 115| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 116| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def50]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero-walk.c:82: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 80| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 81|
# 82|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 83| {
# 84| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) buf1,
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def51]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero-walk.c:82: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 80| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 81|
# 82|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 83| {
# 84| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) buf1,
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def52]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero-walk.c:111: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 109|
# 110| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 111|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 112| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 113| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def53]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero-walk.c:111: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 109|
# 110| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 111|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 112| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 113| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def54]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero.c:85: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 83| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 84|
# 85|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 86| {
# 87| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf1) + align, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def55]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero.c:85: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 83| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 84|
# 85|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 86| {
# 87| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf1) + align, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def56]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero.c:112: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 110|
# 111| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 112|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 113| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 114| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def57]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-bzero.c:112: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 110|
# 111| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 112|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 113| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 114| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-131): [#def58]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-simple.c: scope_hint: In function ‘do_benchmark’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-simple.c:58:16: warning[-Wanalyzer-allocation-size]: allocated buffer size is not a multiple of the pointee's size
# 56| {
# 57| for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
# 58|-> arr[i] = malloc (size);
# 59|
# 60| for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def59]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-simple.c:58:16: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘arr’
# 56| {
# 57| for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
# 58|-> arr[i] = malloc (size);
# 59|
# 60| for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def60]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c:142:7: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential memory leak
# 140| ptr_arr[next_idx] = malloc (next_block);
# 141|
# 142|-> iters++;
# 143| }
# 144|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def61]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c: scope_hint: In function ‘malloc_benchmark_loop’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c:142:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘malloc((long unsigned int)random_block_sizes[idx])’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c: scope_hint: In function ‘malloc_benchmark_loop’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c: scope_hint: In function ‘malloc_benchmark_loop’
# 140| ptr_arr[next_idx] = malloc (next_block);
# 141|
# 142|-> iters++;
# 143| }
# 144|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def62]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c:186:14: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential memory leak
# 184|
# 185| TIMING_NOW (start);
# 186|-> *iters = malloc_benchmark_loop (working_set);
# 187| TIMING_NOW (stop);
# 188|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def63]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c: scope_hint: In function ‘do_benchmark’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c:215:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘<unknown>’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c: scope_hint: In function ‘do_benchmark’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-malloc-thread.c: scope_hint: In function ‘do_benchmark’
# 213| }
# 214| return elapsed;
# 215|-> }
# 216|
# 217| static void usage(const char *name)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def64]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memccpy.c:89: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 87| printf ("Length %4zd, n %4zd, char %d, alignment %2zd/%2zd:", len, n, c, align1, align2);
# 88|
# 89|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 90| do_one_test (impl, s2, s1, c, len, n);
# 91|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def65]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memccpy.c:89: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 87| printf ("Length %4zd, n %4zd, char %d, alignment %2zd/%2zd:", len, n, c, align1, align2);
# 88|
# 89|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 90| do_one_test (impl, s2, s1, c, len, n);
# 91|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def66]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memccpy.c:103: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 101|
# 102| printf ("%28s", "");
# 103|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 104| printf ("\t%s", impl->name);
# 105| putchar ('\n');
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def67]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memccpy.c:103: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 101|
# 102| printf ("%28s", "");
# 103|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 104| printf ("\t%s", impl->name);
# 105| putchar ('\n');
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def68]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memchr.c:111: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 109| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 110|
# 111|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 112| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf + align), seek_char, len);
# 113|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def69]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memchr.c:111: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 109| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 110|
# 111|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 112| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf + align), seek_char, len);
# 113|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def70]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memchr.c:136: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 134|
# 135| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 136|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 137| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 138| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def71]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memchr.c:136: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 134|
# 135| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 136|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 137| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 138| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def72]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memrchr.c:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memchr.c:142:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'al_max' is never read
# 140| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "results");
# 141|
# 142|-> al_max = 0;
# 143| #ifdef USE_AS_MEMRCHR
# 144| al_max = getpagesize () / 2;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def73]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcmp.c:88: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 86| }
# 87|
# 88|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 89| {
# 90| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def74]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcmp.c:88: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 86| }
# 87|
# 88|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 89| {
# 90| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def75]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcmp.c:115: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 113|
# 114| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 115|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 116| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 117| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def76]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcmp.c:115: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 113|
# 114| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 115|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 116| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 117| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def77]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-large.c:84: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 82| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 83|
# 84|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 85| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 86|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def78]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-large.c:84: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 82| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 83|
# 84|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 85| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 86|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def79]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-large.c:113: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 111|
# 112| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 113|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 114| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 115| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def80]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-large.c:113: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 111|
# 112| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 113|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 114| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 115| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def81]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-random.c:168: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 166| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 167|
# 168|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 169| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (char *) buf2, (char *) buf1, test_arr, i);
# 170|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def82]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-random.c:168: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 166| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 167|
# 168|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 169| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (char *) buf2, (char *) buf1, test_arr, i);
# 170|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def83]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-random.c:193: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 191|
# 192| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 193|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 194| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 195| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def84]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-random.c:193: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 191|
# 192| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 193|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 194| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 195| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def85]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-walk.c:84: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 82| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 83|
# 84|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 85| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 86|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def86]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-walk.c:84: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 82| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 83|
# 84|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 85| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 86|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def87]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-walk.c:112: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 110|
# 111| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 112|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 113| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 114| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def88]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy-walk.c:112: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 110|
# 111| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 112|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 113| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 114| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def89]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy.c:89: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 87| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 88|
# 89|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 90| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 91|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def90]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy.c:89: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 87| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 88|
# 89|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 90| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 91|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def91]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy.c:118: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 116|
# 117| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 118|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 119| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 120| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def92]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memcpy.c:118: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 116|
# 117| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 118|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 119| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 120| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def93]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove-large.c:77: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 75| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 76|
# 77|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 78| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 79|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def94]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove-large.c:77: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 75| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 76|
# 77|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 78| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 79|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def95]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove-large.c:103: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 101| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 102|
# 103|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 104| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 105| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def96]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove-large.c:103: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 101| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 102|
# 103|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 104| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 105| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def97]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove-walk.c:97: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 95|
# 96|
# 97|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 98| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (char *) buf2, (char *) buf1, len);
# 99|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def98]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove-walk.c:97: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 95|
# 96|
# 97|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 98| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (char *) buf2, (char *) buf1, len);
# 99|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def99]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove-walk.c:126: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 124|
# 125| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 126|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 127| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 128| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def100]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove-walk.c:126: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 124|
# 125| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 126|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 127| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 128| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def101]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove.c:79: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 77| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 78|
# 79|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 80| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 81|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def102]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove.c:79: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 77| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 78|
# 79|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 80| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 81|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def103]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove.c:106: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 104| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 105|
# 106|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 107| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 108| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def104]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memmove.c:106: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 104| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 105|
# 106|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 107| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 108| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def105]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset-large.c:66: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 64| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 65|
# 66|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 67| {
# 68| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf1) + align, c, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def106]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset-large.c:66: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 64| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 65|
# 66|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 67| {
# 68| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf1) + align, c, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def107]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset-large.c:95: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 93|
# 94| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 95|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 96| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 97| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def108]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset-large.c:95: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 93|
# 94| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 95|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 96| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 97| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def109]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset-walk.c:60: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 58| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 59|
# 60|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 61| {
# 62| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) buf1,
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def110]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset-walk.c:60: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 58| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 59|
# 60|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 61| {
# 62| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) buf1,
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def111]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset-walk.c:89: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 87|
# 88| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 89|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 90| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 91| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def112]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset-walk.c:89: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 87|
# 88| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 89|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 90| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 91| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def113]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset.c:74: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 72| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 73|
# 74|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 75| {
# 76| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf1) + align, c, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def114]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset.c:74: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 72| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 73|
# 74|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 75| {
# 76| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf1) + align, c, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def115]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset.c:103: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 101|
# 102| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 103|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 104| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 105| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def116]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-memset.c:103: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 101|
# 102| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 103|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 104| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 105| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def117]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-rawmemchr.c:97: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 95| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 96|
# 97|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 98| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (char *) (buf1 + align), seek_char, result);
# 99|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def118]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-rawmemchr.c:97: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 95| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 96|
# 97|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 98| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (char *) (buf1 + align), seek_char, result);
# 99|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def119]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-rawmemchr.c:121: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 119|
# 120| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 121|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 122| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 123| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def120]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-rawmemchr.c:121: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 119|
# 120| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 121|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 122| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 123| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def121]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcasecmp.c:101: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 99| s2[len - 1] -= exp_result;
# 100|
# 101|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 102| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, exp_result);
# 103|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def122]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcasecmp.c:101: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 99| s2[len - 1] -= exp_result;
# 100|
# 101|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 102| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, exp_result);
# 103|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def123]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcasecmp.c:126: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 124|
# 125| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 126|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 127| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 128| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def124]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcasecmp.c:126: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 124|
# 125| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 126|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 127| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 128| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def125]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcat.c:122: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 120| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 121|
# 122|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 123| {
# 124| s2[len2] = '\0';
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def126]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcat.c:122: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 120| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 121|
# 122|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 123| {
# 124| s2[len2] = '\0';
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def127]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcat.c:152: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 150|
# 151| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 152|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 153| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 154| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def128]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcat.c:152: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 150|
# 151| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 152|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 153| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 154| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def129]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strchr.c:183: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 181| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 182|
# 183|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 184| do_one_rand_plus_branch_test (json_ctx, impl, buf + align, c);
# 185|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def130]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strchr.c:183: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 181| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 182|
# 183|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 184| do_one_rand_plus_branch_test (json_ctx, impl, buf + align, c);
# 185|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def131]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strchr.c:199: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 197| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 198|
# 199|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 200| do_one_rand_test (json_ctx, impl, buf + align, c);
# 201|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def132]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strchr.c:199: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 197| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 198|
# 199|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 200| do_one_rand_test (json_ctx, impl, buf + align, c);
# 201|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def133]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strchr.c:278: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 276| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 277|
# 278|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 279| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, buf + align, seek_char, result);
# 280|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def134]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strchr.c:278: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 276| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 277|
# 278|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 279| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, buf + align, seek_char, result);
# 280|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def135]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strchr.c:303: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 301|
# 302| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 303|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 304| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 305| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def136]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strchr.c:303: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 301|
# 302| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 303|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 304| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 305| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def137]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcmp.c:116: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 114| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 115|
# 116|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 117| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, exp_result);
# 118|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def138]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcmp.c:116: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 114| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 115|
# 116|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 117| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, exp_result);
# 118|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def139]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcmp.c:133: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 131| json_attr_uint (json_ctx, "align2", (double) align2);
# 132| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 133|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 134| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, exp_result);
# 135| json_array_end (json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def140]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcmp.c:133: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 131| json_attr_uint (json_ctx, "align2", (double) align2);
# 132| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 133|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 134| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, exp_result);
# 135| json_array_end (json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def141]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcmp.c:196: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 194|
# 195| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 196|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 197| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 198| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def142]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcmp.c:196: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 194|
# 195| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 196|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 197| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 198| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def143]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcoll.c:152:22: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 150|
# 151| for (i = 0; i < list->size; i++)
# 152|-> copy->words[i] = strdup (list->words[i]);
# 153|
# 154| return copy;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def144]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcpy.c:123: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 121| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 122|
# 123|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 124| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 125|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def145]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcpy.c:123: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 121| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 122|
# 123|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 124| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len);
# 125|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def146]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcpy.c:148: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 146|
# 147| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 148|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 149| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 150| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def147]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcpy.c:148: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 146|
# 147| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 148|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 149| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 150| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def148]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-stpcpy_chk.c:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcpy_chk.c:78:4: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'res' is never read
# 76| if (setjmp (chk_fail_buf) == 0)
# 77| {
# 78|-> res = CALL (impl, dst, src, dlen);
# 79| printf ("*** Function %s (%zd; %zd) did not __chk_fail\n",
# 80| impl->name, len, dlen);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def149]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcpy_chk.c:141: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 139| printf ("Length %4zd, alignment %2zd/%2zd:", len, align1, align2);
# 140|
# 141|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 142| do_one_test (impl, s2, s1, len, dlen);
# 143|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def150]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcpy_chk.c:141: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 139| printf ("Length %4zd, alignment %2zd/%2zd:", len, align1, align2);
# 140|
# 141|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 142| do_one_test (impl, s2, s1, len, dlen);
# 143|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def151]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcpy_chk.c:158: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 156|
# 157| printf ("%23s", "");
# 158|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 159| printf ("\t%s", impl->name);
# 160| putchar ('\n');
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def152]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strcpy_chk.c:158: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 156|
# 157| printf ("%23s", "");
# 158|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 159| printf ("\t%s", impl->name);
# 160| putchar ('\n');
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def153]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strlen.c:89: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 87|
# 88|
# 89|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 90| {
# 91| CHAR *buf = (CHAR *) (buf1);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def154]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strlen.c:89: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 87|
# 88|
# 89|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 90| {
# 91| CHAR *buf = (CHAR *) (buf1);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def155]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strlen.c:123: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 121|
# 122| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 123|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 124| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 125| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def156]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strlen.c:123: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 121|
# 122| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 123|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 124| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 125| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def157]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncasecmp.c:92: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 90| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 91|
# 92|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 93| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, n, exp_result);
# 94|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def158]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncasecmp.c:92: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 90| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 91|
# 92|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 93| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, n, exp_result);
# 94|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def159]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncasecmp.c:117: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 115|
# 116| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 117|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 118| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 119| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def160]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncasecmp.c:117: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 115|
# 116| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 117|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 118| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 119| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def161]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncat.c:133: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 131| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 132|
# 133|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 134| {
# 135| s2[len2] = '\0';
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def162]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncat.c:133: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 131| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 132|
# 133|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 134| {
# 135| s2[len2] = '\0';
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def163]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncat.c:161: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 159|
# 160| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 161|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 162| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 163| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def164]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncat.c:161: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 159|
# 160| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 161|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 162| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 163| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def165]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:81: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 79| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 80|
# 81|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 82| {
# 83| alloc_bufs ();
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def166]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:81: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 79| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 80|
# 81|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 82| {
# 83| alloc_bufs ();
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def167]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:138: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 136| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 137|
# 138|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 139| {
# 140| alloc_bufs ();
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def168]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:138: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 136| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 137|
# 138|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 139| {
# 140| alloc_bufs ();
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def169]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:176: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 174| json_attr_uint (json_ctx, "align2", (double) align2);
# 175| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 176|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 177| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, n, exp_result);
# 178| json_array_end (json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def170]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:176: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 174| json_attr_uint (json_ctx, "align2", (double) align2);
# 175| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 176|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 177| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, n, exp_result);
# 178| json_array_end (json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def171]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:245: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 243| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 244| {
# 245|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 246| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, page_size, -exp_result);
# 247| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def172]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:245: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 243| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 244| {
# 245|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 246| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, page_size, -exp_result);
# 247| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def173]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:258: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 256| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 257| {
# 258|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 259| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, page_size, exp_result);
# 260| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def174]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:258: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 256| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 257| {
# 258|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 259| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s1, s2, page_size, exp_result);
# 260| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def175]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:307: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 305|
# 306| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 307|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 308| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 309| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def176]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncmp.c:307: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 305|
# 306| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 307|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 308| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 309| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def177]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncpy.c:139: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 137| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 138|
# 139|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 140| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len, n);
# 141|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def178]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncpy.c:139: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 137| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 138|
# 139|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 140| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s2, s1, len, n);
# 141|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def179]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncpy.c:164: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 162|
# 163| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 164|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 165| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 166| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def180]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strncpy.c:164: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 162|
# 163| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 164|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 165| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 166| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def181]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strnlen.c:98: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 96| buf[align + len] = 0;
# 97|
# 98|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 99| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf + align), maxlen,
# 100| MIN (len, maxlen));
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def182]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strnlen.c:98: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 96| buf[align + len] = 0;
# 97|
# 98|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 99| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf + align), maxlen,
# 100| MIN (len, maxlen));
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def183]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strnlen.c:124: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 122|
# 123| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 124|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 125| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 126| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def184]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strnlen.c:124: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 122|
# 123| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 124|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 125| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 126| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def185]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strpbrk.c:131: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 129| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 130|
# 131|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 132| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s, rej, result);
# 133|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def186]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strpbrk.c:131: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 129| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 130|
# 131|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 132| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s, rej, result);
# 133|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def187]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strpbrk.c:156: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 154|
# 155| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 156|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 157| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 158| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def188]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strpbrk.c:156: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 154|
# 155| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 156|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 157| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 158| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def189]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strrchr.c:133: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 131| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 132|
# 133|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 134| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf + align), seek_char, result);
# 135|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def190]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strrchr.c:133: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 131| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 132|
# 133|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 134| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, (CHAR *) (buf + align), seek_char, result);
# 135|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def191]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strrchr.c:158: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 156|
# 157| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 158|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 159| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 160| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def192]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strrchr.c:158: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 156|
# 157| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 158|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 159| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 160| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def193]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strsep.c:68: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 66| len1, len2, align1, align2, fail ? "fail" : "found");
# 67|
# 68|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 69| {
# 70| char *s1 = (char *) (buf1 + align1);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def194]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strsep.c:68: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 66| len1, len2, align1, align2, fail ? "fail" : "found");
# 67|
# 68|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 69| {
# 70| char *s1 = (char *) (buf1 + align1);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def195]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strsep.c:86: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 84|
# 85| printf ("%23s", "");
# 86|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 87| printf ("\t%s", impl->name);
# 88| putchar ('\n');
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def196]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strsep.c:86: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 84|
# 85| printf ("%23s", "");
# 86|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 87| printf ("\t%s", impl->name);
# 88| putchar ('\n');
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def197]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strspn.c:112: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 110| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 111|
# 112|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 113| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s, acc, pos);
# 114|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def198]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strspn.c:112: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 110| json_array_begin (json_ctx, "timings");
# 111|
# 112|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 113| do_one_test (json_ctx, impl, s, acc, pos);
# 114|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def199]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strspn.c:137: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 135|
# 136| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 137|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 138| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 139| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def200]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strspn.c:137: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 135|
# 136| json_array_begin (&json_ctx, "ifuncs");
# 137|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 138| json_element_string (&json_ctx, impl->name);
# 139| json_array_end (&json_ctx);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def201]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strtok.c:64: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 62| len1, len2, align1, align2, fail ? "fail" : "found");
# 63|
# 64|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 65| {
# 66| char *s1 = (char *) (buf1 + align1);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def202]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strtok.c:64: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 62| len1, len2, align1, align2, fail ? "fail" : "found");
# 63|
# 64|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 65| {
# 66| char *s1 = (char *) (buf1 + align1);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def203]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strtok.c:97: error[comparePointers]: Comparing pointers that point to different objects
# 95|
# 96| printf ("%23s", "");
# 97|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 98| printf ("\t%s", impl->name);
# 99| putchar ('\n');
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-570): [#def204]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-strtok.c:97: error[comparePointers]: Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
# 95|
# 96| printf ("%23s", "");
# 97|-> FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
# 98| printf ("\t%s", impl->name);
# 99| putchar ('\n');
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-121): [#def205]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/json-lib.c: scope_hint: In function ‘do_indent’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/json-lib.c:37:33: warning[-Wanalyzer-out-of-bounds]: stack-based buffer overflow
# 35|
# 36| memset (indent_buf, ' ', ctx->indent_level + 1);
# 37|-> indent_buf[ctx->indent_level] = '\0';
# 38|
# 39| fputs (indent_buf, ctx->fp);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def206]
glibc-2.39/include/bits/dlfcn.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:27: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_simple.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__gconv_transform_internal_ucs4’
glibc-2.39/bits/dlfcn.h:55:49: warning[-Wanalyzer-jump-through-null]: jump through null pointer
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:432:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘DL_CALL_FCT’
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_simple.c:166: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/string/byteswap.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/byteswap.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_simple.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:350:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:350:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:432:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘DL_CALL_FCT’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:432:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘DL_CALL_FCT’
# 53| */
# 54| # define DL_CALL_FCT(fctp, args) \
# 55|-> (_dl_mcount_wrapper_check ((void *) (fctp)), (*(fctp)) args)
# 56|
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def207]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-acos.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-acos.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def208]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-acosh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-acosh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def209]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-asin.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-asin.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def210]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-asinh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-asinh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def211]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-atan.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-atan.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def212]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-atan2.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-atan2.c:1062:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def213]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-atanh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-atanh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def214]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-acos.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-acos.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def215]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-acosh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-acosh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def216]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-asin.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-asin.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def217]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-asinh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-asinh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def218]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-atan.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-atan.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def219]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-atan2.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-atan2.c:1062:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def220]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-atanh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-atanh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def221]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-cbrt.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-cbrt.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def222]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-cos.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-cos.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def223]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-cosh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-cosh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def224]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-erf.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-erf.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def225]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-erfc.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-erfc.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def226]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-exp.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-exp.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def227]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-exp10.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-exp10.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def228]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-exp2.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-exp2.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def229]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-expm1.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-expm1.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def230]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-hypot.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-hypot.c:1062:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def231]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-log.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-log.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def232]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-log10.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-log10.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def233]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-log1p.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-log1p.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def234]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-log2.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-log2.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def235]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-pow.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-pow.c:1062:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def236]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-sin.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-sin.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def237]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-sinh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-sinh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def238]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-tan.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-tan.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def239]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-tanh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-avx2-tanh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def240]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-cbrt.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-cbrt.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def241]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-cos.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-cos.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def242]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-cosh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-cosh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def243]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-erf.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-erf.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def244]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-erfc.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-erfc.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def245]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-exp.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-exp.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def246]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-exp10.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-exp10.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def247]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-exp2.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-exp2.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def248]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-expm1.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-expm1.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def249]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-hypot.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-hypot.c:1062:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def250]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-log.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-log.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def251]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-log10.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-log10.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def252]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-log1p.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-log1p.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def253]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-log2.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-log2.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def254]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-pow.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-pow.c:1062:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def255]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-sin.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-sin.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def256]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-sinh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-sinh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def257]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-tan.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-tan.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def258]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-tanh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen4-tanh.c:1061:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def259]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-acos.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-acos.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def260]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-acosh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-acosh.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def261]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-asin.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-asin.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def262]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-asinh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-asinh.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def263]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-atan.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-atan.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def264]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-atan2.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-atan2.c:550:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def265]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-atanh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-atanh.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def266]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-cbrt.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-cbrt.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def267]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-cos.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-cos.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def268]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-cosh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-cosh.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def269]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-erf.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-erf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def270]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-erfc.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-erfc.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def271]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-exp.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-exp.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def272]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-exp10.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-exp10.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def273]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-exp2.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-exp2.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def274]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-expm1.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-expm1.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def275]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-hypot.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-hypot.c:550:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def276]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-log.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-log.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def277]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-log10.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-log10.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def278]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-log1p.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-log1p.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def279]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-log2.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-log2.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def280]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-pow.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-pow.c:550:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def281]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-sin.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-sin.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def282]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-sinh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-sinh.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def283]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-tan.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-tan.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def284]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-tanh.c:8:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-double-vlen8-tanh.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def285]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-acosf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-acosf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def286]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-acoshf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-acoshf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def287]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-asinf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-asinf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def288]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-asinhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-asinhf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def289]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-atan2f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-atan2f.c:294:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def290]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-atanf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-atanf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def291]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-atanhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-atanhf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def292]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-cbrtf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-cbrtf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def293]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-cosf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-cosf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def294]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-coshf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-coshf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def295]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-erfcf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-erfcf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def296]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-erff.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-erff.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def297]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-exp10f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-exp10f.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def298]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-exp2f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-exp2f.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def299]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-expf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-expf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def300]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-expm1f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-expm1f.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def301]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-hypotf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-hypotf.c:294:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def302]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-log10f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-log10f.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def303]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-log1pf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-log1pf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def304]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-log2f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-log2f.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def305]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-logf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-logf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def306]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-powf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-powf.c:294:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def307]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-sinf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-sinf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def308]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-sinhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-sinhf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def309]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-tanf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-tanf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def310]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-tanhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen16-tanhf.c:293:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def311]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-acosf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-acosf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def312]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-acoshf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-acoshf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def313]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-asinf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-asinf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def314]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-asinhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-asinhf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def315]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-atan2f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-atan2f.c:550:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def316]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-atanf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-atanf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def317]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-atanhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-atanhf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def318]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-acosf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-acosf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def319]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-acoshf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-acoshf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def320]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-asinf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-asinf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def321]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-asinhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-asinhf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def322]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-atan2f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-atan2f.c:550:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def323]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-atanf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-atanf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def324]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-atanhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-atanhf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def325]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-cbrtf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-cbrtf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def326]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-cosf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-cosf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def327]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-coshf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-coshf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def328]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-erfcf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-erfcf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def329]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-erff.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-erff.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def330]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-exp10f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-exp10f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def331]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-exp2f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-exp2f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def332]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-expf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-expf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def333]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-expm1f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-expm1f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def334]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-hypotf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-hypotf.c:550:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def335]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-log10f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-log10f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def336]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-log1pf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-log1pf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def337]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-log2f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-log2f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def338]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-logf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-logf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def339]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-powf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-powf.c:550:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def340]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-sinf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-sinf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def341]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-sinhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-sinhf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def342]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-tanf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-tanf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def343]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-tanhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-avx2-tanhf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def344]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-cbrtf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-cbrtf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def345]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-cosf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-cosf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def346]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-coshf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-coshf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def347]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-erfcf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-erfcf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def348]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-erff.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-erff.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def349]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-exp10f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-exp10f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def350]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-exp2f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-exp2f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def351]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-expf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-expf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def352]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-expm1f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-expm1f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def353]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-hypotf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-hypotf.c:550:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def354]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-log10f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-log10f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def355]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-log1pf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-log1pf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def356]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-log2f.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-log2f.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def357]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-logf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-logf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def358]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-powf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-powf.c:550:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def359]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-sinf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-sinf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def360]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-sinhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-sinhf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def361]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-tanf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-tanf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def362]
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘main’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-tanhf.c:8:10: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux/benchtests/bench-float-vlen8-tanhf.c:549:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘CALL_BENCH_FUNC’
glibc-2.39/benchtests/bench-libmvec-skeleton.c:64:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘BENCH_FUNC’
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def363]
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:358: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 356|
# 357| obstack_1grow (¤t->mem_pool, '\0');
# 358|-> this_line = (char *) obstack_finish (¤t->mem_pool);
# 359|
# 360| used = 0;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def364]
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:774: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 772| /* Free the memory in the obstack we don't use. */
# 773| obstack_blank (¤t->mem_pool, -(int) outlen);
# 774|-> line = obstack_finish (¤t->mem_pool);
# 775|
# 776| newp = (struct message_list *) xmalloc (sizeof (*newp));
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def365]
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:983: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 981| }
# 982| strings_size = obstack_object_size (&string_pool);
# 983|-> strings = obstack_finish (&string_pool);
# 984|
# 985| /* Compute ARRAY2 by changing the byte order. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def366]
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_out’
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:1094:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-file-leak]: leak of FILE ‘fp’
glibc-2.39/include/obstack.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:34: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:983:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘obstack_finish’
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:983:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘obstack_finish’
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_out’
# 1092| scratch_buffer_free (&buf1);
# 1093| scratch_buffer_free (&buf2);
# 1094|-> }
# 1095|
# 1096|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def367]
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:1094:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘fp’
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:983:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘obstack_finish’
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:983:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘obstack_finish’
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_out’
# 1092| scratch_buffer_free (&buf1);
# 1093| scratch_buffer_free (&buf2);
# 1094|-> }
# 1095|
# 1096|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def368]
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘read_old’
glibc-2.39/catgets/gencat.c:1280:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘set’
# 1278|
# 1279| last = NULL;
# 1280|-> message = set->messages;
# 1281| while (message != NULL)
# 1282| {
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def369]
glibc-2.39/catgets/open_catalog.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__open_catalog’
glibc-2.39/catgets/open_catalog.c:87:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘buf’ where non-null expected
glibc-2.39/catgets/open_catalog.c:86:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘ENOUGH’
<built-in>: note: argument 1 of ‘__builtin_memcpy’ must be non-null
# 85| len = strlen (cat_name);
# 86| ENOUGH (len);
# 87|-> memcpy (&buf[bufact], cat_name, len);
# 88| bufact += len;
# 89| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def370]
glibc-2.39/catgets/open_catalog.c:103:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘buf’ where non-null expected
glibc-2.39/catgets/open_catalog.c:102:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘ENOUGH’
<built-in>: note: argument 1 of ‘__builtin_memcpy’ must be non-null
# 101| len = strlen (cat_name);
# 102| ENOUGH (len);
# 103|-> memcpy (&buf[bufact], cat_name, len);
# 104| bufact += len;
# 105| break;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def371]
glibc-2.39/catgets/open_catalog.c:110:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘buf’ where non-null expected
glibc-2.39/catgets/open_catalog.c:109:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘ENOUGH’
<built-in>: note: argument 1 of ‘__builtin_memcpy’ must be non-null
# 108| len = strlen (env_var);
# 109| ENOUGH (len);
# 110|-> memcpy (&buf[bufact], env_var, len);
# 111| bufact += len;
# 112| break;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def372]
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-tls.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__libc_setup_tls’
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-tls.c:186:3: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘initimage’ where non-null expected
glibc-2.39/include/sys/param.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/hp-timing-common.h:38: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/hp-timing.h:53: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/startup.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/startup.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-tls.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-tls.c:176:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘roundup’
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-tls.c:176:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘roundup’
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-tls.c:177:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘roundup’
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-tls.c:177:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘roundup’
<built-in>: note: argument 2 of ‘__builtin_memcpy’ must be non-null
# 184| _dl_static_dtv[2].pointer.to_free = NULL;
# 185| /* sbrk gives us zero'd memory, so we don't need to clear the remainder. */
# 186|-> memcpy (_dl_static_dtv[2].pointer.val, initimage, filesz);
# 187|
# 188| /* Install the pointer to the dtv. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def373]
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-tls.c:186:3: warning[unix.cstring.NullArg]: Null pointer passed as 1st argument to memory copy function
# 184| _dl_static_dtv[2].pointer.to_free = NULL;
# 185| /* sbrk gives us zero'd memory, so we don't need to clear the remainder. */
# 186|-> memcpy (_dl_static_dtv[2].pointer.val, initimage, filesz);
# 187|
# 188| /* Install the pointer to the dtv. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def374]
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-tls.c:192:3: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'dtv' results in a dereference of a null pointer
# 190| /* Initialize the thread pointer. */
# 191| #if TLS_TCB_AT_TP
# 192|-> INSTALL_DTV ((char *) tlsblock + tcb_offset, _dl_static_dtv);
# 193|
# 194| call_tls_init_tp ((char *) tlsblock + tcb_offset);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def375]
glibc-2.39/elf/cache.c:622:38: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer
# 620| if (opt_format != opt_format_new)
# 621| {
# 622|-> file_entries->libs[idx_old].flags = entry->flags;
# 623| /* XXX: Actually we can optimize here and remove duplicates. */
# 624| file_entries->libs[idx_old].key = str_offset + pad;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def376]
glibc-2.39/elf/cache.c:654:35: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'libs') results in a null pointer dereference
# 652| if (opt_format != opt_format_new
# 653| && idx_old < cache_entry_old_count)
# 654|-> file_entries->libs[idx_old] = file_entries->libs[idx_old - 1];
# 655|
# 656| /* Compute the location of the extension directory. This
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def377]
glibc-2.39/elf/cache.c:700:4: warning[core.VLASize]: Declared variable-length array (VLA) has zero size
# 698| if (opt_format != opt_format_new)
# 699| {
# 700|-> char zero[pad];
# 701| memset (zero, '\0', pad);
# 702| if (write (fd, zero, pad) != (ssize_t) pad)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def378]
glibc-2.39/elf/chroot_canon.c:68:16: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'end' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'end'
# 66| dest = rpath_root + 1;
# 67|
# 68|-> for (start = end = name; *start; start = end)
# 69| {
# 70| struct stat st;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def379]
glibc-2.39/elf/chroot_canon.c:156:8: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'name' is never read
# 154| /* Careful here, end may be a pointer into extra_buf... */
# 155| memmove (&extra_buf[n], end, len + 1);
# 156|-> name = end = memcpy (extra_buf, buf, n);
# 157|
# 158| if (buf[0] == '/')
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def380]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-audit.c:216:13: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'new_value' during its initialization is never read
# 214| unsigned int flags = 0;
# 215| struct audit_ifaces *afct = GLRO(dl_audit);
# 216|-> uintptr_t new_value = (uintptr_t) sym.st_value;
# 217| for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < GLRO(dl_naudit); ++cnt)
# 218| {
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-465): [#def381]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-close.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dl_close_worker’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-close.c:158:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-deref-before-check]: check of ‘map’ for NULL after already dereferencing it
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-close.c:35: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:11: note: in definition of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-close.c:154:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 156| /* Put the dlclose'd map first, so that its destructor runs first.
# 157| The map variable is NULL after a retry. */
# 158|-> if (map != NULL)
# 159| {
# 160| maps[map->l_idx] = maps[0];
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def382]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-close.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dl_close_worker’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-close.c:160:30: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘*maps[0]’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-close.c:35: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:11: note: in definition of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-close.c:154:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 158| if (map != NULL)
# 159| {
# 160|-> maps[map->l_idx] = maps[0];
# 161| maps[map->l_idx]->l_idx = map->l_idx;
# 162| maps[0] = map;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def383]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-debug.c:85:7: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of undefined pointer value
# 83| }
# 84|
# 85|-> if (r->base.r_brk == 0)
# 86| {
# 87| /* Tell the debugger where to find the map of loaded objects.
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def384]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-diagnostics.c:169:55: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '!=' is a garbage value
# 167| empty substring. */
# 168| ;
# 169|-> for (const char *candidate = unfiltered; *candidate != '\0'; )
# 170| {
# 171| size_t candidate_length = strlen (candidate);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-122): [#def385]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dlfo_process_initial’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c:493:51: warning[-Wanalyzer-out-of-bounds]: heap-based buffer overflow
# 491| {
# 492| /* Second pass only. */
# 493|-> _dlfo_nodelete_mappings[nodelete] = dlfo;
# 494| _dlfo_nodelete_mappings[nodelete].map_start
# 495| = ph->p_vaddr + main_map->l_addr;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-122): [#def386]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c:495:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-out-of-bounds]: heap-based buffer overflow
# 493| _dlfo_nodelete_mappings[nodelete] = dlfo;
# 494| _dlfo_nodelete_mappings[nodelete].map_start
# 495|-> = ph->p_vaddr + main_map->l_addr;
# 496| _dlfo_nodelete_mappings[nodelete].map_end
# 497| = _dlfo_nodelete_mappings[nodelete].map_start + ph->p_memsz;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-122): [#def387]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-find_object.c:497:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-out-of-bounds]: heap-based buffer overflow
# 495| = ph->p_vaddr + main_map->l_addr;
# 496| _dlfo_nodelete_mappings[nodelete].map_end
# 497|-> = _dlfo_nodelete_mappings[nodelete].map_start + ph->p_memsz;
# 498| }
# 499| ++nodelete;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def388]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-load.c:402:11: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'l_name') results in a null pointer dereference
# 400|
# 401| /* Determine the length of the substituted string. */
# 402|-> total = DL_DST_REQUIRED (l, input, strlen (input), cnt);
# 403|
# 404| /* Allocate the necessary memory. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def389]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-load.c:1386:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'fd' is never read
# 1384| }
# 1385| /* Signal that we closed the file. */
# 1386|-> fd = -1;
# 1387|
# 1388| /* Failures before this point are handled locally via lose.
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def390]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-load.c:2238:16: warning[core.uninitialized.Branch]: Branch condition evaluates to a garbage value
# 2236| return l;
# 2237| }
# 2238|-> else if (found_other_class)
# 2239| _dl_signal_error (0, name, NULL,
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def391]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-lookup.c:443:4: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'symidx' is never read
# 441| }
# 442| /* No symbol found. */
# 443|-> symidx = SHN_UNDEF;
# 444| }
# 445| else
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def392]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-lookup.c:712:3: warning[unix.cstring.NullArg]: Null pointer passed as 2nd argument to memory copy function
# 710| {
# 711| if (l_reldepsact)
# 712|-> memcpy (&newp->list[0], &undef_map->l_reldeps->list[0],
# 713| l_reldepsact * sizeof (struct link_map *));
# 714| newp->list[l_reldepsact] = map;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def393]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-lookup.c:726:45: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'list') results in a null pointer dereference
# 724| else
# 725| {
# 726|-> undef_map->l_reldeps->list[l_reldepsact] = map;
# 727| atomic_write_barrier ();
# 728| undef_map->l_reldeps->act = l_reldepsact + 1;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def394]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-minimal-malloc.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__minimal_realloc’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-minimal-malloc.c:118:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-argument]: use of possibly-NULL ‘new’ where non-null expected
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-minimal-malloc.c:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:11: note: in definition of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-minimal-malloc.c:114:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
<built-in>: note: argument 1 of ‘__builtin_memcpy’ must be non-null
# 116| alloc_ptr = alloc_last_block;
# 117| void *new = malloc (n);
# 118|-> return new != ptr ? memcpy (new, ptr, old_size) : new;
# 119| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def395]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc-static-pie.c:63:3: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (from variable 'where') results in a null pointer dereference
# 61| /* Relocate ourselves so we can do normal function calls and
# 62| data access using the global offset table. */
# 63|-> ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE (main_map, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
# 64| main_map->l_relocated = 1;
# 65|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def396]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (from variable 'where') results in a null pointer dereference
# 299| /* Do the actual relocation of the object's GOT and other data. */
# 300|
# 301|-> ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE (l, scope, lazy, consider_profiling, skip_ifunc);
# 302|
# 303| #ifndef PROF
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def397]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-runtime.c:327:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'init' is never read
# 325| atomic_store_release (&reloc_result->init, 1);
# 326| }
# 327|-> init = 1;
# 328| }
# 329| else
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-121): [#def398]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-sort-maps.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dl_sort_maps_original’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-sort-maps.c:85:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-out-of-bounds]: stack-based buffer overflow
# 83| uint16_t this_seen = seen[i];
# 84| memmove (&seen[i], &seen[i + 1], (k - i) * sizeof (seen[0]));
# 85|-> seen[k] = this_seen;
# 86|
# 87| goto next;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def399]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c: scope_hint: In function ‘allocate_dtv’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:385:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘dtv’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/param.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:440:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘roundup’
# 383| result = NULL;
# 384|
# 385|-> return result;
# 386| }
# 387|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def400]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:618:18: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘<unknown>’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:570:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 616|
# 617| /* The DTV version is up-to-date now. */
# 618|-> dtv[0].counter = maxgen;
# 619|
# 620| return result;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def401]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/dl-tls.c:31: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:766:29: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'listp' during its initialization is never read
# 764| concurrent store of the value. This is not expected to be an issue
# 765| in practice. */
# 766|-> struct dtv_slotinfo_list *listp = GL(dl_tls_dtv_slotinfo_list);
# 767|
# 768| if (dtv[0].counter < new_gen)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-465): [#def402]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dl_add_to_slotinfo’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-tls.c:1039:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-deref-before-check]: check of ‘listp’ for NULL after already dereferencing it
# 1037| while (listp != NULL);
# 1038|
# 1039|-> if (listp == NULL)
# 1040| {
# 1041| /* When we come here it means we have to add a new element
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def403]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:202: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dl_relocate_object’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:174:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘where’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/ldsodefs.h:64: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/gnu/ldsodefs.h:46: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ldsodefs.h:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:159:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘D_PTR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
glibc-2.39/elf/dynamic-link.h:196:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELR’
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-reloc.c:301:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE’
# 172| for (long int i = 0; (entry >>= 1) != 0; i++) \
# 173| if ((entry & 1) != 0) \
# 174|-> where[i] += l_addr; \
# 175| where += CHAR_BIT * sizeof(ElfW(Relr)) - 1; \
# 176| } \
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def404]
glibc-2.39/elf/ldconfig.c:420:5: warning[unix.Malloc]: Attempt to free released memory
# 418|
# 419| if (opt_chroot != NULL)
# 420|-> free (path);
# 421| }
# 422|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def405]
glibc-2.39/elf/ldconfig.c:847:8: warning[unix.Malloc]: Use of memory after it is freed
# 845| if (!search_aux_cache (&lstat_buf, &flag, &isa_level, &soname))
# 846| {
# 847|-> if (process_file (real_name, file_name, direntry->d_name, &flag,
# 848| &isa_level, &soname, is_link, &lstat_buf))
# 849| {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def406]
glibc-2.39/elf/ldconfig.c:888:33: warning[unix.Malloc]: Use of memory after it is freed
# 886| for the runtime) it will break the symlink and the
# 887| application will fail to start. */
# 888|-> const char *real_base_name = basename (real_file_name);
# 889|
# 890| if (strcmp (real_base_name, soname) != 0)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def407]
glibc-2.39/elf/ldconfig.c:961:7: warning[unix.Malloc]: Attempt to free released memory
# 959| next:
# 960| free (file_name);
# 961|-> free (real_file_name);
# 962| }
# 963|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def408]
glibc-2.39/elf/rtld.c:563:7: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (from variable 'where') results in a null pointer dereference
# 561| data access using the global offset table. */
# 562|
# 563|-> ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE (&bootstrap_map, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
# 564| }
# 565| bootstrap_map.l_relocated = 1;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def409]
glibc-2.39/elf/sotruss-lib.c:203:15: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'l_name') results in a null pointer dereference
# 201| only calls from the main binary. */
# 202| if (fromlist == NULL)
# 203|-> result |= map->l_name[0] == '\0' ? LA_FLG_BINDFROM : 0;
# 204| else
# 205| result |= (match_file (fromlist, full_name, full_name_len,
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def410]
glibc-2.39/elf/sprof.c:1076: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1074| struct known_symbol **existp;
# 1075| struct known_symbol *newsym
# 1076|-> = (struct known_symbol *) obstack_alloc (&shobj->ob_sym,
# 1077| sizeof (*newsym));
# 1078| if (newsym == NULL)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def411]
glibc-2.39/elf/sprof.c:1134: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1132|
# 1133| newsym =
# 1134|-> (struct known_symbol *) obstack_alloc (&shobj->ob_sym,
# 1135| sizeof (*newsym));
# 1136| if (newsym == NULL)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def412]
glibc-2.39/elf/sprof.c:1214: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1212| /* We need a new entry. */
# 1213| struct arc_list *newp = (struct arc_list *)
# 1214|-> obstack_alloc (&ob_list, sizeof (struct arc_list));
# 1215|
# 1216| if (data[cnt].from_pc == 0)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def413]
glibc-2.39/elf/sprof.c:1247: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1245| /* We need a new entry. */
# 1246| struct arc_list *newp = (struct arc_list *)
# 1247|-> obstack_alloc (&ob_list, sizeof (struct arc_list));
# 1248|
# 1249| newp->idx = find_symbol (data[cnt].self_pc);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def414]
glibc-2.39/elf/sprof.c:1249:18: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'idx' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'newp')
# 1247| obstack_alloc (&ob_list, sizeof (struct arc_list));
# 1248|
# 1249|-> newp->idx = find_symbol (data[cnt].self_pc);
# 1250| newp->count = data[cnt].count;
# 1251| newp->next = sym->tos;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def415]
glibc-2.39/hesiod/hesiod.c: scope_hint: In function ‘get_txt_records’
glibc-2.39/hesiod/hesiod.c:441:9: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘dst’
glibc-2.39/include/netinet/in.h:3: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/hesiod/hesiod.c:50: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/inet/netinet/in.h:425:37: note: in definition of macro ‘ntohs’
# 439| for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
# 440| free(list[i]);
# 441|-> free(list);
# 442| return (NULL);
# 443| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def416]
glibc-2.39/hesiod/nss_hesiod/hesiod-grp.c:200:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'status' is never read
# 198| long int val;
# 199|
# 200|-> status = NSS_STATUS_NOTFOUND;
# 201|
# 202| q = p;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def417]
glibc-2.39/locale/findlocale.c:29: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_charset.h:85:19: warning[core.uninitialized.ArraySubscript]: Array subscript is undefined
# 83| {
# 84| char *cp = dst;
# 85|-> while ((*cp++ = __toupper_l (*str++, _nl_C_locobj_ptr)) != '\0')
# 86| /* nothing */;
# 87| return dst;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def418]
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_int.h:36:8: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘*(const struct <anonymous> *)(&bytebuf[2]).r’
glibc-2.39/string/byteswap.h:32:33: note: in definition of macro ‘bswap_16’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-16.c:314:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘get16’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-16.c:376: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-16.c:372: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/string/byteswap.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-16.c:285:14: note: in expansion of macro ‘bswap_16’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/string/byteswap.h:32:33: note: in definition of macro ‘bswap_16’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-16.c:314:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘get16’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/string/byteswap.h:32:33: note: in definition of macro ‘bswap_16’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-16.c:314:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘get16’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 34| const struct { uint16_t r; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)) *__ptr \
# 35| = (__typeof(__ptr))(addr); \
# 36|-> __ptr->r; \
# 37| })
# 38| #define get32(addr) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def419]
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_int.h:42:8: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘*(const struct <anonymous> *)(&bytebuf[4]).r’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:252:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘get32’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:311:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘SUB_COMBINED_UCS_TO_IBM13XX’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:384: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘TO_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘TO_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘TO_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘TO_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:311:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘SUB_COMBINED_UCS_TO_IBM13XX’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:252:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘get32’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:311:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘SUB_COMBINED_UCS_TO_IBM13XX’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:252:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘get32’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:311:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘SUB_COMBINED_UCS_TO_IBM13XX’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 40| const struct { uint32_t r; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)) *__ptr \
# 41| = (__typeof(__ptr))(addr); \
# 42|-> __ptr->r; \
# 43| })
# 44|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def420]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv.c:54:23: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'outbuf')
# 52| (const unsigned char *) (*inbuf + *inbytesleft),
# 53| (unsigned char **) outbuf,
# 54|-> (unsigned char *) (*outbuf + *outbytesleft),
# 55| &irreversible);
# 56|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def421]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv.c: scope_hint: In function ‘iconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv.c:54:44: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘outbuf’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/stdlib/errno.h:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/errno.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
# 52| (const unsigned char *) (*inbuf + *inbytesleft),
# 53| (unsigned char **) outbuf,
# 54|-> (unsigned char *) (*outbuf + *outbytesleft),
# 55| &irreversible);
# 56|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def422]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv_charmap.c: scope_hint: In function ‘add_bytes’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv_charmap.c:277:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘tbl’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv_charmap.c:18: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv_charmap.c:251:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv_charmap.c: scope_hint: In function ‘add_bytes’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv_charmap.c: scope_hint: In function ‘add_bytes’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv_charmap.c: scope_hint: In function ‘add_bytes’
# 275| tbl->val[byte].out = out;
# 276| }
# 277|-> }
# 278|
# 279| /* Try to convert SEQ from WCHAR_T format using CD.
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def423]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv_charmap.c: scope_hint: In function ‘use_to_charmap’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconv_charmap.c:372:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘cd’
# 370| way round. */
# 371| cd = iconv_open (from_code, "WCHAR_T");
# 372|-> if (cd == (iconv_t) -1)
# 373| /* We cannot do anything. */
# 374| return NULL;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def424]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c: scope_hint: In function ‘new_alias’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:440:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘newp’
# 438| newp->toent = strtabadd (strtab, newp->toname, tolen);
# 439| }
# 440|-> }
# 441|
# 442|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def425]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c: scope_hint: In function ‘new_module’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:566:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_module’
# 564| new_module->directory_strent = strtabadd (strtab, directory, dirlen);
# 565| }
# 566|-> }
# 567|
# 568|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def426]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c: scope_hint: In function ‘generate_name_list’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:768:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_name("INTERNAL", strtabadd(strtab, "INTERNAL", 9))’
# 766| newp->strent = strent;
# 767| newp->module_idx = -1;
# 768|-> newp->hashval = __hash_string (str);
# 769|
# 770| ++nnames;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def427]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:768:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_name(&*runp.toname, *runp.toname_strent)’
# 766| newp->strent = strent;
# 767| newp->module_idx = -1;
# 768|-> newp->hashval = __hash_string (str);
# 769|
# 770| ++nnames;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def428]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:768:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_name(**_6.fromname, **_6.fromname_strent)’
# 766| newp->strent = strent;
# 767| newp->module_idx = -1;
# 768|-> newp->hashval = __hash_string (str);
# 769|
# 770| ++nnames;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def429]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c: scope_hint: In function ‘generate_name_list’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:782:3: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_name("INTERNAL", strtabadd(strtab, "INTERNAL", 9))’
# 780|
# 781| /* A name we always need. */
# 782|-> tsearch (new_name ("INTERNAL", strtabadd (strtab, "INTERNAL",
# 783| sizeof ("INTERNAL"))),
# 784| &names, name_compare);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def430]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:791:9: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_name(**_6.fromname, **_6.fromname_strent)’
# 789|
# 790| if (strcmp (module_list[i]->fromname, "INTERNAL") != 0)
# 791|-> tsearch (new_name (module_list[i]->fromname,
# 792| module_list[i]->fromname_strent),
# 793| &names, name_compare);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def431]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:797:11: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_name(&*runp.toname, *runp.toname_strent)’
# 795| for (runp = module_list[i]; runp != NULL; runp = runp->next)
# 796| if (strcmp (runp->toname, "INTERNAL") != 0)
# 797|-> tsearch (new_name (runp->toname, runp->toname_strent),
# 798| &names, name_compare);
# 799| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def432]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:834:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'idx' is never read
# 832| /* First add a special entry for the INTERNAL name. This must have
# 833| index zero. */
# 834|-> idx = name_to_module_idx ("INTERNAL", 1);
# 835| name_info[0].canonical_name = "INTERNAL";
# 836| name_info[0].canonical_strent = strtabadd (strtab, "INTERNAL",
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def433]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c: scope_hint: In function ‘generate_name_info’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:900:31: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘newp’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:838:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 898| if (tonamep != NULL)
# 899| {
# 900|-> struct name *newp = new_name (alias_list[i]->fromname,
# 901| alias_list[i]->froment);
# 902| newp->module_idx = (*tonamep)->module_idx;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def434]
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:906:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘newp’
glibc-2.39/iconv/iconvconfig.c:838:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 904| }
# 905| }
# 906|-> }
# 907|
# 908|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def435]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso8859-4.c:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/8bit-generic.c:59: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:225:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'flags' during its initialization is never read
# 223| #endif
# 224| #ifdef LOOP_NEED_FLAGS
# 225|-> int flags = step_data->__flags;
# 226| #endif
# 227| #ifdef LOOP_NEED_DATA
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def436]
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_simple.c:937: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:418:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'inptr' is never read
# 416| for (inlen = 0; inlen < inend - inptr; inlen++)
# 417| state->__value.__wchb[inlen] = inptr[inlen];
# 418|-> inptr = inend;
# 419| # endif
# 420| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def437]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-kr.c:269: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:401:10: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'outbuf' is never read
# 399| {
# 400| /* We have a problem. Undo the conversion. */
# 401|-> outbuf = outstart;
# 402|
# 403| /* Restore the state. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def438]
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:536:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘irreversible’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:509:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_simple.c:29: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_simple.c:197:24: note: in expansion of macro ‘get32’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__gconv_transform_ucs4_internal’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
# 534| /* Remember how many non-identical characters we
# 535| converted in an irreversible way. */
# 536|-> *irreversible += lirreversible;
# 537|
# 538| break;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def439]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ansi_x3.110.c:401:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ansi_x3.110.c:588: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ansi_x3.110.c:460: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ansi_x3.110.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 399| #define BODY \
# 400| { \
# 401|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 402| int incr; \
# 403| \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def440]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/big5.c:8395:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/big5.c:8585: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/big5.c:8456: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/big5.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 8393| #define BODY \
# 8394| { \
# 8395|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 8396| \
# 8397| if (ch >= 0xa1 && ch <= 0xf9) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def441]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/big5hkscs.c:17819:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/big5hkscs.c:18027: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/big5hkscs.c:17912: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/big5hkscs.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
#17817| { \
#17818| /* No - so look at the next input byte. */ \
#17819|-> ch = *inptr; \
#17820| \
#17821| if (ch >= 0x81 && ch <= 0xfe) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def442]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/cns11643l1.h:41:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-cn.c:205:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-cn.c:205:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 39| return 0;
# 40|
# 41|-> ch2 = (*s)[1];
# 42| if ((ch2 - offset) <= 0x20 || (ch2 - offset) >= 0x7f)
# 43| return __UNKNOWN_10646_CHAR;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def443]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/cp932.c:4545:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/cp932.c:4725: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/cp932.c:4653: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/cp932.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 4543| #define BODY \
# 4544| { \
# 4545|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 4546| \
# 4547| if (ch < 0x80) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def444]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-cn.c:42:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-cn.c:145: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-cn.c:97: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-cn.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 40| #define BODY \
# 41| { \
# 42|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 43| \
# 44| if (ch <= 0x7f) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def445]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jisx0213.c:142:24: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jisx0213.c:420: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jisx0213.c:240: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jisx0213.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 140| } \
# 141| \
# 142|-> ch2 = inptr[1]; \
# 143| \
# 144| /* The second byte must be >= 0xa1 and <= 0xfe. */ \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def446]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jp-ms.c:4684:13: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jp-ms.c:4930: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jp-ms.c:4839: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jp-ms.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 4682| } \
# 4683| \
# 4684|-> ch2 = (unsigned char)inptr[1]; \
# 4685| \
# 4686| /* All second bytes of a multibyte character must be >= 0xa1. */ \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def447]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jp.c:68:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jp.c:215: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jp.c:127: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-jp.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 66| } \
# 67| \
# 68|-> ch2 = inptr[1]; \
# 69| \
# 70| /* All second bytes of a multibyte character must be >= 0xa1. */ \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def448]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-kr.c:77:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-kr.c:159: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-kr.c:113: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-kr.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 75| #define BODY \
# 76| { \
# 77|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 78| \
# 79| if (ch <= 0x9f) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def449]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-tw.c:67:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-tw.c:188: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-tw.c:121: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/euc-tw.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 65| } \
# 66| \
# 67|-> ch2 = *(inptr + 1); \
# 68| \
# 69| /* All second bytes of a multibyte character must be >= 0xa1. */ \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def450]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gb18030.c:24147:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gb18030.c:24407: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gb18030.c:24251: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gb18030.c:27: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
#24145| } \
#24146| \
#24147|-> ch2 = inptr[1]; \
#24148| \
#24149| /* All second bytes of a multibyte character must be >= 0x30. */ \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def451]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gb2312.h:44:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 42| return 0;
# 43|
# 44|-> ch2 = (*s)[1];
# 45| if ((ch2 - offset) <= 0x20 || (ch2 - offset) >= 0x7f)
# 46| return __UNKNOWN_10646_CHAR;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def452]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbbig5.c:4797:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbbig5.c:4970: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbbig5.c:4876: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbbig5.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 4795| #define BODY \
# 4796| { \
# 4797|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 4798| \
# 4799| if (ch <= 0x7f) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def453]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbbig5.c:4886:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbbig5.c:4967: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘TO_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘TO_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 4884| #define BODY \
# 4885| { \
# 4886|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 4887| \
# 4888| if (ch <= 0x7f) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def454]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbgbk.c:45:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbgbk.c:161: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbgbk.c:119: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbgbk.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 43| #define BODY \
# 44| { \
# 45|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 46| \
# 47| if (ch <= 0x7f) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def455]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbgbk.c:133:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbgbk.c:157: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘TO_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:480:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘TO_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 131| problem are the mapping of 0xA1A4 and 0xA1AA but as explained above \
# 132| we do not do anything special here. */ \
# 133|-> unsigned char ch = *inptr++; \
# 134| \
# 135| if (ch > 0x7f) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def456]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbk.c:13142:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbk.c:13498: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbk.c:13213: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/gbk.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
#13140| #define BODY \
#13141| { \
#13142|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
#13143| \
#13144| if (ch <= 0x7f) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def457]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:156:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:387: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:238: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm1364.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 154| #define BODY \
# 155| { \
# 156|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 157| \
# 158| if (__builtin_expect (ch, 0) == SO) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def458]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm930.c:107:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm930.c:281: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm930.c:180: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm930.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 105| #define BODY \
# 106| { \
# 107|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 108| uint32_t res; \
# 109| \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def459]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm932.c:49:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm932.c:213: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm932.c:120: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm932.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 47| { \
# 48| const struct gap *rp2 = __ibm932db_to_ucs4_idx; \
# 49|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 50| uint32_t res; \
# 51| \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def460]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm933.c:105:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm933.c:274: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm933.c:178: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm933.c:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 103| #define BODY \
# 104| { \
# 105|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 106| uint32_t res; \
# 107| \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def461]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm935.c:106:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm935.c:275: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm935.c:179: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm935.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 104| #define BODY \
# 105| { \
# 106|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 107| uint32_t res; \
# 108| \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def462]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm937.c:106:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm937.c:274: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm937.c:179: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm937.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 104| #define BODY \
# 105| { \
# 106|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 107| uint32_t res; \
# 108| \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def463]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm939.c:106:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm939.c:280: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm939.c:179: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm939.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 104| #define BODY \
# 105| { \
# 106|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 107| uint32_t res; \
# 108| \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def464]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm943.c:49:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm943.c:214: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm943.c:121: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ibm943.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 47| { \
# 48| const struct gap *rp2 = __ibm943db_to_ucs4_idx; \
# 49|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 50| uint32_t res; \
# 51| \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def465]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-cn-ext.c:189:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 187| */ \
# 188| if (inptr + 2 > inend \
# 189|-> || (inptr[1] == '$' \
# 190| && (inptr + 3 > inend \
# 191| || (inptr[2] == ')' && inptr + 4 > inend) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def466]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-cn.c:136:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 134| */ \
# 135| if (__builtin_expect (inptr + 2 > inend, 0) \
# 136|-> || (inptr[1] == '$' \
# 137| && (__builtin_expect (inptr + 3 > inend, 0) \
# 138| || (inptr[2] == ')' \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def467]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-jp-3.c:200:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 198| current input buffer. */ \
# 199| if (__builtin_expect (inptr + 2 >= inend, 0) \
# 200|-> || (inptr[1] == '$' && inptr[2] == '(' \
# 201| && __builtin_expect (inptr + 3 >= inend, 0))) \
# 202| { \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def468]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-jp-3.c:325:21: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 323| ch = jisx0213_to_ucs4 ( \
# 324| ((JISX0213_1_2004_set - set + (1 << 3)) << 5) + ch, \
# 325|-> inptr[1]); \
# 326| if (ch == 0) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def469]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-jp.c:279:43: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 277| is not entirely in the current input buffer. */ \
# 278| if (__builtin_expect (inptr + 2 >= inend, 0) \
# 279|-> || (var == iso2022jp2 && inptr[1] == '$' && inptr[2] == '(' \
# 280| && __builtin_expect (inptr + 3 >= inend, 0))) \
# 281| { \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def470]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-jp.c:287:18: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 285| } \
# 286| \
# 287|-> if (inptr[1] == '(') \
# 288| { \
# 289| if (inptr[2] == 'B') \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def471]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-jp.c:374:48: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 372| } \
# 373| \
# 374|-> if (ch == ESC && var == iso2022jp2 && inptr[1] == 'N') \
# 375| { \
# 376| if (set2 == ISO88591_set) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def472]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-kr.c:132:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 130| encoding. We simply ignore it. */ \
# 131| if (__builtin_expect (inptr + 2 > inend, 0) \
# 132|-> || (inptr[1] == '$' \
# 133| && (__builtin_expect (inptr + 3 > inend, 0) \
# 134| || (inptr[2] == ')' \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def473]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-ir-165.h:54:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 52| return 0;
# 53|
# 54|-> ch2 = (*s)[1];
# 55| if (ch2 <= 0x20 || ch2 >= 0x7f)
# 56| return __UNKNOWN_10646_CHAR;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def474]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso_6937-2.c:392:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso_6937-2.c:556: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso_6937-2.c:450: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso_6937-2.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 390| #define BODY \
# 391| { \
# 392|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 393| \
# 394| if (__builtin_expect (ch >= 0xc1, 0) && ch <= 0xcf) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def475]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso_6937.c:392:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso_6937.c:558: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso_6937.c:450: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso_6937.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 390| #define BODY \
# 391| { \
# 392|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 393| \
# 394| if (__builtin_expect (ch >= 0xc1, 0) && ch <= 0xcf) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def476]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/jis0208.h:60:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-jp.c:1033: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-jp.c:460: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:35: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-jp.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 58| return 0;
# 59|
# 60|-> ch2 = (*s)[1];
# 61| if (ch2 < offset || (ch2 - offset) <= 0x20 || (ch2 - offset) >= 0x7f)
# 62| return __UNKNOWN_10646_CHAR;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def477]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/jis0212.h:59:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 57| return 0;
# 58|
# 59|-> ch2 = (*s)[1];
# 60| if (ch2 < offset || (ch2 - offset) <= 0x20 || (ch2 - offset) >= 0x7f)
# 61| return __UNKNOWN_10646_CHAR;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def478]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/johab.c:161:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/johab.c:409: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/johab.c:284: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/johab.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 159| #define BODY \
# 160| { \
# 161|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 162| \
# 163| if (ch <= 0x7f) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def479]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/ksc5601.h:62:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-kr.c:269: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-kr.c:192: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-kr.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-kr.c:169:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/iso-2022-kr.c:169:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 60| return __UNKNOWN_10646_CHAR;
# 61|
# 62|-> ch2 = (*s)[1];
# 63| if (ch2 < offset || (ch2 - offset) <= 0x20 || (ch2 - offset) >= 0x7f)
# 64| return __UNKNOWN_10646_CHAR;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def480]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/shift_jisx0213.c:125:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/shift_jisx0213.c:441: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/shift_jisx0213.c:249: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/shift_jisx0213.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 123| { \
# 124| /* No - so look at the next input byte. */ \
# 125|-> ch = *inptr; \
# 126| \
# 127| if (ch < 0x80) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def481]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/sjis.c:4331:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/sjis.c:4490: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/sjis.c:4429: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/sjis.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 4329| #define BODY \
# 4330| { \
# 4331|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 4332| \
# 4333| if (__builtin_expect (ch, 0) == 0x5c) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def482]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/t.61.c:384:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/t.61.c:508: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/t.61.c:436: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/t.61.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 382| #define BODY \
# 383| { \
# 384|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 385| int increment = 1; \
# 386| \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def483]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/tscii.c:297:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/tscii.c:851: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/tscii.c:520: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/tscii.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 295| #define BODY \
# 296| { \
# 297|-> uint32_t ch = *inptr; \
# 298| \
# 299| if ((*statep >> 8) != 0) \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def484]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/uhc.c:3055:30: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[0]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/uhc.c:3233: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/uhc.c:3157: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/uhc.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:470:47: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_DIRECTION’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 3053| #define BODY \
# 3054| { \
# 3055|-> uint32_t ch = (uint32_t) *inptr; \
# 3056| \
# 3057| /* half-width Korean Currency WON sign \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def485]
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-7.c:288:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘bytebuf[1]’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-7.c:653: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:327:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘FUNCTION_NAME’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-7.c:409: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/dlfcn/dlfcn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-7.c:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:452:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘PREPARE_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:467:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:309:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconvdata/utf-7.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:317:22: note: in definition of macro ‘SINGLE2’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘SINGLE’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:471:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘FROM_LOOP’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘gconv’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
glibc-2.39/iconv/loop.c:374:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘BODY’
# 286| break; \
# 287| } \
# 288|-> if (inptr[1] == '-') \
# 289| { \
# 290| inptr += 2; \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-835): [#def486]
glibc-2.39/include/atomic.h:576:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-infinite-loop]: infinite loop
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_rwlock_common.c:494:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_load_relaxed’
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock64’
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_rwlock_common.c:494:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_load_relaxed’
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_rwlock_common.c:494:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_load_relaxed’
# 574| # define atomic_load_relaxed(mem) \
# 575| ({ __atomic_check_size_ls((mem)); \
# 576|-> __atomic_load_n ((mem), __ATOMIC_RELAXED); })
# 577| # define atomic_load_acquire(mem) \
# 578| ({ __atomic_check_size_ls((mem)); \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def487]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/link.h:51: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:4: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/nsswitch.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/nsswitch.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/netgroup.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/netdb.h:214: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/getnameinfo.c:57: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/getnameinfo.c: scope_hint: In function ‘nrl_domainname’
glibc-2.39/include/atomic.h:589:5: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘domain’
glibc-2.39/nss/getnameinfo.c:188:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_store_release’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/stdlib/errno.h:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/errno.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/getnameinfo.c:56: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:99:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:108:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__lll_lock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:112:35: note: in expansion of macro ‘lll_lock’
glibc-2.39/nss/getnameinfo.c:180:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__libc_lock_lock’
glibc-2.39/nss/getnameinfo.c: scope_hint: In function ‘nrl_domainname’
glibc-2.39/nss/getnameinfo.c:188:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_store_release’
glibc-2.39/nss/getnameinfo.c:188:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_store_release’
# 587| do { \
# 588| __atomic_check_size_ls((mem)); \
# 589|-> __atomic_store_n ((mem), (val), __ATOMIC_RELEASE); \
# 590| } while (0)
# 591|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def488]
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_simple.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__gconv_transform_internal_ucs4’
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:140:35: warning[-Wanalyzer-jump-through-null]: jump through null pointer
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:432:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘DL_CALL_FCT’
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_simple.c:166: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/string/byteswap.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/byteswap.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_simple.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:347:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:139: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:350:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:350:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:432:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘DL_CALL_FCT’
glibc-2.39/iconv/skeleton.c:432:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘DL_CALL_FCT’
# 138| #ifndef SHARED
# 139| # undef DL_CALL_FCT
# 140|-> # define DL_CALL_FCT(fctp, args) ((fctp) args)
# 141| #endif
# 142|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def489]
glibc-2.39/inet/rcmd.c:74: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/inet/rcmd.c: scope_hint: In function ‘iruserfopen’
glibc-2.39/include/stdio_ext.h:9:25: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘res’
glibc-2.39/inet/rcmd.c:509:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__fsetlocking’
glibc-2.39/inet/rcmd.c: scope_hint: In function ‘iruserfopen’
glibc-2.39/inet/rcmd.c:509:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__fsetlocking’
glibc-2.39/inet/rcmd.c:509:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__fsetlocking’
# 7|
# 8| #define __fsetlocking(fp, type) \
# 9|-> ({ int __result = ((fp->_flags & _IO_USER_LOCK) \
# 11| \
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def490]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/adjtime.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/include/sys/timex.h:29: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:395:13: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 393| struct timeval tv;
# 394|
# 395|-> tv.tv_sec = (time_t) tv64.tv_sec;
# 396| tv.tv_usec = (suseconds_t) tv64.tv_usec;
# 397|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def491]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:410:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U 688>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/settimeofday.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__settimeofday64’
# 408| ts64.tv_nsec = tv64.tv_usec * 1000;
# 409|
# 410|-> return ts64;
# 411| }
# 412|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def492]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:410:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U6688>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/settimeofday.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__settimeofday64’
# 408| ts64.tv_nsec = tv64.tv_usec * 1000;
# 409|
# 410|-> return ts64;
# 411| }
# 412|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def493]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:419:15: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 417| struct __timespec64 ts64;
# 418|
# 419|-> ts64.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec;
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def494]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U 5f0>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___sem_timedwait’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def495]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U1980>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_rwlock_clockwrlock’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def496]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U25f0>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___sem_timedwait’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def497]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U2980>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_cond_clockwait’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def498]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U35f0>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___mtx_timedlock’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def499]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U55f0>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___cnd_timedwait’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def500]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U5980>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def501]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U65f0>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘__thrd_sleep’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def502]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U6980>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_cond_clockwait’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def503]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U75f0>’
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_clockjoin.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_clockjoin_np’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def504]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U85f0>’
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_clockjoin.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_clockjoin_np’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def505]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U9980>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_rwlock_clockwrlock’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def506]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ub5f0>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___sem_clockwait’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def507]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ub688>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_mutex_clocklock’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def508]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uc5f0>’
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_timedjoin.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_timedjoin_np’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def509]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ud980>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def510]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ue980>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_settime’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def511]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uf5f0>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___cnd_timedwait’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def512]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uf688>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_mutex_clocklock’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def513]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:422:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uf980>’
glibc-2.39/include/time.h: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock’
# 420| ts64.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
# 421|
# 422|-> return ts64;
# 423| }
# 424|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def514]
glibc-2.39/include/time.h:432:13: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 430| struct timespec ts;
# 431|
# 432|-> ts.tv_sec = (time_t) ts64.tv_sec;
# 433| ts.tv_nsec = ts64.tv_nsec;
# 434|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def515]
glibc-2.39/inet/inet6_option.c:40:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'p' is never read
# 38| /* The rest is filled with zero. */
# 39| memset (p, '\0', len - 2);
# 40|-> p += len - 2;
# 41| }
# 42|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def516]
glibc-2.39/inet/rcmd.c:509:18: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field '_flags' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'res')
# 507|
# 508| /* No threads use this stream. */
# 509|-> __fsetlocking (res, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER);
# 510|
# 511| return res;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def517]
glibc-2.39/inet/rexec.c:129:24: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 127| (void) __close(s2);
# 128| goto bad;
# 129|-> } else if (sa2len != SA_LEN(& {
# 130| __set_errno(EINVAL);
# 131| (void) __close(s2);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def518]
glibc-2.39/intl/dcigettext.c:468: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/intl/eval-plural.h:66:18: warning[core.DivideZero]: Division by zero
# 64| raise (SIGFPE);
# 65| #endif
# 66|-> return leftarg / rightarg;
# 67| case module:
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def519]
glibc-2.39/intl/eval-plural.h:72:18: warning[core.DivideZero]: Division by zero
# 70| raise (SIGFPE);
# 71| #endif
# 72|-> return leftarg % rightarg;
# 73| case plus:
# 74| return leftarg + rightarg;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def520]
glibc-2.39/intl/explodename.c:70:15: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'cp' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'cp'
# 68| look for the language. Termination symbols are `_', '.', and `@'. */
# 69| mask = 0;
# 70|-> *language = cp = name;
# 71| cp = _nl_find_language (*language);
# 72|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def521]
glibc-2.39/intl/loadmsgcat.c:1237:7: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'sysdep_segment_values'
# 1235| invalid:
# 1236| /* This is an invalid .mo file or we ran out of resources. */
# 1237|-> free (domain->malloced);
# 1238| #ifdef HAVE_MMAP
# 1239| if (use_mmap)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def522]
glibc-2.39/io/fts64.c:31: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:683:2: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'cderrno' is never read
# 681| * checking FTS_NS on the returned nodes.
# 682| */
# 683|-> cderrno = 0;
# 684| if (nlinks || type == BREAD) {
# 685| if (fts_safe_changedir(sp, cur, dirfd(dirp), NULL)) {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def523]
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:690:4: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'cderrno' is never read
# 688| cur->fts_flags |= FTS_DONTCHDIR;
# 689| descend = 0;
# 690|-> cderrno = errno;
# 691| (void)__closedir(dirp);
# 692| dirp = NULL;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def524]
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:798:5: warning[unix.cstring.NullArg]: Null pointer passed as 1st argument to memory copy function
# 796| if (ISSET(FTS_NOCHDIR)) {
# 797| p->fts_accpath = p->fts_path;
# 798|-> memmove(cp, p->fts_name, p->fts_namelen + 1);
# 799| } else
# 800| p->fts_accpath = p->fts_name;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def525]
glibc-2.39/io/fts64.c:31: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c: scope_hint: In function ‘fts_build’
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:798:33: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘cp’ where non-null expected
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:708:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘NAPPEND’
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:708:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘NAPPEND’
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:724:22: note: in expansion of macro ‘ISSET’
glibc-2.39/include/dirent.h:5: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:55: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:729:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘_D_EXACT_NAMLEN’
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:755:27: note: in expansion of macro ‘_D_EXACT_NAMLEN’
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:796:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘ISSET’
<built-in>: note: argument 1 of ‘__builtin_memmove’ must be non-null
# 796| if (ISSET(FTS_NOCHDIR)) {
# 797| p->fts_accpath = p->fts_path;
# 798|-> memmove(cp, p->fts_name, p->fts_namelen + 1);
# 799| } else
# 800| p->fts_accpath = p->fts_name;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def526]
glibc-2.39/io/fts.c:837:7: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'cp')
# 835| if (len == sp->fts_pathlen || nitems == 0)
# 836| --cp;
# 837|-> *cp = '\0';
# 838| }
# 839|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def527]
glibc-2.39/io/ftw64-time64.c:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/io/ftw.c: scope_hint: In function ‘add_object’
glibc-2.39/io/ftw.c:262:69: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘newp’
glibc-2.39/io/ftw.c:825:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘NFTW_NAME’
glibc-2.39/io/ftw.c:744:14: note: in expansion of macro ‘LSTAT’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/stat.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/stdlib.h:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/atomic.h:47: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:33: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lock.h:191: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/dirstream.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dirent.h:3: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/io/ftw.c:38: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/io/sys/stat.h:123:36: note: in definition of macro ‘__S_ISTYPE’
glibc-2.39/io/ftw.c:760:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘S_ISDIR’
# 260| newp->dev = st->st_dev;
# 261| newp->ino = st->st_ino;
# 262|-> return __tsearch (newp, &data->known_objects, object_compare) ? 0 : -1;
# 263| }
# 264|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def528]
glibc-2.39/libio/freopen.c: scope_hint: In function ‘freopen’
glibc-2.39/libio/freopen.c:94:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup3(*result._fileno, fd, *result._flags2 << 13 & 524288)’
# 92| opening (a dup operation may run when a file is still pending
# 93| 'install' on VFS). */
# 94|-> if (__dup3 (_IO_fileno (result), fd,
# 95| (result->_flags2 & _IO_FLAGS2_CLOEXEC) != 0
# 96| ? O_CLOEXEC : 0) == -1)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def529]
glibc-2.39/libio/freopen.c:94:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup3(*result._fileno, fd, *result._flags2 << 13 & 524288)’
# 92| opening (a dup operation may run when a file is still pending
# 93| 'install' on VFS). */
# 94|-> if (__dup3 (_IO_fileno (result), fd,
# 95| (result->_flags2 & _IO_FLAGS2_CLOEXEC) != 0
# 96| ? O_CLOEXEC : 0) == -1)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def530]
glibc-2.39/libio/freopen64.c: scope_hint: In function ‘freopen64’
glibc-2.39/libio/freopen64.c:77:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup3(*result._fileno, fd, *result._flags2 << 13 & 524288)’
# 75| opening (a dup operation may run when a file is still pending
# 76| 'install' on VFS). */
# 77|-> if (__dup3 (_IO_fileno (result), fd,
# 78| (result->_flags2 & _IO_FLAGS2_CLOEXEC) != 0
# 79| ? O_CLOEXEC : 0) == -1)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def531]
glibc-2.39/libio/freopen64.c:77:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup3(*result._fileno, fd, *result._flags2 << 13 & 524288)’
# 75| opening (a dup operation may run when a file is still pending
# 76| 'install' on VFS). */
# 77|-> if (__dup3 (_IO_fileno (result), fd,
# 78| (result->_flags2 & _IO_FLAGS2_CLOEXEC) != 0
# 79| ? O_CLOEXEC : 0) == -1)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def532]
glibc-2.39/libio/obprintf.c:99: error[uninitvar]: Uninitialized variable:
# 97| if (buf.base.write_ptr == & + 1)
# 98| /* is in use. Put it into the obstack. */
# 99|-> obstack_1grow (buf.obstack,;
# 100| else if (buf.base.write_ptr != &
# 101| /* Shrink the buffer to the space we really currently need. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def533]
glibc-2.39/locale/findlocale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_nl_find_locale’
glibc-2.39/locale/findlocale.c:310:9: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘__strndup(cp, (long unsigned int)(endp - cp))’
glibc-2.39/locale/findlocale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_nl_find_locale’
# 308| --cp;
# 309| ((struct __locale_data *) locale_file->data)->name
# 310|-> = __strndup (cp, endp - cp);
# 311| }
# 312|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def534]
glibc-2.39/locale/findlocale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_nl_find_locale’
glibc-2.39/locale/findlocale.c:310:9: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘__strndup(cp, (unsigned int)(endp - cp))’
glibc-2.39/locale/findlocale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_nl_find_locale’
# 308| --cp;
# 309| ((struct __locale_data *) locale_file->data)->name
# 310|-> = __strndup (cp, endp - cp);
# 311| }
# 312|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def535]
glibc-2.39/locale/loadarchive.c:153:10: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'ps' during its initialization is never read
# 151| int nranges;
# 152| int cnt;
# 153|-> size_t ps = __sysconf (_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
# 154| int fd = -1;
# 155|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def536]
glibc-2.39/locale/loadarchive.c:455:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'fd' is never read
# 453| if (fd >= 0)
# 454| __close_nocancel_nostatus (fd);
# 455|-> fd = -1;
# 456|
# 457| /* We succeeded in mapping all the necessary regions of the archive.
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def537]
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_nl_intern_locale_data’
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:134:36: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘*(const struct <anonymous> *)data.magic’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:35: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/io/sys/stat.h:125:26: note: in expansion of macro ‘__S_ISTYPE’
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:253:25: note: in expansion of macro ‘S_ISDIR’
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:317:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘__set_errno’
# 132|
# 133| if (__builtin_expect (datasize < sizeof *filedata, 0)
# 134|-> || __builtin_expect (filedata->magic != LIMAGIC (category), 0))
# 135| {
# 136| /* Bad data file. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def538]
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:134:44: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '!=' is a garbage value
# 132|
# 133| if (__builtin_expect (datasize < sizeof *filedata, 0)
# 134|-> || __builtin_expect (filedata->magic != LIMAGIC (category), 0))
# 135| {
# 136| /* Bad data file. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def539]
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_nl_load_locale’
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:245:5: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘filedata’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:247:25: note: in expansion of macro ‘__fstat64_time64’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/io/sys/stat.h:125:26: note: in expansion of macro ‘__S_ISTYPE’
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:253:25: note: in expansion of macro ‘S_ISDIR’
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:317:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘__set_errno’
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:137:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__set_errno’
# 243| if (__builtin_expect (fd, 0) < 0)
# 244| /* Cannot open the file. */
# 245|-> return;
# 246|
# 247| if (__glibc_unlikely (__fstat64_time64 (fd, &st) < 0))
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def540]
glibc-2.39/locale/loadlocale.c:339:7: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'p'
# 337| __munmap ((caddr_t) filedata, st.st_size);
# 338| #endif
# 339|-> return;
# 340| }
# 341|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def541]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap-dir.c: scope_hint: In function ‘charmap_aliases’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap-dir.c:269:31: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘aliases’
# 267| aliases = (char **) xrealloc (aliases,
# 268| (naliases + 2) * sizeof (char *));
# 269|-> aliases[naliases++] = alias;
# 270| }
# 271|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def542]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:387: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 385|
# 386| if (nowtok == tok_code_set_name)
# 387|-> result->code_set_name = obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 388| arg->val.str.startmb,
# 389| arg->val.str.lenmb);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def543]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:391: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 389| arg->val.str.lenmb);
# 390| else
# 391|-> result->repertoiremap = obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 392| arg->val.str.startmb,
# 393| arg->val.str.lenmb);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def544]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:515: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 513|
# 514| if (nowtok == tok_bsymbol)
# 515|-> from_name = (char *) obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 516| now->val.str.startmb,
# 517| now->val.str.lenmb);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def545]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:523: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 521| cmfile->token.val.ucs4);
# 522| obstack_1grow (&result->mem_pool, '\0');
# 523|-> from_name = (char *) obstack_finish (&result->mem_pool);
# 524| }
# 525| to_name = NULL;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def546]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:541:5: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'nowtok' is never read
# 539| {
# 540| step = 2;
# 541|-> nowtok = tok_ellipsis4;
# 542| }
# 543| else if (nowtok == tok_ellipsis2_2)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def547]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:546:5: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'nowtok' is never read
# 544| {
# 545| step = 2;
# 546|-> nowtok = tok_ellipsis2;
# 547| }
# 548| state = 4;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def548]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:598: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 596| /* Copy the to-name in a safe place. */
# 597| if (nowtok == tok_bsymbol)
# 598|-> to_name = (char *) obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 599| cmfile->token.val.str.startmb,
# 600| cmfile->token.val.str.lenmb);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def549]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:606: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 604| cmfile->token.val.ucs4);
# 605| obstack_1grow (&result->mem_pool, '\0');
# 606|-> to_name = (char *) obstack_finish (&result->mem_pool);
# 607| }
# 608|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def550]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:693: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 691|
# 692| if (nowtok == tok_bsymbol)
# 693|-> from_name = (char *) obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 694| now->val.str.startmb,
# 695| now->val.str.lenmb);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def551]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:701: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 699| cmfile->token.val.ucs4);
# 700| obstack_1grow (&result->mem_pool, '\0');
# 701|-> from_name = (char *) obstack_finish (&result->mem_pool);
# 702| }
# 703|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def552]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:748: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 746|
# 747| if (nowtok == tok_bsymbol)
# 748|-> to_name = (char *) obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 749| now->val.str.startmb,
# 750| now->val.str.lenmb);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def553]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:756: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 754| cmfile->token.val.ucs4);
# 755| obstack_1grow (&result->mem_pool, '\0');
# 756|-> to_name = (char *) obstack_finish (&result->mem_pool);
# 757| }
# 758|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def554]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:791: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 789|
# 790| if (nowtok == tok_bsymbol)
# 791|-> from_name = (char *) obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 792| now->val.str.startmb,
# 793| now->val.str.lenmb);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def555]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:799: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 797| cmfile->token.val.ucs4);
# 798| obstack_1grow (&result->mem_pool, '\0');
# 799|-> from_name = (char *) obstack_finish (&result->mem_pool);
# 800| }
# 801| to_name = NULL;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def556]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:808:6: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'state' is never read
# 806| case 99:
# 807| if (nowtok == tok_ellipsis3)
# 808|-> state = 100;
# 809|
# 810| /* Store info. */
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def557]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:828: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 826|
# 827| if (nowtok == tok_bsymbol)
# 828|-> to_name = (char *) obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 829| now->val.str.startmb,
# 830| now->val.str.lenmb);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def558]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:836: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 834| cmfile->token.val.ucs4);
# 835| obstack_1grow (&result->mem_pool, '\0');
# 836|-> to_name = (char *) obstack_finish (&result->mem_pool);
# 837| }
# 838|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def559]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c: scope_hint: In function ‘new_width’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:871:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘from’ where non-null expected
<built-in>: note: argument 1 of ‘__builtin_strlen’ must be non-null
# 869| struct charseq *to_val;
# 870|
# 871|-> from_val = charmap_find_value (result, from, strlen (from));
# 872| if (from_val == NULL)
# 873| {
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def560]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:904: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 902| size_t new_size = result->nwidth_rules + 32;
# 903| struct width_rule *new_rules =
# 904|-> (struct width_rule *) obstack_alloc (&result->mem_pool,
# 905| (new_size
# 906| * sizeof (struct width_rule)));
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def561]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c: scope_hint: In function ‘charmap_new_char’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:948:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘from’ where non-null expected
<built-in>: note: argument 1 of ‘__builtin_strlen’ must be non-null
# 946| struct charseq *newp;
# 947|
# 948|-> len1 = strlen (from);
# 949|
# 950| if (to == NULL)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def562]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:952: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 950| if (to == NULL)
# 951| {
# 952|-> newp = (struct charseq *) obstack_alloc (ob, sizeof (*newp) + nbytes);
# 953| newp->nbytes = nbytes;
# 954| memcpy (newp->bytes, bytes, nbytes);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def563]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:1044: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1042| prefix_len, from, len1 - prefix_len, cnt);
# 1043| obstack_1grow (ob, '\0');
# 1044|-> name_end = obstack_finish (ob);
# 1045|
# 1046| newp = (struct charseq *) obstack_alloc (ob, sizeof (*newp) + nbytes);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def564]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:1046: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1044| name_end = obstack_finish (ob);
# 1045|
# 1046|-> newp = (struct charseq *) obstack_alloc (ob, sizeof (*newp) + nbytes);
# 1047| newp->nbytes = nbytes;
# 1048| memcpy (newp->bytes, bytes, nbytes);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def565]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/charmap.c:1047:20: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'nbytes' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'newp')
# 1045|
# 1046| newp = (struct charseq *) obstack_alloc (ob, sizeof (*newp) + nbytes);
# 1047|-> newp->nbytes = nbytes;
# 1048| memcpy (newp->bytes, bytes, nbytes);
# 1049| newp->name = name_end;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def566]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:321: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 319| struct section_list *newp;
# 320|
# 321|-> newp = (struct section_list *) obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 322| sizeof (*newp));
# 323| newp->next = next;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def567]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:339: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 337| struct element_t *newp;
# 338|
# 339|-> newp = (struct element_t *) obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 340| sizeof (*newp));
# 341| newp->name = name == NULL ? NULL : obstack_copy0 (&collate->mempool,
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def568]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:341: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 339| newp = (struct element_t *) obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 340| sizeof (*newp));
# 341|-> newp->name = name == NULL ? NULL : obstack_copy0 (&collate->mempool,
# 342| name, namelen);
# 343| if (mbs != NULL)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def569]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:345: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 343| if (mbs != NULL)
# 344| {
# 345|-> newp->mbs = obstack_copy0 (&collate->mempool, mbs, mbslen);
# 346| newp->nmbs = mbslen;
# 347| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def570]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:362: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 360| obstack_grow (&collate->mempool, wcs, nwcs * sizeof (uint32_t));
# 361| obstack_grow (&collate->mempool, &zero, sizeof (uint32_t));
# 362|-> newp->wcs = (uint32_t *) obstack_finish (&collate->mempool);
# 363| newp->nwcs = nwcs;
# 364| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def571]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:405: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 403| struct symbol_t *newp;
# 404|
# 405|-> newp = (struct symbol_t *) obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (*newp));
# 406|
# 407| newp->name = obstack_copy0 (&collate->mempool, name, len);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def572]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:407: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 405| newp = (struct symbol_t *) obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (*newp));
# 406|
# 407|-> newp->name = obstack_copy0 (&collate->mempool, name, len);
# 408| newp->order = NULL;
# 409|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def573]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:407:14: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'name' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'newp')
# 405| newp = (struct symbol_t *) obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (*newp));
# 406|
# 407|-> newp->name = obstack_copy0 (&collate->mempool, name, len);
# 408| newp->order = NULL;
# 409|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def574]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c: scope_hint: In function ‘read_directions’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:478:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘rules’
# 476| if (arg->tok == tok_forward)
# 477| {
# 478|-> if (rules[cnt] & sort_backward)
# 479| {
# 480| if (! warned)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def575]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:504:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘rules’
# 502| else if (arg->tok == tok_backward)
# 503| {
# 504|-> if (rules[cnt] & sort_forward)
# 505| {
# 506| if (! warned)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def576]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:530:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘rules’
# 528| else if (arg->tok == tok_position)
# 529| {
# 530|-> if (rules[cnt] & sort_position)
# 531| {
# 532| if (! warned)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def577]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:558:45: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘rules’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/linereader.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:31: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:553:33: note: in expansion of macro ‘_’
# 556|
# 557| /* See whether we have to increment the counter. */
# 558|-> if (arg->tok != tok_comma && rules[cnt] != 0)
# 559| {
# 560| /* Add the default `forward' if we have seen only `position'. */
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def578]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:731: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 729|
# 730| elem->weights = (struct element_list_t *)
# 731|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, nrules * sizeof (struct element_list_t));
# 732| memset (elem->weights, '\0', nrules * sizeof (struct element_list_t));
# 733|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def579]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:747: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 745| null pointer to indicate this. */
# 746| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 747|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 748| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = NULL;
# 749| elem->weights[weight_cnt].cnt = 1;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def580]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:748:35: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'w') results in a null pointer dereference
# 746| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 747| obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 748|-> elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = NULL;
# 749| elem->weights[weight_cnt].cnt = 1;
# 750| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def581]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:775: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 773|
# 774| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 775|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 776| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = val;
# 777| elem->weights[weight_cnt].cnt = 1;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def582]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:776:35: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'w') results in a null pointer dereference
# 774| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 775| obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 776|-> elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = val;
# 777| elem->weights[weight_cnt].cnt = 1;
# 778| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def583]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c: scope_hint: In function ‘insert_weights’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:861:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘weights’ where non-null expected
<built-in>: note: argument 2 of ‘__builtin_memcpy’ must be non-null
# 859| newp = (struct element_t **)
# 860| alloca (max * sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 861|-> memcpy (newp, weights, cnt * sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 862| weights = newp;
# 863| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def584]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:870: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 868| /* Now store the information. */
# 869| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 870|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 871| cnt * sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 872| memcpy (elem->weights[weight_cnt].w, weights,
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def585]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:872:4: warning[unix.cstring.NullArg]: Null pointer passed as 1st argument to memory copy function
# 870| obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 871| cnt * sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 872|-> memcpy (elem->weights[weight_cnt].w, weights,
# 873| cnt * sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 874| elem->weights[weight_cnt].cnt = cnt;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def586]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:872:11: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘weights’ where non-null expected
<built-in>: note: argument 2 of ‘__builtin_memcpy’ must be non-null
# 870| obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 871| cnt * sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 872|-> memcpy (elem->weights[weight_cnt].w, weights,
# 873| cnt * sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 874| elem->weights[weight_cnt].cnt = cnt;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def587]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:893: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 891| iterating over the range. Put a placeholder. */
# 892| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 893|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 894| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = ELEMENT_ELLIPSIS2;
# 895| elem->weights[weight_cnt].cnt = 1;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def588]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:894:35: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'w') results in a null pointer dereference
# 892| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 893| obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 894|-> elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = ELEMENT_ELLIPSIS2;
# 895| elem->weights[weight_cnt].cnt = 1;
# 896| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def589]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:928: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 926| {
# 927| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 928|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 929| if (ellipsis == tok_none)
# 930| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = elem;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def590]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:930:37: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'w') results in a null pointer dereference
# 928| obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 929| if (ellipsis == tok_none)
# 930|-> elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = elem;
# 931| else
# 932| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = ELEMENT_ELLIPSIS2;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def591]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:932:37: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'w') results in a null pointer dereference
# 930| elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = elem;
# 931| else
# 932|-> elem->weights[weight_cnt].w[0] = ELEMENT_ELLIPSIS2;
# 933| elem->weights[weight_cnt].cnt = 1;
# 934| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def592]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1044: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1042| if (elem->mbs == NULL && seq != NULL)
# 1043| {
# 1044|-> elem->mbs = obstack_copy0 (&collate->mempool,
# 1045| seq->bytes, seq->nbytes);
# 1046| elem->nmbs = seq->nbytes;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def593]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1053: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1051| uint32_t wcs[2] = { wc, 0 };
# 1052|
# 1053|-> elem->wcs = obstack_copy (&collate->mempool, wcs, sizeof (wcs));
# 1054| elem->nwcs = 1;
# 1055| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def594]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1102:10: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'next' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from field 'cursor')
# 1100| - the is the ellipsis at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end.
# 1101| */
# 1102|-> endp = collate->cursor->next;
# 1103| assert (symstr == NULL || endp != NULL);
# 1104|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def595]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1265: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1263| `ellipsis_weights' member of `collate'. */
# 1264| elem->weights = (struct element_list_t *)
# 1265|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 1266| nrules * sizeof (struct element_list_t));
# 1267| for (cnt = 0; cnt < nrules; ++cnt)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def596]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1273: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1271| {
# 1272| elem->weights[cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 1273|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 1274| sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 1275| elem->weights[cnt].w[0] = elem;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def597]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1275:28: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'w') results in a null pointer dereference
# 1273| obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 1274| sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 1275|-> elem->weights[cnt].w[0] = elem;
# 1276| elem->weights[cnt].cnt = 1;
# 1277| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def598]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1431: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1429| if (seq != NULL)
# 1430| {
# 1431|-> elem->mbs = obstack_copy0 (&collate->mempool,
# 1432| seq->bytes, seq->nbytes);
# 1433| elem->nmbs = seq->nbytes;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def599]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1444: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1442| obstack_grow (&collate->mempool,
# 1443| &zero, sizeof (uint32_t));
# 1444|-> elem->wcs = obstack_finish (&collate->mempool);
# 1445| elem->nwcs = 1;
# 1446| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def600]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1465: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1463| member of `collate'. */
# 1464| elem->weights = (struct element_list_t *)
# 1465|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 1466| nrules * sizeof (struct element_list_t));
# 1467| for (cnt = 0; cnt < nrules; ++cnt)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def601]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1473: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1471| {
# 1472| elem->weights[cnt].w = (struct element_t **)
# 1473|-> obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 1474| sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 1475| elem->weights[cnt].w[0] = elem;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def602]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1475:31: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'w') results in a null pointer dereference
# 1473| obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 1474| sizeof (struct element_t *));
# 1475|-> elem->weights[cnt].w[0] = elem;
# 1476| elem->weights[cnt].cnt = 1;
# 1477| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def603]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1520:2: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'collate' is never read
# 1518| else
# 1519| /* Reuse the copy_locale's data structures. */
# 1520|-> collate = locale->categories[LC_COLLATE].collate =
# 1521| copy_locale->categories[LC_COLLATE].collate;
# 1522| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def604]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1657: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1655| if (runp->used_in_level != 0)
# 1656| {
# 1657|-> runp->mborder = (int *) obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 1658| nrules * sizeof (int));
# 1659|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def605]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1662:27: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: The expression is an uninitialized value. The computed value will also be garbage
# 1660| for (i = 0; i < nrules; ++i)
# 1661| if ((runp->used_in_level & (1 << i)) != 0)
# 1662|-> runp->mborder[i] = mbact[i]++;
# 1663| else
# 1664| runp->mborder[i] = 0;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def606]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1723:26: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'mbs') results in a null pointer dereference
# 1721| {
# 1722| if (runp->nmbs == 1)
# 1723|-> collate->mbseqorder[((unsigned char *) runp->mbs)[0]] = mbseqact++;
# 1724|
# 1725| runp->wcseqorder = wcseqact++;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def607]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1832: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1830| emit an error, simply append UNDEFINED at the end. */
# 1831| collate->undefined.mborder =
# 1832|-> (int *) obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool, nrules * sizeof (int));
# 1833|
# 1834| for (i = 0; i < nrules; ++i)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def608]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2430: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 2428| into the weight table and the string itself (so that a match can
# 2429| be determined). */
# 2430|-> elem_table = (uint32_t *) obstack_alloc (&extrapool,
# 2431| elem_size * 2 * sizeof (uint32_t));
# 2432| memset (elem_table, '\0', elem_size * 2 * sizeof (uint32_t));
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def609]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2954: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 2952| char *symbuf;
# 2953|
# 2954|-> symbuf = (char *) obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 2955| symbol_len + 1);
# 2956|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def610]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3203: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 3201| else
# 3202| nrules = 1;
# 3203|-> sp->rules = obstack_alloc (&collate->mempool,
# 3204| (sizeof (enum coll_sort_rule)
# 3205| * nrules));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def611]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3282:8: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'state' is never read
# 3280| lr_error (ldfile, _("%s: missing `order_end' keyword"),
# 3281| "LC_COLLATE");
# 3282|-> state = 2;
# 3283|
# 3284| /* Handle ellipsis at end of list. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def612]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3412:8: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'state' is never read
# 3410| lr_error (ldfile, _("%s: missing `order_end' keyword"),
# 3411| "LC_COLLATE");
# 3412|-> state = 2;
# 3413|
# 3414| /* Handle ellipsis at end of list. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def613]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3426:8: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'state' is never read
# 3424| record_error (0, 0, _("\
# 3425| %s: missing `reorder-end' keyword"), "LC_COLLATE");
# 3426|-> state = 4;
# 3427| }
# 3428| else if (state != 2 && state != 4)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def614]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:358:2: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'ctype' is never read
# 356| }
# 357| else
# 358|-> ctype = locale->categories[LC_CTYPE].ctype =
# 359| copy_locale->categories[LC_CTYPE].ctype;
# 360| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def615]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:766: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 764| if (ctype->mbdigits_max == 0)
# 765| {
# 766|-> ctype->mbdigits = obstack_alloc (&((struct charmap_t *) charmap)->mem_pool,
# 767| 10 * sizeof (struct charseq *));
# 768| ctype->mbdigits_max = 10;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def616]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:786: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 784| no input digits defined and none of the standard names in the charmap"));
# 785|
# 786|-> ctype->mbdigits[cnt] = obstack_alloc (&((struct charmap_t *) charmap)->mem_pool,
# 787| sizeof (struct charseq) + 1);
# 788|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def617]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:828: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 826| if (ctype->wcdigits_max == 0)
# 827| {
# 828|-> ctype->wcdigits = obstack_alloc (&((struct charmap_t *) charmap)->mem_pool,
# 829| 10 * sizeof (uint32_t));
# 830| ctype->wcdigits_max = 10;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def618]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1296: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1294| static const struct charseq negative
# 1295| = { .ucs4 = ILLEGAL_CHAR_VALUE };
# 1296|-> uint32_t *newp = obstack_alloc (&repertoire->mem_pool,
# 1297| sizeof (uint32_t));
# 1298| *newp = now->val.ucs4;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def619]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1501: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1499| const char *symbol = repertoire_find_symbol (repertoire,
# 1500| last_wch);
# 1501|-> uint32_t *newp = obstack_alloc (&repertoire->mem_pool,
# 1502| sizeof (uint32_t));
# 1503| *newp = last_wch;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def620]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1870: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1868| return;
# 1869|
# 1870|-> result = (struct translit_t *) obstack_alloc (ob,
# 1871| sizeof (struct translit_t));
# 1872| result->from = from_wstr;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def621]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1897: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1895| {
# 1896| obstack_grow (ob, &zero, 4);
# 1897|-> to_wstr = obstack_finish (ob);
# 1898|
# 1899| *top = obstack_alloc (ob, sizeof (struct translit_to_t));
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def622]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1899: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1897| to_wstr = obstack_finish (ob);
# 1898|
# 1899|-> *top = obstack_alloc (ob, sizeof (struct translit_to_t));
# 1900| (*top)->str = to_wstr;
# 1901| (*top)->next = NULL;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def623]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1900:20: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'str' results in a dereference of a null pointer
# 1898|
# 1899| *top = obstack_alloc (ob, sizeof (struct translit_to_t));
# 1900|-> (*top)->str = to_wstr;
# 1901| (*top)->next = NULL;
# 1902| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def624]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1982: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 1980| {
# 1981| newp = (struct translit_ignore_t *)
# 1982|-> obstack_alloc (&ctype->mempool, sizeof (struct translit_ignore_t));
# 1983| newp->from = from;
# 1984| newp->to = from;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def625]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1983:15: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'from' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'newp')
# 1981| newp = (struct translit_ignore_t *)
# 1982| obstack_alloc (&ctype->mempool, sizeof (struct translit_ignore_t));
# 1983|-> newp->from = from;
# 1984| newp->to = from;
# 1985| newp->step = 1;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def626]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2650:4: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'cnt' is never read
# 2648| /* We count here the number of allocated entries in the `translit'
# 2649| array. */
# 2650|-> cnt = 0;
# 2651|
# 2652| ldfile->translate_strings = 1;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def627]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3326: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 3324| no output digits defined and none of the standard names in the charmap"));
# 3325|
# 3326|-> ctype->mboutdigits[cnt] = obstack_alloc (&((struct charmap_t *) charmap)->mem_pool,
# 3327| sizeof (struct charseq)
# 3328| + 1);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def628]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c: scope_hint: In function ‘add_locale_wctype_table’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3476:30: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘*reorder2[<unknown>]’
# 3474| for (i = 0; i < t->level1_size; i++)
# 3475| if (t->level1[i] != EMPTY)
# 3476|-> t->level1[i] = reorder2[t->level1[i]];
# 3477|
# 3478| t->result_size =
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def629]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_locales’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xstrdup(&**_39.d_name)’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:513:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:513:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘PUT’
# 425| int first_locale = 1;
# 426|
# 427|-> #define PUT(name) tsearch (name, &all_data, \
# 428| (int (*) (const void *, const void *)) strcoll)
# 429| #define GET(name) tfind (name, &all_data, \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def630]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_locales’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xstrdup(&**_40.d_name)’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:513:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:513:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘PUT’
# 425| int first_locale = 1;
# 426|
# 427|-> #define PUT(name) tsearch (name, &all_data, \
# 428| (int (*) (const void *, const void *)) strcoll)
# 429| #define GET(name) tfind (name, &all_data, \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def631]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xstrdup(*aliases)’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:759:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:759:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘PUT’
# 425| int first_locale = 1;
# 426|
# 427|-> #define PUT(name) tsearch (name, &all_data, \
# 428| (int (*) (const void *, const void *)) strcoll)
# 429| #define GET(name) tfind (name, &all_data, \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def632]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xstrdup(cp)’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:594:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/include/argz.h:3: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_locales’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:34: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:537:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__fsetlocking’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:594:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘PUT’
# 425| int first_locale = 1;
# 426|
# 427|-> #define PUT(name) tsearch (name, &all_data, \
# 428| (int (*) (const void *, const void *)) strcoll)
# 429| #define GET(name) tfind (name, &all_data, \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def633]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_archive_locales’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:673:13: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xstrdup(addr + (sizetype)*<unknown>.name_offset)’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
# 671| {
# 672| PUT (xstrdup (addr + namehashtab[cnt].name_offset));
# 673|-> ++ret;
# 674| }
# 675| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def634]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_archive_locales’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:673:13: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xstrdup(addr + *<unknown>.name_offset)’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
# 671| {
# 672| PUT (xstrdup (addr + namehashtab[cnt].name_offset));
# 673|-> ++ret;
# 674| }
# 675| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def635]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:699:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xstrdup(*<unknown>.name)’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
# 697| PUT (xstrdup (names[cnt].name));
# 698|
# 699|-> if (cnt)
# 700| putchar_unlocked ('\n');
# 701|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def636]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_charmaps’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:749:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xstrdup(dirent)’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locale.c:427:28: note: in definition of macro ‘PUT’
# 747| PUT (xstrdup (dirent));
# 748|
# 749|-> aliases = charmap_aliases (CHARMAP_PATH, dirent);
# 750|
# 751| #if 0
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def637]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/localedef.c: scope_hint: In function ‘set_warnings’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/localedef.c:333:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘copy’
# 331| tok++;
# 332| }
# 333|-> while ((*save++ = *tok++) != '\0');
# 334|
# 335| warnings = copy;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def638]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locarchive.c:777:12: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'name_offset' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'namehashent')
# 775| return;
# 776|
# 777|-> if (GET (namehashent->name_offset) == 0)
# 778| {
# 779| /* We are adding a new hash entry for this alias.
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def639]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locfile.c: scope_hint: In function ‘siblings_uncached’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locfile.c:429:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘elems’
# 427| elems = (const char **) xrealloc ((char *) elems,
# 428| (nelems + 2) * sizeof (char **));
# 429|-> elems[nelems++] = other_path;
# 430| }
# 431| else
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def640]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locfile.c:608: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 606| size_t size = obstack_object_size (obstack);
# 607| record_offset (file);
# 608|-> obstack_grow (&file->data, obstack_finish (obstack), size);
# 609| }
# 610|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def641]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/locfile.c:717: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 715| vec[1].iov_base = file->offsets;
# 716| vec[2].iov_len = obstack_object_size (&file->data);
# 717|-> vec[2].iov_base = obstack_finish (&file->data);
# 718| maybe_swap_uint32_array (vec[0].iov_base, 2);
# 719| maybe_swap_uint32_array (vec[1].iov_base, file->n_elements);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def642]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/repertoire.c:239: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 237| obstack_free (&result->mem_pool, from_name);
# 238|
# 239|-> from_name = (char *) obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 240| now->val.str.startmb,
# 241| now->val.str.lenmb);
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def643]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/repertoire.c:302: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 300|
# 301| /* Copy the to-name in a safe place. */
# 302|-> to_name = (char *) obstack_copy0 (&result->mem_pool,
# 303| repfile->token.val.str.startmb,
# 304| repfile->token.val.str.lenmb);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def644]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/repertoire.c: scope_hint: In function ‘repertoire_new_char’
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/repertoire.c:397:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-argument]: use of NULL ‘from’ where non-null expected
<built-in>: note: argument 1 of ‘__builtin_strlen’ must be non-null
# 395| if (to == NULL)
# 396| {
# 397|-> insert_entry (ht, from, strlen (from),
# 398| (void *) (unsigned long int) value);
# 399| /* Please note that it isn't a bug if a symbol is defined more
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def645]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/repertoire.c:402: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 400| than once. All later definitions are simply discarded. */
# 401|
# 402|-> insert_entry (rt, obstack_copy (ob, &value, sizeof (value)),
# 403| sizeof (value), (void *) from);
# 404|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def646]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/repertoire.c:471: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 469| if we have two definitions for a symbol. */
# 470|
# 471|-> insert_entry (rt, obstack_copy (ob, &this_value, sizeof (this_value)),
# 472| sizeof (this_value), (void *) from);
# 473| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-682): [#def647]
glibc-2.39/locale/programs/simple-hash.c:109: error[nullPointerArithmetic]: Pointer addition with NULL pointer.
# 107| {
# 108| /* An empty bucket has been found. */
# 109|-> insert_entry_2 (htab, obstack_copy (&htab->mem_pool, key, keylen),
# 110| keylen, hval, idx, data);
# 111| return 0;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def648]
glibc-2.39/login/login_tty.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__login_tty.part.0’
glibc-2.39/login/login_tty.c:67:36: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup2(fd, 0)’
# 65| }
# 66| #endif
# 67|-> while (__dup2(fd, 0) == -1 && errno == EBUSY)
# 68| ;
# 69| while (__dup2(fd, 1) == -1 && errno == EBUSY)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def649]
glibc-2.39/login/login_tty.c:69:36: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup2(fd, 1)’
# 67| while (__dup2(fd, 0) == -1 && errno == EBUSY)
# 68| ;
# 69|-> while (__dup2(fd, 1) == -1 && errno == EBUSY)
# 70| ;
# 71| while (__dup2(fd, 2) == -1 && errno == EBUSY)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def650]
glibc-2.39/login/login_tty.c:71:36: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup2(fd, 2)’
# 69| while (__dup2(fd, 1) == -1 && errno == EBUSY)
# 70| ;
# 71|-> while (__dup2(fd, 2) == -1 && errno == EBUSY)
# 72| ;
# 73| if (fd > 2)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def651]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utmp_file.c:36: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/login/utmp_file.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__libc_pututline’
glibc-2.39/login/utmp_file.c:361:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup2(new_fd, file_fd)’
glibc-2.39/login/utmp_file.c:354:31: note: in expansion of macro ‘TRANSFORM_UTMP_FILE_NAME’
# 359| return NULL;
# 360|
# 361|-> if (__dup2 (new_fd, file_fd) < 0)
# 362| {
# 363| __close_nocancel_nostatus (new_fd);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def652]
glibc-2.39/malloc/malloc.c:2025: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/malloc/arena.c:781:14: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'next' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'result')
# 779| in that arena and it is currently locked. */
# 780| if (result == avoid_arena)
# 781|-> result = result->next;
# 782|
# 783| /* No arena available without contention. Wait for the next in line. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def653]
glibc-2.39/malloc/malloc.c:2780:15: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'front_misalign' is never read
# 2778| else
# 2779| {
# 2780|-> front_misalign = 0;
# 2781| end_misalign = 0;
# 2782| correction = 0;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def654]
glibc-2.39/malloc/malloc.c:2781:15: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'end_misalign' is never read
# 2779| {
# 2780| front_misalign = 0;
# 2781|-> end_misalign = 0;
# 2782| correction = 0;
# 2783| aligned_brk = brk;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def655]
glibc-2.39/malloc/malloc-debug.c:76: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/malloc/mcheck.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/malloc/mcheck-impl.c:96:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'mcheck_used' is never read
# 94| if (status != MCHECK_OK)
# 95| {
# 96|-> mcheck_used = 0;
# 97| (*abortfunc) (status);
# 98| mcheck_used = 1;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def656]
glibc-2.39/malloc/mcheck-impl.c:98:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'mcheck_used' is never read
# 96| mcheck_used = 0;
# 97| (*abortfunc) (status);
# 98|-> mcheck_used = 1;
# 99| }
# 100| return status;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def657]
glibc-2.39/malloc/obstack.c:182:5: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'limit' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'chunk')
# 180| alignment - 1);
# 181| h->chunk_limit = chunk->limit
# 182|-> = (char *) chunk + h->chunk_size;
# 183| chunk->prev = 0;
# 184| /* The initial chunk now contains no empty object. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def658]
glibc-2.39/malloc/obstack.c:230:5: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'limit' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'chunk')
# 228| alignment - 1);
# 229| h->chunk_limit = chunk->limit
# 230|-> = (char *) chunk + h->chunk_size;
# 231| chunk->prev = 0;
# 232| /* The initial chunk now contains no empty object. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def659]
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/k_casinhl.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/k_casinh_template.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__kernel_casinhl’
glibc-2.39/math/k_casinh_template.c:205:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘<return-value>’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/k_casinhl.c:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/k_casinh_template.c:31:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘CFLOAT’
glibc-2.39/math/k_casinh_template.c:31:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘CFLOAT’
# 203| __imag__ res = M_COPYSIGN (__imag__ res, (adj ? 1 : __imag__ x));
# 204|
# 205|-> return res;
# 206| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def660]
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_cacosl.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_cacos_template.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__cacosl’
glibc-2.39/math/s_cacos_template.c:35:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘res’
# 33| y = M_SUF (__casin) (x);
# 34|
# 35|-> __real__ res = M_MLIT (M_PI_2) - __real__ y;
# 36| if (__real__ res == 0)
# 37| __real__ res = 0;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def661]
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_catanl.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_catan_template.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__catanl’
glibc-2.39/math/s_catan_template.c:42:26: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘res’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_catanl.c:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/math-type-macros-ldouble.h:25:18: note: in definition of macro ‘M_SUF’
glibc-2.39/math/s_catan_template.c:42:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘M_COPYSIGN’
# 40| {
# 41| if (rcls >= FP_ZERO)
# 42|-> __real__ res = M_COPYSIGN (M_MLIT (M_PI_2), __real__ x);
# 43| else
# 44| __real__ res = M_NAN;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def662]
glibc-2.39/math/s_catan_template.c:44:26: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘res’
# 42| __real__ res = M_COPYSIGN (M_MLIT (M_PI_2), __real__ x);
# 43| else
# 44|-> __real__ res = M_NAN;
# 45| __imag__ res = M_COPYSIGN (0, __imag__ x);
# 46| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def663]
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_clog10l.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog10_template.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clog10l’
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog10_template.c:74:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/bits/floatn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/libm-alias-ldouble.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/math-type-macros-ldouble.h:31: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_clog10l.c:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/math-type-macros-ldouble.h:25:18: note: in definition of macro ‘M_SUF’
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog10_template.c:74:30: note: in expansion of macro ‘M_LOG1P’
# 72| if (absx == 1 && scale == 0)
# 73| {
# 74|-> __real__ result = (M_LOG1P (absy * absy)
# 75| * (M_MLIT (M_LOG10E) / 2));
# 76| math_check_force_underflow_nonneg (__real__ result);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def664]
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog10_template.c:83:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
# 81| if (absy >= M_EPSILON)
# 82| d2m1 += absy * absy;
# 83|-> __real__ result = M_LOG1P (d2m1) * (M_MLIT (M_LOG10E) / 2);
# 84| }
# 85| else if (absx < 1
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def665]
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog10_template.c:91:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
# 89| {
# 90| FLOAT d2m1 = (absx - 1) * (absx + 1);
# 91|-> __real__ result = M_LOG1P (d2m1) * (M_MLIT (M_LOG10E) / 2);
# 92| }
# 93| else if (absx < 1
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def666]
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog10_template.c:99:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/math-type-macros-ldouble.h:25:18: note: in definition of macro ‘M_SUF’
# 97| {
# 98| FLOAT d2m1 = M_SUF (__x2y2m1) (absx, absy);
# 99|-> __real__ result = M_LOG1P (d2m1) * (M_MLIT (M_LOG10E) / 2);
# 100| }
# 101| else
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def667]
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog10_template.c:104:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
# 102| {
# 103| FLOAT d = M_HYPOT (absx, absy);
# 104|-> __real__ result = M_SUF (__ieee754_log10) (d) - scale * LOG10_2;
# 105| }
# 106|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def668]
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_clogl.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog_template.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clogl’
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog_template.c:68:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/bits/floatn.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/libm-alias-ldouble.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/math-type-macros-ldouble.h:31: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_clogl.c:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/math-type-macros-ldouble.h:25:18: note: in definition of macro ‘M_SUF’
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog_template.c:68:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘M_LOG1P’
# 66| if (absx == 1 && scale == 0)
# 67| {
# 68|-> __real__ result = M_LOG1P (absy * absy) / 2;
# 69| math_check_force_underflow_nonneg (__real__ result);
# 70| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def669]
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog_template.c:76:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
# 74| if (absy >= M_EPSILON)
# 75| d2m1 += absy * absy;
# 76|-> __real__ result = M_LOG1P (d2m1) / 2;
# 77| }
# 78| else if (absx < 1
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def670]
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog_template.c:84:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
# 82| {
# 83| FLOAT d2m1 = (absx - 1) * (absx + 1);
# 84|-> __real__ result = M_LOG1P (d2m1) / 2;
# 85| }
# 86| else if (absx < 1
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def671]
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog_template.c:92:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/math-type-macros-ldouble.h:25:18: note: in definition of macro ‘M_SUF’
# 90| {
# 91| FLOAT d2m1 = M_SUF (__x2y2m1) (absx, absy);
# 92|-> __real__ result = M_LOG1P (d2m1) / 2;
# 93| }
# 94| else
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def672]
glibc-2.39/math/s_clog_template.c:97:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘result’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
# 95| {
# 96| FLOAT d = M_HYPOT (absx, absy);
# 97|-> __real__ result = M_LOG (d) - scale * M_MLIT (M_LN2);
# 98| }
# 99|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def673]
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_csinl.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_csin_template.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__csinl’
glibc-2.39/math/s_csin_template.c:152:25: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘retval’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_csinl.c:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/math-type-macros-ldouble.h:25:18: note: in definition of macro ‘M_SUF’
glibc-2.39/math/s_csin_template.c:152:27: note: in expansion of macro ‘M_COPYSIGN’
# 150| {
# 151| if (rcls == FP_ZERO)
# 152|-> __real__ retval = M_COPYSIGN (0, negate ? -1 : 1);
# 153| else
# 154| __real__ retval = M_NAN;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def674]
glibc-2.39/math/s_csin_template.c:154:25: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘retval’
# 152| __real__ retval = M_COPYSIGN (0, negate ? -1 : 1);
# 153| else
# 154|-> __real__ retval = M_NAN;
# 155| __imag__ retval = M_NAN;
# 156| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def675]
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_ctanl.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctan_template.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__ctanl’
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctan_template.c:39:28: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘res’
glibc-2.39/include/math.h:7: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctan_template.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctan_template.c:33:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘isinf’
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_ctanl.c:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/math-type-macros-ldouble.h:25:18: note: in definition of macro ‘M_SUF’
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctan_template.c:38:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘M_SINCOS’
# 37| FLOAT sinrx, cosrx;
# 38| M_SINCOS (__real__ x, &sinrx, &cosrx);
# 39|-> __real__ res = M_COPYSIGN (0, sinrx * cosrx);
# 40| }
# 41| else
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def676]
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctan_template.c:42:26: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘res’
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctan_template.c:33:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘isinf’
# 40| }
# 41| else
# 42|-> __real__ res = M_COPYSIGN (0, __real__ x);
# 43| __imag__ res = M_COPYSIGN (1, __imag__ x);
# 44| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def677]
glibc-2.39/build-x86_64-redhat-linux-32/math/s_ctanhl.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctanh_template.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__ctanhl’
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctanh_template.c:52:26: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘res’
glibc-2.39/include/math.h:7: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctanh_template.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctanh_template.c:33:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘isinf’
# 50| {
# 51| if (__real__ x == 0)
# 52|-> __real__ res = __real__ x;
# 53| else
# 54| __real__ res = M_NAN;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def678]
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctanh_template.c:54:26: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘res’
glibc-2.39/math/s_ctanh_template.c:33:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘isinf’
# 52| __real__ res = __real__ x;
# 53| else
# 54|-> __real__ res = M_NAN;
# 55| __imag__ res = M_NAN;
# 56|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def679]
glibc-2.39/misc/lsearch.c:34:16: warning[unix.cstring.NullArg]: Null pointer passed as 1st argument to memory copy function
# 32| {
# 33| /* Not available. Insert at the end. */
# 34|-> result = memcpy (base + (*nmemb) * size, key, size);
# 35| ++(*nmemb);
# 36| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def680]
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: expanded from macro '__glibc_unlikely'
# 525|
# 526| #if (__GNUC__ >= 3) || __glibc_has_builtin (__builtin_expect)
# 527|-> # define __glibc_unlikely(cond) __builtin_expect ((cond), 0)
# 528| # define __glibc_likely(cond) __builtin_expect ((cond), 1)
# 529| #else
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def681]
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c: scope_hint: In function ‘maybe_split_for_insert’
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c:146:45: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘gparentp’
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c:230:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘DEREFNODEPTR’
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c:349:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘SETNODEPTR’
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c:220:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘SETRED’
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c:230:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘DEREFNODEPTR’
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c:230:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘DEREFNODEPTR’
# 144| #define RIGHTPTR(N) (node *)(&(N)->right_node)
# 145| #define SETRIGHT(N,R) (N)->right_node = (uintptr_t)(R)
# 146|-> #define DEREFNODEPTR(NP) (node)((uintptr_t)(*(NP)) & ~((uintptr_t) 0x1))
# 147|
# 148| #endif /* USE_MALLOC_LOW_BIT */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def682]
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c:230:14: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'gparentp')
# 228| if (parentp != NULL && RED(DEREFNODEPTR(parentp)))
# 229| {
# 230|-> node gp = DEREFNODEPTR(gparentp);
# 231| node p = DEREFNODEPTR(parentp);
# 232| /* There are two main cases:
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def683]
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c:351:7: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: The left expression of the compound assignment is an uninitialized value. The computed value will also be garbage
# 349| SETNODEPTR(nextp,q); /* link new node to old */
# 350| q->key = key; /* initialize new node */
# 351|-> SETRED(q);
# 352| SETLEFT(q,NULL);
# 353| SETRIGHT(q,NULL);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def684]
glibc-2.39/misc/tsearch.c:379:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'root' is never read
# 377| return NULL;
# 378|
# 379|-> root = DEREFNODEPTR(rootp);
# 380| CHECK_TREE (root);
# 381|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def685]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_call.c:763:9: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 761| obj = rec_dirsearch (search_name, *dir, &status);
# 762| if (obj == NULL)
# 763|-> result = status;
# 764| }
# 765|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def686]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_call.c:768:33: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer
# 766| if (result == NIS_SUCCESS)
# 767| {
# 768|-> unsigned int server_len = obj->do_servers.do_servers_len;
# 769| if (flags & MASTER_ONLY)
# 770| server_len = 1;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def687]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_callback.c:138:6: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'cp' is never read
# 136| cp = stpcpy (name, cbproc_entry(i)->zo_name);
# 137| *cp++ = '.';
# 138|-> cp = stpcpy (cp, cbproc_entry(i)->zo_domain);
# 139|
# 140| if ((data->callback) (name, cbproc_entry(i), data->userdata))
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def688]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_callback.c:346:10: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 344| return NULL;
# 345| }
# 346|-> port = ntohs (sin.sin_port);
# 347| get_myaddress (&sin);
# 348|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def689]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_creategroup.c: scope_hint: In function ‘*__GI_nis_creategroup.part.0’
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_creategroup.c:63:11: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘<unknown>’
# 61| free (obj->zo_owner);
# 62| free (obj->zo_name);
# 63|-> free (obj);
# 64| return NIS_NOMEMORY;
# 65| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def690]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_defaults.c:337:12: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'result' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'result'
# 335| break;
# 336| default:
# 337|-> return result = (~0U);
# 338| }
# 339| cptr++;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def691]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_defaults.c:344:11: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'result' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'result'
# 342| break;
# 343| default:
# 344|-> return result = (~0U);
# 345| }
# 346| if (*cptr != '\0')
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def692]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_subr.c:185:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'have_point' is never read
# 183| path = strdupa (path);
# 184|
# 185|-> have_point = strchr (name, '.') != NULL;
# 186|
# 187| cp = __strtok_r (path, ":", &saveptr);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def693]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_table.c:98:4: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'search_val'
# 96| if (__glibc_unlikely (val == NULL))
# 97| {
# 98|-> nis_free_request (ibreq);
# 99| return NULL;
# 100| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def694]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_table.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__create_ib_request’
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_table.c:98:11: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘<unknown>’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:35: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_table.c:18: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
# 96| if (__glibc_unlikely (val == NULL))
# 97| {
# 98|-> nis_free_request (ibreq);
# 99| return NULL;
# 100| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def695]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_table.c:98:11: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘search_val’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
# 96| if (__glibc_unlikely (val == NULL))
# 97| {
# 98|-> nis_free_request (ibreq);
# 99| return NULL;
# 100| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def696]
glibc-2.39/nis/nis_table.c:106:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘<unknown>’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
# 104| size += 1;
# 105| nis_attr *newp = realloc (search_val, size * sizeof (nis_attr));
# 106|-> if (newp == NULL)
# 107| goto free_null;
# 108| search_val = newp;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def697]
glibc-2.39/nis/ypclnt.c:250:6: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'ydbptr2' is never read
# 248| ypbindlist = ypbindlist->dom_pnext;
# 249| else
# 250|-> ydbptr2 = ydbptr->dom_pnext;
# 251| __yp_unbind (work);
# 252| break;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def698]
glibc-2.39/nptl/cleanup.c:27:19: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'self' during its initialization is never read
# 25| {
# 26| struct pthread_unwind_buf *ibuf = (struct pthread_unwind_buf *) buf;
# 27|-> struct pthread *self = THREAD_SELF;
# 28|
# 29| /* Store old info. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def699]
glibc-2.39/nptl/cleanup_compat.c:26:19: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'self' during its initialization is never read
# 24| void (*routine) (void *), void *arg)
# 25| {
# 26|-> struct pthread *self = THREAD_SELF;
# 27|
# 28| buffer->__routine = routine;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def700]
glibc-2.39/nptl/nptl_deallocate_tsd.c:24:19: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'self' during its initialization is never read
# 22| __nptl_deallocate_tsd (void)
# 23| {
# 24|-> struct pthread *self = THREAD_SELF;
# 25|
# 26| /* Maybe no data was ever allocated. This happens often so we have
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def701]
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_create.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__pthread_create_2_1’
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_create.c:683:21: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘0’
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_create.c:95: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/allocatestack.c:18: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/allocatestack.c:223:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/ldsodefs.h:64: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/gnu/ldsodefs.h:46: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ldsodefs.h:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_create.c:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/allocatestack.c:329:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘GL’
glibc-2.39/nptl/allocatestack.c:333:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/libc-tsd.h:44: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/localeinfo.h:240: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/ctype.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_create.c:18: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:150:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_exchange_release’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:160:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__lll_unlock’
glibc-2.39/nptl/allocatestack.c:99:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘lll_unlock’
# 681| we do not start the function directly the stillborn thread will
# 682| get the information from its thread descriptor. */
# 683|-> pd->start_routine = start_routine;
# 684| pd->arg = arg;
# 685| pd->c11 = c11;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def702]
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_setspecific.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___pthread_setspecific’
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_setspecific.c:87:16: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘level2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthreadP.h:31: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_setspecific.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/internaltypes.h:143:26: note: in definition of macro ‘KEY_UNUSED’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:246: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/atomic-machine.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/atomic.h:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthreadP.h:27: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_setspecific.c:74:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘THREAD_SETMEM_NC’
# 85| stale data. */
# 86| level2->seq = seq;
# 87|-> level2->data = (void *) value;
# 88|
# 89| return 0;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def703]
glibc-2.39/nptl/pthread_setspecific.c:89:3: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'level2'
# 87| level2->data = (void *) value;
# 88|
# 89|-> return 0;
# 90| }
# 91| versioned_symbol (libc, ___pthread_setspecific, pthread_setspecific,
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def704]
glibc-2.39/nptl/tpp.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__pthread_tpp_change_priority’
glibc-2.39/nptl/tpp.c:94:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘tpp’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/tpp.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:11: note: in definition of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/nptl/tpp.c:86:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 92| if (new_prio != -1)
# 93| {
# 94|-> if (tpp->priomap[new_prio - fifo_min_prio] + 1 == 0)
# 95| return EAGAIN;
# 96| ++tpp->priomap[new_prio - fifo_min_prio];
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def705]
glibc-2.39/nptl/tpp.c:115:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘tpp’
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:11: note: in definition of macro ‘assert’
# 113| }
# 114|
# 115|-> if (priomax == newpriomax)
# 116| return 0;
# 117|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def706]
glibc-2.39/nptl/tpp.c:116:12: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'tpp'
# 114|
# 115| if (priomax == newpriomax)
# 116|-> return 0;
# 117|
# 118| /* See CREATE THREAD NOTES in nptl/pthread_create.c. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-131): [#def707]
glibc-2.39/nss/digits_dots.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__nss_hostname_digits_dots_context’
glibc-2.39/nss/digits_dots.c:139:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-allocation-size]: allocated buffer size is not a multiple of the pointee's size
# 137| memset (*buffer, '\0', size_needed);
# 138|
# 139|-> host_addr = (host_addr_t *) *buffer;
# 140| h_addr_ptrs = (host_addr_list_t *)
# 141| ((char *) host_addr + sizeof (*host_addr));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def708]
glibc-2.39/nss/getaddrinfo.c:1887:10: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of undefined pointer value (loaded from variable 'endp')
# 1885| || (bits = strtoul (cp, &endp, 10)) != ULONG_MAX
# 1886| || errno != ERANGE)
# 1887|-> && *endp == '\0'
# 1888| && bits <= 128
# 1889| && ((val = strtoul (val2, &endp, 10)) != ULONG_MAX
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def709]
glibc-2.39/nss/getaddrinfo.c:2048:12: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of undefined pointer value (loaded from variable 'endp')
# 2046| || (bits = strtoul (cp, &endp, 10)) != ULONG_MAX
# 2047| || errno != ERANGE)
# 2048|-> && *endp == '\0'
# 2049| && bits >= 96
# 2050| && bits <= 128
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def710]
glibc-2.39/nss/getaddrinfo.c:2070:13: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of undefined pointer value (loaded from variable 'endp')
# 2068| || (bits = strtoul (cp, &endp, 10)) != ULONG_MAX
# 2069| || errno != ERANGE)
# 2070|-> && *endp == '\0'
# 2071| && bits <= 32
# 2072| && ((val = strtoul (val2, &endp, 10)) != ULONG_MAX
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def711]
glibc-2.39/nss/grp-merge.c:191:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'c' is never read
# 189| BUFCHECK (len);
# 190| memcpy (&savedbuf[c], members, len);
# 191|-> c += len;
# 192|
# 193| free (members);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def712]
glibc-2.39/nss/initgroups.c:42: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/initgroups-fallback.c:99:22: warning[unix.Malloc]: Use of memory allocated with size zero
# 97| }
# 98|
# 99|-> groups[*start] = grpbuf.gr_gid;
# 100| *start += 1;
# 101| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def713]
glibc-2.39/nss/makedb.c:574:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘nentry’
glibc-2.39/nss/makedb.c: scope_hint: In function ‘process_input’
# 572| }
# 573|
# 574|-> return status;
# 575| }
# 576|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def714]
glibc-2.39/nss/makedb.c: scope_hint: In function ‘process_input’
glibc-2.39/nss/makedb.c:574:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘newp’
glibc-2.39/nss/makedb.c: scope_hint: In function ‘process_input’
# 572| }
# 573|
# 574|-> return status;
# 575| }
# 576|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def715]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-grp.c:156:30: warning[unix.Malloc]: Use of memory after it is freed
# 154| {
# 155| ent->blacklist.current = 1;
# 156|-> ent->[0] = '|';
# 157| ent->[1] = '\0';
# 158| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def716]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-grp.c:625:3: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by ''
# 623| internal_endgrent_noerror (&ent);
# 624|
# 625|-> return result;
# 626| }
# 627|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def717]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-grp.c:689:10: warning[unix.Malloc]: Use of memory after it is freed
# 687| *cp++ = '|';
# 688| *cp = '\0';
# 689|-> return strstr (ent->, buf) != NULL;
# 690| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def718]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-initgroups.c:513:3: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by ''
# 511| internal_endgrent_noerror (&intern);
# 512|
# 513|-> return status;
# 514| }
# 515|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def719]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:196:4: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'buffer' is never read
# 194| dest->pw_shell = buffer;
# 195| strcpy (dest->pw_shell, src->pw_shell);
# 196|-> buffer += strlen (dest->pw_shell) + 1;
# 197| buflen = buflen - (strlen (dest->pw_shell) + 1);
# 198| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def720]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:197:4: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'buflen' is never read
# 195| strcpy (dest->pw_shell, src->pw_shell);
# 196| buffer += strlen (dest->pw_shell) + 1;
# 197|-> buflen = buflen - (strlen (dest->pw_shell) + 1);
# 198| }
# 199| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def721]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:857:17: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'pwd.pw_dir'
# 855| if (plen > buflen)
# 856| {
# 857|-> *errnop = ERANGE;
# 858| return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN;
# 859| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def722]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:857:17: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'pwd.pw_gecos'
# 855| if (plen > buflen)
# 856| {
# 857|-> *errnop = ERANGE;
# 858| return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN;
# 859| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def723]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:857:17: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'pwd.pw_passwd'
# 855| if (plen > buflen)
# 856| {
# 857|-> *errnop = ERANGE;
# 858| return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN;
# 859| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def724]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:857:17: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'pwd.pw_shell'
# 855| if (plen > buflen)
# 856| {
# 857|-> *errnop = ERANGE;
# 858| return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN;
# 859| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def725]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:874:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'buflen' is never read
# 872| {
# 873| /* Give buffer the old len back */
# 874|-> buflen += plen;
# 875| give_pwd_free (&pwd);
# 876| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def726]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:878:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘pwd.pw_dir’
# 876| }
# 877| return NSS_STATUS_RETURN;
# 878|-> }
# 879|
# 880| /* Searches in /etc/passwd and the NSS subsystem for a special user id */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def727]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:878:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘pwd.pw_gecos’
# 876| }
# 877| return NSS_STATUS_RETURN;
# 878|-> }
# 879|
# 880| /* Searches in /etc/passwd and the NSS subsystem for a special user id */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def728]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c: scope_hint: In function ‘getpwuid_plususer’
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-pwd.c:878:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘pwd.pw_passwd’
# 876| }
# 877| return NSS_STATUS_RETURN;
# 878|-> }
# 879|
# 880| /* Searches in /etc/passwd and the NSS subsystem for a special user id */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def729]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-spwd.c:138:4: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'buffer' is never read
# 136| dest->sp_pwdp = buffer;
# 137| strcpy (dest->sp_pwdp, src->sp_pwdp);
# 138|-> buffer += strlen (dest->sp_pwdp) + 1;
# 139| buflen = buflen - (strlen (dest->sp_pwdp) + 1);
# 140| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def730]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-spwd.c:139:4: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'buflen' is never read
# 137| strcpy (dest->sp_pwdp, src->sp_pwdp);
# 138| buffer += strlen (dest->sp_pwdp) + 1;
# 139|-> buflen = buflen - (strlen (dest->sp_pwdp) + 1);
# 140| }
# 141| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def731]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-spwd.c:410:17: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'pwd.sp_pwdp'
# 408| if (plen > buflen)
# 409| {
# 410|-> *errnop = ERANGE;
# 411| return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN;
# 412| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def732]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-spwd.c: scope_hint: In function ‘getspnam_plususer’
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-spwd.c:428:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘pwd.sp_pwdp’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/ctype/ctype.h:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/ctype.h:3: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-spwd.c:18: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:99:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:108:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__lll_lock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:112:35: note: in expansion of macro ‘lll_lock’
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_compat/compat-spwd.c:783:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__libc_lock_lock’
# 426| /* We found the entry. */
# 427| return NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
# 428|-> }
# 429|
# 430|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def733]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_files/files-hosts.c:221:9: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'status' is never read
# 219| *errnop = ERANGE;
# 220| *herrnop = NETDB_INTERNAL;
# 221|-> status = NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN;
# 222| break;
# 223| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def734]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_files/files-hosts.c:416:8: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 2nd function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 414|
# 415| int naliases = 0;
# 416|-> if (__strcasecmp (name, result.h_name) != 0)
# 417| {
# 418| for (; result.h_aliases[naliases] != NULL; ++naliases)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def735]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_files/files-hosts.c:418:15: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'h_aliases') results in an undefined pointer dereference
# 416| if (__strcasecmp (name, result.h_name) != 0)
# 417| {
# 418|-> for (; result.h_aliases[naliases] != NULL; ++naliases)
# 419| if (! __strcasecmp (name, result.h_aliases[naliases]))
# 420| break;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def736]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_files/files-hosts.c:430:11: warning[core.NullDereference]: Array access (via field 'h_aliases') results in an undefined pointer dereference
# 428| /* Determine how much memory has been used so far. */
# 429| // XXX It is not necessary to preserve the aliases array
# 430|-> while (result.h_aliases[naliases] != NULL)
# 431| ++naliases;
# 432| char *bufferend = (char *) &result.h_aliases[naliases + 1];
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def737]
glibc-2.39/nss/fgetgrent_r.c:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_files/files-parse.c:293:6: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p')
# 291| }
# 292| out:
# 293|-> *p = NULL;
# 294| *linep = line;
# 295|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def738]
glibc-2.39/nss/nss_module.c:203:7: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 201|
# 202| __libc_lock_lock (nss_module_list_lock);
# 203|-> bool result = result;
# 204| switch ((enum nss_module_state) atomic_load_acquire (&module->state))
# 205| {
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def739]
glibc-2.39/posix/confstr.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__confstr’
glibc-2.39/posix/confstr.c:286:11: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘string’
glibc-2.39/posix/confstr.c:82:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘KNOWN_PRESENT_ENV_STRING’
glibc-2.39/posix/posix-envs.def:87:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘KNOWN_PRESENT_ENVIRONMENT’
glibc-2.39/posix/posix-envs.def:107:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘UNKNOWN_ENVIRONMENT’
glibc-2.39/posix/posix-envs.def:115:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘UNKNOWN_ENVIRONMENT’
glibc-2.39/posix/posix-envs.def:115:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘UNKNOWN_ENVIRONMENT’
glibc-2.39/posix/posix-envs.def:118:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘END_ENV_GROUP’
# 284| else
# 285| {
# 286|-> memcpy (buf, string, len - 1);
# 287| buf[len - 1] = '\0';
# 288| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def740]
glibc-2.39/posix/fnmatch.c:125: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/fnmatch_loop.c:768:37: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'c' is never read
# 766| {
# 767| cend = startp[1];
# 768|-> c = *p++;
# 769| }
# 770| else
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def741]
glibc-2.39/posix/glob.c:1434: warning[nullPointer]: Possible null pointer dereference: newnames
# 1432| == NULL)
# 1433| goto memory_error;
# 1434|-> newnames->count = count;
# 1435| newnames->next = names;
# 1436| names = newnames;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def742]
glibc-2.39/posix/glob.c:1435: warning[nullPointer]: Possible null pointer dereference: newnames
# 1433| goto memory_error;
# 1434| newnames->count = count;
# 1435|-> newnames->next = names;
# 1436| names = newnames;
# 1437| cur = 0;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def743]
glibc-2.39/posix/glob.c:1439: warning[nullPointer]: Possible null pointer dereference: names
# 1437| cur = 0;
# 1438| }
# 1439|-> names->name[cur] = strdup (;
# 1440| if (names->name[cur] == NULL)
# 1441| goto memory_error;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def744]
glibc-2.39/posix/glob.c:1440: warning[nullPointer]: Possible null pointer dereference: names
# 1438| }
# 1439| names->name[cur] = strdup (;
# 1440|-> if (names->name[cur] == NULL)
# 1441| goto memory_error;
# 1442| ++cur;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def745]
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:986:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘*set.elems’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:1307:19: note: in expansion of macro ‘re_realloc’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:1307:19: note: in expansion of macro ‘re_realloc’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
# 984| set->alloc = 1;
# 985| set->nelem = 1;
# 986|-> set->elems = re_malloc (Idx, 1);
# 987| if (__glibc_unlikely (set->elems == NULL))
# 988| {
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def746]
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:986:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_nodes.elems’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.h:46:26: note: in expansion of macro ‘assume’
glibc-2.39/posix/regexec.c:3083:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘DEBUG_ASSERT’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:973:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘re_malloc’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/include/verify.h:4:21: note: in definition of macro ‘assume’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:1296:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘DEBUG_ASSERT’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.h:46:26: note: in expansion of macro ‘assume’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:1296:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘DEBUG_ASSERT’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
# 984| set->alloc = 1;
# 985| set->nelem = 1;
# 986|-> set->elems = re_malloc (Idx, 1);
# 987| if (__glibc_unlikely (set->elems == NULL))
# 988| {
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def747]
glibc-2.39/posix/regex.c:69: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c: scope_hint: In function ‘re_node_set_init_1’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:986:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘union_set.elems’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex.c:71: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.h:40: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/regex.c:67: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.h:46:26: note: in expansion of macro ‘assume’
glibc-2.39/posix/regexec.c:3014:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘DEBUG_ASSERT’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:1205:25: note: in expansion of macro ‘re_realloc’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:1205:25: note: in expansion of macro ‘re_realloc’
glibc-2.39/include/verify.h:4:21: note: in definition of macro ‘assume’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:1217:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘DEBUG_ASSERT’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.h:46:26: note: in expansion of macro ‘assume’
glibc-2.39/posix/regex_internal.c:1217:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘DEBUG_ASSERT’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/catgets/nl_types.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/nl_types.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/langinfo.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/langinfo.h:3: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/localeinfo.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/regex.c:58: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:528:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_likely’
# 984| set->alloc = 1;
# 985| set->nelem = 1;
# 986|-> set->elems = re_malloc (Idx, 1);
# 987| if (__glibc_unlikely (set->elems == NULL))
# 988| {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def748]
glibc-2.39/posix/regex.c:71: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/regexec.c:818:5: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'match_last' is never read
# 816| if (__glibc_unlikely (err != REG_NOMATCH))
# 817| goto free_return;
# 818|-> match_last = -1;
# 819| }
# 820| else
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def749]
glibc-2.39/posix/sched_cpualloc.c:25:10: warning[unix.MallocSizeof]: Result of 'malloc' is converted to a pointer of type 'cpu_set_t', which is incompatible with sizeof operand type '__cpu_mask'
# 23| __sched_cpualloc (size_t count)
# 24| {
# 25|-> return malloc (CPU_ALLOC_SIZE (count));
# 26| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-415): [#def750]
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c: scope_hint: In function ‘w_addchar’
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:88:9: warning[-Wanalyzer-double-free]: double-‘free’ of ‘buffer’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:37: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:83:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:83:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 86|
# 87| if (buffer == NULL)
# 88|-> free (old_buffer);
# 89| }
# 90|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-415): [#def751]
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c: scope_hint: In function ‘w_addmem’
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:114:9: warning[-Wanalyzer-double-free]: double-‘free’ of ‘buffer’
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:83:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:83:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:109:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:109:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/param.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/hp-timing-common.h:38: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/hp-timing.h:53: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/libc-tsd.h:44: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/localeinfo.h:240: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/ctype.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/param.h:103:21: note: in definition of macro ‘MAX’
# 112|
# 113| if (buffer == NULL)
# 114|-> free (old_buffer);
# 115| }
# 116|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def752]
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:509:10: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential memory leak
# 507| error = w_addword (&glob_list, *word);
# 508| *word = w_newword (word_length, max_length);
# 509|-> for (i = 0; error == 0 && i < glob_list.we_wordc; i++)
# 510| error = do_parse_glob (glob_list.we_wordv[i], word, word_length,
# 511| max_length, pwordexp, ifs, ifs_white);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def753]
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:548:7: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'digit')
# 546| for (digit = *expr; digit && *digit && isspace (*digit); ++digit);
# 547|
# 548|-> if (*digit == '(')
# 549| {
# 550| /* Scan for closing paren */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def754]
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:1444:9: warning[unix.Malloc]: Use of memory allocated with size zero
# 1442| goto no_space;
# 1443| end = value;
# 1444|-> *end = 0;
# 1445| for (p = 1; __libc_argv[p]; ++p)
# 1446| {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def755]
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:1918:10: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'field_end' during its initialization is never read
# 1916| do
# 1917| {
# 1918|-> char *field_end = field_begin;
# 1919| char *next_field;
# 1920|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def756]
glibc-2.39/posix/wordexp.c:2414:3: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'word'
# 2412|
# 2413| /* There was no field separator at the end */
# 2414|-> return w_addword (pwordexp, word);
# 2415|
# 2416| do_error:
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def757]
glibc-2.39/resolv/gai_misc.c:273:36: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'next' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'lastp')
# 271| also no thread running. This is a problem. `errno' is
# 272| set to EAGAIN if this is only a temporary problem. */
# 273|-> assert (requests == newp || lastp->next == newp);
# 274| if (lastp != NULL)
# 275| lastp->next = NULL;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def758]
glibc-2.39/resolv/gai_suspend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___gai_suspend’
glibc-2.39/resolv/gai_suspend.c:180:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U22f8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/link.h:51: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dlfcn.h:4: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/nsswitch.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/nsswitch.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nss/netgroup.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/netdb.h:214: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/resolv/gai_suspend.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/resolv/gai_suspend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___gai_suspend’
# 178|
# 179| if (timeout != NULL)
# 180|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 181|
# 182| return __gai_suspend_time64 (list, ent, timeout != NULL ? &ts64 : NULL);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def759]
glibc-2.39/resolv/getaddrinfo_a.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__getaddrinfo_a’
glibc-2.39/resolv/getaddrinfo_a.c:178:3: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘waitlist’
# 176|
# 177| /* Release the mutex. */
# 178|-> __pthread_mutex_unlock (&__gai_requests_mutex);
# 179|
# 180| return result;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def760]
glibc-2.39/resolv/inet_net_ntop.c:121:2: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'dst' is never read
# 119| if (size < sizeof "/32")
# 120| goto emsgsize;
# 121|-> dst += SPRINTF((dst, "/%u", bits));
# 122| return (odst);
# 123|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def761]
glibc-2.39/resolv/inet_pton.c: scope_hint: In function ‘inet_pton6’
glibc-2.39/resolv/inet_pton.c:226:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘colonp’
# 224| return 0;
# 225| size_t n = tp - colonp;
# 226|-> memmove (endp - n, colonp, n);
# 227| memset (colonp, 0, endp - n - colonp);
# 228| tp = endp;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def762]
glibc-2.39/resolv/ns_print.c:423:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'spaced' is never read
# 421| &buf, &buflen));
# 422| lcnt = 10;
# 423|-> spaced = 0;
# 424| }
# 425| len = SPRINTF((tmp, "%d ", n));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def763]
glibc-2.39/resolv/ns_print.c:463:5: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'spaced' is never read
# 461| T(addstr(" (", 2, &buf, &buflen));
# 462| leader = "\n\t\t";
# 463|-> spaced = 0;
# 464| }
# 465| else
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def764]
glibc-2.39/resolv/ns_print.c:520:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'n' is never read
# 518| n = ns_get16(rdata); rdata += INT16SZ;
# 519| rdata += n; /*%< sig */
# 520|-> n = ns_get16(rdata); rdata += INT16SZ; /*%< original id */
# 521| sprintf(buf, "%d", ns_get16(rdata));
# 522| rdata += INT16SZ;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def765]
glibc-2.39/resolv/ns_ttl.c:54:21: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'src' is never read
# 52| hours = src % 24; src /= 24;
# 53| days = src % 7; src /= 7;
# 54|-> weeks = src; src = 0;
# 55|
# 56| x = 0;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def766]
glibc-2.39/resolv/nss_dns/dns-host.c:523:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'addr' is never read
# 521| {
# 522| /* Unmap. */
# 523|-> addr += sizeof mapped;
# 524| uaddr += sizeof mapped;
# 525| af = AF_INET;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def767]
glibc-2.39/resolv/nss_dns/dns-network.c:387:8: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'cp' is never read
# 385| returns NULL. Incrementing cp has no effect in any case.
# 386| What should I return here. ??? */
# 387|-> cp += n;
# 388| return NSS_STATUS_UNAVAIL;
# 389| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def768]
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_hconf.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_res_hconf_reorder_addrs’
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_hconf.c:438:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘ifaddrs’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/libc-tsd.h:44: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/localeinfo.h:240: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/ctype.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_hconf.c:29: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_hconf.c:369:19: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_load_acquire’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:35: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_hconf.c:27: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:99:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:108:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__lll_lock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:112:35: note: in expansion of macro ‘lll_lock’
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_hconf.c:385:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__libc_lock_lock’
# 436| }
# 437| /* Just keep enough memory to hold all the interfaces we want. */
# 438|-> ifaddrs = realloc (ifaddrs, new_num_ifs * sizeof (ifaddrs[0]));
# 439| assert (ifaddrs != NULL);
# 440|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def769]
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_mkquery.c:164:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'buflen' is never read
# 162| return -1;
# 163| cp += n;
# 164|-> buflen -= n;
# 165| NS_PUT16 (T_NULL, cp);
# 166| NS_PUT16 (class, cp);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def770]
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_send.c:570:11: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'anhp' during its initialization is never read
# 568| const UHEADER *hp = (UHEADER *) buf;
# 569| const UHEADER *hp2 = (UHEADER *) buf2;
# 570|-> UHEADER *anhp = (UHEADER *) *ansp;
# 571| struct sockaddr *nsap = __res_get_nsaddr (statp, ns);
# 572| int truncating, connreset, n;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def771]
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_send.c:856:7: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 3rd function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 855| DIAG_IGNORE_Os_NEEDS_COMMENT (5, "-Wmaybe-uninitialized");
# 856|-> if (__connect (EXT (statp).nssocks[ns], nsap, slen) < 0) {
# 858| __res_iclose(statp, false);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def772]
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_send.c: scope_hint: In function ‘reopen’
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_send.c:856:21: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘slen’
# 855| DIAG_IGNORE_Os_NEEDS_COMMENT (5, "-Wmaybe-uninitialized");
# 856|-> if (__connect (EXT (statp).nssocks[ns], nsap, slen) < 0) {
# 858| __res_iclose(statp, false);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def773]
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_send.c:1176:31: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'thisansp')
# 1174| can abstract out the Linux-specific feature in the
# 1175| future to detect truncation. */
# 1176|-> UHEADER *anhp = (UHEADER *) *thisansp;
# 1177| socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
# 1178| assert (sizeof(from) <= fromlen);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def774]
glibc-2.39/resolv/res_send.c:1302:22: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value
# 1300| static int
# 1301| sock_eq(struct sockaddr_in6 *a1, struct sockaddr_in6 *a2) {
# 1302|-> if (a1->sin6_family == a2->sin6_family) {
# 1303| if (a1->sin6_family == AF_INET)
# 1304| return ((((struct sockaddr_in *)a1)->sin_port ==
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def775]
glibc-2.39/resolv/resolv_conf.c:265:17: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'sin6_family' results in a dereference of a null pointer
# 263| if (resp->nsaddr_list[i].sin_family == 0)
# 264| {
# 265|-> if (resp->_u._ext.nsaddrs[i]->sin6_family != AF_INET6)
# 266| return false;
# 267| if (!same_address ((struct sockaddr *) resp->_u._ext.nsaddrs[i],
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def776]
glibc-2.39/resolv/resolv_conf.c: scope_hint: In function ‘resolv_conf_matches’
glibc-2.39/resolv/resolv_conf.c:265:41: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘0’
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/resolv/resolv_conf.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/resolv/resolv_conf.c:583:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/resolv/resolv_conf.c:621:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:33: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lock.h:191: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/resolv/resolv_conf.c:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:160:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__lll_unlock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:120:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘lll_unlock’
glibc-2.39/resolv/resolv_conf.c:110:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__libc_lock_unlock’
glibc-2.39/resolv/resolv_conf.c: scope_hint: In function ‘resolv_conf_matches’
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:11: note: in definition of macro ‘assert’
# 263| if (resp->nsaddr_list[i].sin_family == 0)
# 264| {
# 265|-> if (resp->_u._ext.nsaddrs[i]->sin6_family != AF_INET6)
# 266| return false;
# 267| if (!same_address ((struct sockaddr *) resp->_u._ext.nsaddrs[i],
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def777]
glibc-2.39/rt/aio_suspend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__aio_suspend’
glibc-2.39/rt/aio_suspend.c:275:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U9da8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/rt/aio_suspend.c:36: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/rt/aio_suspend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__aio_suspend’
# 273|
# 274| if (timeout != NULL)
# 275|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 276|
# 277| return __aio_suspend_time64 (list, nent, timeout != NULL ? &ts64 : NULL);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def778]
glibc-2.39/rt/aio_suspend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__aio_suspend’
glibc-2.39/rt/aio_suspend.c:275:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ueda8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/rt/aio_suspend.c:36: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/rt/aio_suspend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__aio_suspend’
# 273|
# 274| if (timeout != NULL)
# 275|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 276|
# 277| return __aio_suspend_time64 (list, nent, timeout != NULL ? &ts64 : NULL);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def779]
glibc-2.39/rt/lio_listio64.c:27: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/rt/lio_listio-common.c: scope_hint: In function ‘lio_listio_internal’
glibc-2.39/rt/lio_listio-common.c:228:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘waitlist’
glibc-2.39/rt/lio_listio-common.c:255:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘LIO_LISTIO_NEW’
# 226| __pthread_mutex_unlock (&__aio_requests_mutex);
# 227|
# 228|-> return result;
# 229| }
# 230|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def780]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:280:3: note: Taking false branch
# 278| for the other. */
# 279| p.scalesize = 0;
# 280|-> if (p.exponent > 2)
# 281| {
# 282| /* |FP| >= 8.0. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def781]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:280:7: note: Assuming field 'exponent' is <= 2
# 278| for the other. */
# 279| p.scalesize = 0;
# 280|-> if (p.exponent > 2)
# 281| {
# 282| /* |FP| >= 8.0. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def782]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:483:8: note: Taking false branch
# 481| }
# 482| }
# 483|-> else if (p.exponent < 0)
# 484| {
# 485| /* |FP| < 1.0. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def783]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:483:12: note: Assuming field 'exponent' is >= 0
# 481| }
# 482| }
# 483|-> else if (p.exponent < 0)
# 484| {
# 485| /* |FP| < 1.0. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def784]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:655:7: note: Taking true branch
# 653| shift it to the right place and divide it by 1.0 to get the
# 654| leading digit. (Of course this division is not really made.) */
# 655|-> assert (0 <= p.exponent && p.exponent < 3
# 656| && p.exponent + to_shift < BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
# 657|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def785]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:655:15: note: 0 is <= field 'exponent'
# 653| shift it to the right place and divide it by 1.0 to get the
# 654| leading digit. (Of course this division is not really made.) */
# 655|-> assert (0 <= p.exponent && p.exponent < 3
# 656| && p.exponent + to_shift < BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
# 657|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def786]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:655:15: note: Left side of '&&' is true
# 653| shift it to the right place and divide it by 1.0 to get the
# 654| leading digit. (Of course this division is not really made.) */
# 655|-> assert (0 <= p.exponent && p.exponent < 3
# 656| && p.exponent + to_shift < BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
# 657|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def787]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:655:36: note: Field 'exponent' is < 3
# 653| shift it to the right place and divide it by 1.0 to get the
# 654| leading digit. (Of course this division is not really made.) */
# 655|-> assert (0 <= p.exponent && p.exponent < 3
# 656| && p.exponent + to_shift < BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
# 657|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def788]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:656:11: note: Assuming the condition is true
# 654| leading digit. (Of course this division is not really made.) */
# 655| assert (0 <= p.exponent && p.exponent < 3
# 656|-> && p.exponent + to_shift < BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
# 657|
# 658| /* Now shift the input value to its right place. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def789]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:676:5: note: Taking true branch
# 674| char spec = _tolower (info->spec);
# 675|
# 676|-> if (spec == 'e')
# 677| {
# 678| p.type = info->spec;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def790]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:676:9: note: Assuming the condition is true
# 674| char spec = _tolower (info->spec);
# 675|
# 676|-> if (spec == 'e')
# 677| {
# 678| p.type = info->spec;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def791]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:680:30: note: '?' condition is false
# 678| p.type = info->spec;
# 679| intdig_max = 1;
# 680|-> fracdig_min = fracdig_max = info->prec < 0 ? 6 : info->prec;
# 681| chars_needed = 1 + 1 + (size_t) fracdig_max + 1 + 1 + 4;
# 682| /* d . ddd e +- ddd */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def792]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:680:30: note: Assuming field 'prec' is >= 0
# 678| p.type = info->spec;
# 679| intdig_max = 1;
# 680|-> fracdig_min = fracdig_max = info->prec < 0 ? 6 : info->prec;
# 681| chars_needed = 1 + 1 + (size_t) fracdig_max + 1 + 1 + 4;
# 682| /* d . ddd e +- ddd */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def793]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:738:5: note: Taking false branch
# 736| other output. If the amount of memory we have to allocate is too
# 737| large use `malloc' instead of `alloca'. */
# 738|-> if (__glibc_unlikely (chars_needed >= (size_t) -1 - 2
# 739| || chars_needed < fracdig_max))
# 740| {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def794]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:738:27: note: Left side of '||' is false
# 736| other output. If the amount of memory we have to allocate is too
# 737| large use `malloc' instead of `alloca'. */
# 738|-> if (__glibc_unlikely (chars_needed >= (size_t) -1 - 2
# 739| || chars_needed < fracdig_max))
# 740| {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def795]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:739:9: note: Assuming 'chars_needed' is >= 'fracdig_max'
# 737| large use `malloc' instead of `alloca'. */
# 738| if (__glibc_unlikely (chars_needed >= (size_t) -1 - 2
# 739|-> || chars_needed < fracdig_max))
# 740| {
# 741| /* Some overflow occurred. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def796]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:748:5: note: Taking false branch
# 746| size_t wbuffer_to_alloc = 2 + chars_needed;
# 747| buffer_malloced = ! __libc_use_alloca (wbuffer_to_alloc);
# 748|-> if (__builtin_expect (buffer_malloced, 0))
# 749| {
# 750| wbuffer = malloc (wbuffer_to_alloc);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def797]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:763:9: note: Assuming field 'expsign' is equal to 0
# 761|
# 762| /* Do the real work: put digits in allocated buffer. */
# 763|-> if (p.expsign == 0 || p.type != 'f')
# 764| {
# 765| assert (p.expsign == 0 || intdig_max == 1);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def798]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:763:24: note: Left side of '||' is true
# 761|
# 762| /* Do the real work: put digits in allocated buffer. */
# 763|-> if (p.expsign == 0 || p.type != 'f')
# 764| {
# 765| assert (p.expsign == 0 || intdig_max == 1);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def799]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:765:12: note: Field 'expsign' is equal to 0
# 763| if (p.expsign == 0 || p.type != 'f')
# 764| {
# 765|-> assert (p.expsign == 0 || intdig_max == 1);
# 766| while (intdig_no < intdig_max)
# 767| {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def800]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:765:25: note: Left side of '||' is true
# 763| if (p.expsign == 0 || p.type != 'f')
# 764| {
# 765|-> assert (p.expsign == 0 || intdig_max == 1);
# 766| while (intdig_no < intdig_max)
# 767| {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def801]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:766:2: note: Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 771
# 764| {
# 765| assert (p.expsign == 0 || intdig_max == 1);
# 766|-> while (intdig_no < intdig_max)
# 767| {
# 768| ++intdig_no;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def802]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:766:2: note: Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
# 764| {
# 765| assert (p.expsign == 0 || intdig_max == 1);
# 766|-> while (intdig_no < intdig_max)
# 767| {
# 768| ++intdig_no;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def803]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:772:6: note: Assuming field 'alt' is 0
# 770| }
# 771| significant = 1;
# 772|-> if (info->alt
# 773| || fracdig_min > 0
# 774| || (fracdig_max > 0 && (p.fracsize > 1 || p.frac[0] != 0)))
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def804]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:772:6: note: Left side of '||' is false
# 770| }
# 771| significant = 1;
# 772|-> if (info->alt
# 773| || fracdig_min > 0
# 774| || (fracdig_max > 0 && (p.fracsize > 1 || p.frac[0] != 0)))
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def805]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:773:9: note: Assuming 'fracdig_min' is <= 0
# 771| significant = 1;
# 772| if (info->alt
# 773|-> || fracdig_min > 0
# 774| || (fracdig_max > 0 && (p.fracsize > 1 || p.frac[0] != 0)))
# 775| *wcp++ = decimal;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def806]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:774:10: note: 'fracdig_max' is <= 0
# 772| if (info->alt
# 773| || fracdig_min > 0
# 774|-> || (fracdig_max > 0 && (p.fracsize > 1 || p.frac[0] != 0)))
# 775| *wcp++ = decimal;
# 776| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def807]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:774:26: note: Left side of '&&' is false
# 772| if (info->alt
# 773| || fracdig_min > 0
# 774|-> || (fracdig_max > 0 && (p.fracsize > 1 || p.frac[0] != 0)))
# 775| *wcp++ = decimal;
# 776| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def808]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:789:12: note: Left side of '||' is false
# 787| int fracdig_no = 0;
# 788| int added_zeros = 0;
# 789|-> while (fracdig_no < fracdig_min + added_zeros
# 790| || (fracdig_no < fracdig_max && (p.fracsize > 1 || p.frac[0] != 0)))
# 791| {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def809]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:790:9: note: 'fracdig_no' is >= 'fracdig_max'
# 788| int added_zeros = 0;
# 789| while (fracdig_no < fracdig_min + added_zeros
# 790|-> || (fracdig_no < fracdig_max && (p.fracsize > 1 || p.frac[0] != 0)))
# 791| {
# 792| ++fracdig_no;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def810]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:790:34: note: Left side of '&&' is false
# 788| int added_zeros = 0;
# 789| while (fracdig_no < fracdig_min + added_zeros
# 790|-> || (fracdig_no < fracdig_max && (p.fracsize > 1 || p.frac[0] != 0)))
# 791| {
# 792| ++fracdig_no;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def811]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:805:5: note: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 803|
# 804| /* Do rounding. */
# 805|-> char last_digit = wcp[-1] != decimal ? wcp[-1] : wcp[-2];
# 806| char next_digit = hack_digit (&p);
# 807| bool more_bits;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def812]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:805:5: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 803|
# 804| /* Do rounding. */
# 805|-> char last_digit = wcp[-1] != decimal ? wcp[-1] : wcp[-2];
# 806| char next_digit = hack_digit (&p);
# 807| bool more_bits;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def813]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:805:23: note: '?' condition is false
# 803|
# 804| /* Do rounding. */
# 805|-> char last_digit = wcp[-1] != decimal ? wcp[-1] : wcp[-2];
# 806| char next_digit = hack_digit (&p);
# 807| bool more_bits;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def814]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:805:23: note: Assuming the condition is false
# 803|
# 804| /* Do rounding. */
# 805|-> char last_digit = wcp[-1] != decimal ? wcp[-1] : wcp[-2];
# 806| char next_digit = hack_digit (&p);
# 807| bool more_bits;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def815]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/printf_fp.c:898:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'fracdig_max' is never read
# 896| fracdig_no += intdig_no;
# 897| intdig_no = 1;
# 898|-> fracdig_max = intdig_max - intdig_no;
# 899| ++p.exponent;
# 900| /* Now we must print the p.exponent. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def816]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/vfwscanf-internal.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/vfscanf-internal.c:912:4: warning[unix.MallocSizeof]: Result of 'malloc' is converted to a pointer of type 'char', which is incompatible with sizeof operand type 'wchar_t'
# 910| width = 1;
# 911|
# 912|-> STRING_ARG (wstr, wchar_t, (width > 1024 ? 1024 : width));
# 913|
# 914| c = inchar ();
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def817]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/vfscanf-internal.c:1257:6: warning[unix.MallocSizeof]: Result of 'malloc' is converted to a pointer of type 'char', which is incompatible with sizeof operand type 'wchar_t'
# 1255|
# 1256| /* Wide character string. */
# 1257|-> STRING_ARG (wstr, wchar_t, 100);
# 1258|
# 1259| c = inchar ();
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def818]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/vfscanf-internal.c:2550:6: warning[unix.MallocSizeof]: Result of 'malloc' is converted to a pointer of type 'char', which is incompatible with sizeof operand type 'wchar_t'
# 2548| case L_('['): /* Character class. */
# 2549| if (flags & LONG)
# 2550|-> STRING_ARG (wstr, wchar_t, 100);
# 2551| else
# 2552| STRING_ARG (str, char, 100);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def819]
glibc-2.39/stdio-common/vfscanf-internal.c:3122:8: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'ptrs_to_free' is never read
# 3120| }
# 3121| p = p->next;
# 3122|-> ptrs_to_free = p;
# 3123| }
# 3124| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def820]
glibc-2.39/stdlib/arc4random.c:99:3: warning[core.uninitialized.UndefReturn]: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller
# 97| uint32_t r;
# 98| __arc4random_buf (&r, sizeof (r));
# 99|-> return r;
# 100| }
# 101| libc_hidden_def (__arc4random)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def821]
glibc-2.39/stdlib/arc4random.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__arc4random’
glibc-2.39/stdlib/arc4random.c:99:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘r’
glibc-2.39/stdlib/arc4random.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__arc4random’
glibc-2.39/stdlib/arc4random.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__arc4random’
# 97| uint32_t r;
# 98| __arc4random_buf (&r, sizeof (r));
# 99|-> return r;
# 100| }
# 101| libc_hidden_def (__arc4random)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def822]
glibc-2.39/stdlib/canonicalize.c:342:15: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'name' is never read
# 340| /* Careful here, end may be a pointer into extra_buf... */
# 341| memmove (&extra_buf[n], end, len + 1);
# 342|-> name = end = memcpy (extra_buf, buf, n);
# 343| end_in_extra_buffer = true;
# 344|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def823]
glibc-2.39/include/errno.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/atomic-machine.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/atomic.h:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:33: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lock.h:191: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/dirstream.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dirent.h:3: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/stdlib/errno.h:38:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(12)’
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:76:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘errno’
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:76:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘errno’
# 36| /* The error code set by various library functions. */
# 37| extern int *__errno_location (void) __THROW __attribute_const__;
# 38|-> # define errno (*__errno_location ())
# 39|
# 40| # ifdef __USE_GNU
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def824]
glibc-2.39/include/errno.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/nptl/tls.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/atomic-machine.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/atomic.h:49: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:33: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lock.h:191: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/dirstream.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/dirent.h:3: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/stdlib/errno.h:38:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(24)’
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:76:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘errno’
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:76:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘errno’
# 36| /* The error code set by various library functions. */
# 37| extern int *__errno_location (void) __THROW __attribute_const__;
# 38|-> # define errno (*__errno_location ())
# 39|
# 40| # ifdef __USE_GNU
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def825]
glibc-2.39/stdlib/setenv.c:216: error[legacyUninitvar]: Uninitialized variable: np
# 214| }
# 215|
# 216|-> *ep = np;
# 217| }
# 218|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def826]
glibc-2.39/stdlib/strfmon_l.c:117:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'int_format' is never read
# 115|
# 116| /* Defaults for formatting. */
# 117|-> int_format = 0; /* Use international curr. symbol */
# 118| print_curr_symbol = 1; /* Print the currency symbol. */
# 119| left_prec = -1; /* No left precision specified. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def827]
glibc-2.39/stdlib/strtoll_l.c:30: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/stdlib/strtol_l.c:394:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'i' is never read
# 392|
# 393| overflow = 0;
# 394|-> i = 0;
# 395| c = *s;
# 396| if (sizeof (long int) != sizeof (LONG int))
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def828]
glibc-2.39/string/strstr.c:30: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/string/str-two-way.h:312:12: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'haystack_char' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'haystack_char'
# 310| #else
# 311| while (needle_suffix
# 312|-> != (haystack_char = CANON_ELEMENT (*phaystack++)))
# 313| {
# 314| RET0_IF_0 (haystack_char);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def829]
glibc-2.39/string/memmem.c:31: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/string/str-two-way.h:334:9: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'haystack_char' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'haystack_char'
# 332| {
# 333| if (CANON_ELEMENT (*pneedle++)
# 334|-> != (haystack_char = CANON_ELEMENT (*phaystack++)))
# 335| {
# 336| RET0_IF_0 (haystack_char);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def830]
glibc-2.39/string/str-two-way.h:355:13: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'haystack_char' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'haystack_char'
# 353| {
# 354| if (CANON_ELEMENT (*pneedle--)
# 355|-> != (haystack_char = CANON_ELEMENT (*phaystack--)))
# 356| {
# 357| RET0_IF_0 (haystack_char);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def831]
glibc-2.39/string/strcoll_l.c:184:24: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘idx’
glibc-2.39/string/strcoll_l.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__strcoll_l’
glibc-2.39/string/strcoll_l.c:257:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘STRCOLL’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:35: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/string/strcoll_l.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/string/strcoll_l.c:287:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/assert/assert.h:117:11: note: in definition of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/string/strcoll_l.c:290:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 183| DIAG_IGNORE_Os_NEEDS_COMMENT (5, "-Wmaybe-uninitialized");
# 184|-> len = weights[idx++];
# 186| /* Skip over indices of previous levels. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def832]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/clnt_simp.c: scope_hint: In function ‘callrpc’
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/clnt_simp.c:73:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘*crp.oldhost’
# 71| {
# 72| crp->oldhost = malloc (256);
# 73|-> crp->oldhost[0] = 0;
# 74| crp->socket = RPC_ANYSOCK;
# 75| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def833]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/clnt_simp.c:73:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘malloc(256)’
# 71| {
# 72| crp->oldhost = malloc (256);
# 73|-> crp->oldhost[0] = 0;
# 74| crp->socket = RPC_ANYSOCK;
# 75| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def834]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/clnt_simp.c:118:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘crp’
# 116| if (clnt_stat != RPC_SUCCESS)
# 117| crp->valid = 0;
# 118|-> return (int) clnt_stat;
# 119| }
# 120| libc_hidden_nolink_sunrpc (callrpc, GLIBC_2_0)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def835]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:511:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'l' is never read
# 509| buf[1] = r;
# 510|
# 511|-> l = r = t = u = 0;
# 512| }
# 513|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def836]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:511:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'r' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'r'
# 509| buf[1] = r;
# 510|
# 511|-> l = r = t = u = 0;
# 512| }
# 513|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def837]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:511:11: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 't' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 't'
# 509| buf[1] = r;
# 510|
# 511|-> l = r = t = u = 0;
# 512| }
# 513|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def838]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:511:15: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'u' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'u'
# 509| buf[1] = r;
# 510|
# 511|-> l = r = t = u = 0;
# 512| }
# 513|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def839]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:588:3: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'tin0' is never read
# 586| l2c (tin1, oiv);
# 587| }
# 588|-> tin0 = tin1 = tout0 = tout1 = xor0 = xor1 = 0;
# 589| tbuf[0] = tbuf[1] = 0;
# 590| memset (schedule, 0, sizeof (schedule));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def840]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:588:10: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'tin1' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'tin1'
# 586| l2c (tin1, oiv);
# 587| }
# 588|-> tin0 = tin1 = tout0 = tout1 = xor0 = xor1 = 0;
# 589| tbuf[0] = tbuf[1] = 0;
# 590| memset (schedule, 0, sizeof (schedule));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def841]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:588:17: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'tout0' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'tout0'
# 586| l2c (tin1, oiv);
# 587| }
# 588|-> tin0 = tin1 = tout0 = tout1 = xor0 = xor1 = 0;
# 589| tbuf[0] = tbuf[1] = 0;
# 590| memset (schedule, 0, sizeof (schedule));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def842]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:588:25: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'tout1' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'tout1'
# 586| l2c (tin1, oiv);
# 587| }
# 588|-> tin0 = tin1 = tout0 = tout1 = xor0 = xor1 = 0;
# 589| tbuf[0] = tbuf[1] = 0;
# 590| memset (schedule, 0, sizeof (schedule));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def843]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:588:33: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'xor0' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'xor0'
# 586| l2c (tin1, oiv);
# 587| }
# 588|-> tin0 = tin1 = tout0 = tout1 = xor0 = xor1 = 0;
# 589| tbuf[0] = tbuf[1] = 0;
# 590| memset (schedule, 0, sizeof (schedule));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def844]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/des_impl.c:588:40: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Although the value stored to 'xor1' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'xor1'
# 586| l2c (tin1, oiv);
# 587| }
# 588|-> tin0 = tin1 = tout0 = tout1 = xor0 = xor1 = 0;
# 589| tbuf[0] = tbuf[1] = 0;
# 590| memset (schedule, 0, sizeof (schedule));
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def845]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svc_simple.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__registerrpc’
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svc_simple.c:107:11: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘pl’
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svc_simple.c:39: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svc_simple.c:60:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘RPC_THREAD_VARIABLE’
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svc_simple.c:77:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘transp’
# 105| pl->p_outproc = outproc;
# 106| pl->p_nxt = proglst;
# 107|-> proglst = pl;
# 108| return 0;
# 109|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def846]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svcauth_des.c: scope_hint: In function ‘cache_init’
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svcauth_des.c:401:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘calloc(1792, 1)’
# 399| authdes_cache = (struct cache_entry *)
# 400| calloc (sizeof (struct cache_entry) * AUTHDES_CACHESZ, 1);
# 401|-> if (authdes_cache == NULL)
# 402| return;
# 403|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def847]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svcauth_des.c: scope_hint: In function ‘cache_init’
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svcauth_des.c:401:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘calloc(2560, 1)’
# 399| authdes_cache = (struct cache_entry *)
# 400| calloc (sizeof (struct cache_entry) * AUTHDES_CACHESZ, 1);
# 401|-> if (authdes_cache == NULL)
# 402| return;
# 403|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def848]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svcauth_des.c:409:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘malloc(256)’
glibc-2.39/include/rpc/types.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/rpc/rpc.h:38: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/rpc/rpc.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svcauth_des.c:50: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svcauth_des.c:404:25: note: in expansion of macro ‘mem_alloc’
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/svcauth_des.c:404:25: note: in expansion of macro ‘mem_alloc’
# 407| */
# 408| for (i = 0; i < AUTHDES_CACHESZ; ++i)
# 409|-> authdes_lru[i] = i;
# 410| }
# 411|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def849]
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/xcrypt.c: scope_hint: In function ‘hex2bin’
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/xcrypt.c:179:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference]: dereference of possibly-NULL ‘binnum’
glibc-2.39/sunrpc/xcrypt.c:61:4: note: in definition of macro ‘hexval’
# 177|
# 178| for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
# 179|-> *binnum++ = 16 * hexval (hexnum[2 * i]) + hexval (hexnum[2 * i + 1]);
# 180| }
# 181|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def850]
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c: scope_hint: In function ‘xalloc_sigstack’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:41:3: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(36)’
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c:55:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘FAIL_EXIT1’
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c:55:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘FAIL_EXIT1’
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c:55:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘FAIL_EXIT1’
# 39| exit status 1. */
# 40| #define FAIL_EXIT1(...) \
# 41|-> support_exit_failure_impl (1, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
# 42|
# 43| /* Print failure message and terminate with as unsupported test (exit
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def851]
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c: scope_hint: In function ‘xalloc_sigstack’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:41:3: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(72)’
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c:55:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘FAIL_EXIT1’
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c:55:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘FAIL_EXIT1’
glibc-2.39/support/xsigstack.c:55:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘FAIL_EXIT1’
# 39| exit status 1. */
# 40| #define FAIL_EXIT1(...) \
# 41|-> support_exit_failure_impl (1, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
# 42|
# 43| /* Print failure message and terminate with as unsupported test (exit
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def852]
glibc-2.39/support/support_run_diff.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/support_run_diff.c: scope_hint: In function ‘write_to_temp_file’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:61:8: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xasprintf("run_diff-%s", prefix)’
glibc-2.39/support/support_run_diff.c:36:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY_EXIT’
glibc-2.39/support/support_run_diff.c:36:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY_EXIT’
# 59| #define TEST_VERIFY_EXIT(expr) \
# 60| ({ \
# 61|-> if (expr) \
# 62| ; \
# 63| else \
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def853]
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c: scope_hint: In function ‘resolv_response_add_name’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:62:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘allocate_compressed_name(name, (unsigned int)*b.offset)’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:29: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:65:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:72:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY_EXIT’
# 60| {
# 61| const unsigned char *p;
# 62|-> for (p = encoded; *p != '\0';)
# 63| {
# 64| /* No compression references are allowed. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def854]
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c: scope_hint: In function ‘resolv_response_add_name’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:62:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘allocate_compressed_name(name, *b.offset)’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:29: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:65:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:72:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY_EXIT’
# 60| {
# 61| const unsigned char *p;
# 62|-> for (p = encoded; *p != '\0';)
# 63| {
# 64| /* No compression references are allowed. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def855]
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c: scope_hint: In function ‘resolv_test_start’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:1169:13: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(192)’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:61:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY_EXIT’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:1178:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘res_init’
# 1167| server_thread_tcp);
# 1168| }
# 1169|-> if (config.single_thread_udp)
# 1170| start_server_thread_udp_single (obj);
# 1171|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def856]
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c: scope_hint: In function ‘resolv_test_start’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:1169:13: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(288)’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:61:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY_EXIT’
glibc-2.39/support/resolv_test.c:1178:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘res_init’
# 1167| server_thread_tcp);
# 1168| }
# 1169|-> if (config.single_thread_udp)
# 1170| start_server_thread_udp_single (obj);
# 1171|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-835): [#def857]
glibc-2.39/support/support-open-dev-null-range.c: scope_hint: In function ‘support_open_dev_null_range’
glibc-2.39/support/support-open-dev-null-range.c:115:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-infinite-loop]: infinite loop
# 113| {
# 114| int i = 1;
# 115|-> for (; i < num; i++)
# 116| {
# 117| int fd = open_dev_null (flags, mode);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def858]
glibc-2.39/support/support_capture_subprocess.c: scope_hint: In function ‘copy_and_spawn_sgid’
glibc-2.39/support/support_capture_subprocess.c:126:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xasprintf("%s/bin", xasprintf("%s/tst-tunables-setuid.%jd", test_dir, (long int)getpid()))’
# 124|
# 125| infd = open ("/proc/self/exe", O_RDONLY);
# 126|-> if (infd < 0)
# 127| FAIL_UNSUPPORTED ("unsupported: Cannot read binary from procfs\n");
# 128|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def859]
glibc-2.39/support/support_capture_subprocess.c: scope_hint: In function ‘copy_and_spawn_sgid’
glibc-2.39/support/support_capture_subprocess.c:126:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xasprintf("%s/bin", xasprintf("%s/tst-tunables-setuid.%jd", test_dir, (long long int)getpid()))’
# 124|
# 125| infd = open ("/proc/self/exe", O_RDONLY);
# 126|-> if (infd < 0)
# 127| FAIL_UNSUPPORTED ("unsupported: Cannot read binary from procfs\n");
# 128|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-1341): [#def860]
glibc-2.39/support/support_capture_subprocess.c:190:5: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-double-close]: double ‘close’ of file descriptor ‘open(xasprintf("%s/bin", xasprintf("%s/tst-tunables-setuid.%jd", test_dir, (long int)getpid())), 193, 448)’
glibc-2.39/support/support_capture_subprocess.c:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
# 188| err:
# 189| if (outfd >= 0)
# 190|-> close (outfd);
# 191| if (infd >= 0)
# 192| close (infd);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-1341): [#def861]
glibc-2.39/support/support_capture_subprocess.c:190:5: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-double-close]: double ‘close’ of file descriptor ‘open(xasprintf("%s/bin", xasprintf("%s/tst-tunables-setuid.%jd", test_dir, (long long int)getpid())), 193, 448)’
glibc-2.39/support/support_capture_subprocess.c:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
# 188| err:
# 189| if (outfd >= 0)
# 190|-> close (outfd);
# 191| if (infd >= 0)
# 192| close (infd);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-1341): [#def862]
glibc-2.39/support/support_capture_subprocess.c:192:5: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-double-close]: double ‘close’ of file descriptor ‘infd’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
glibc-2.39/support/check.h:52:9: note: in definition of macro ‘TEST_VERIFY’
# 190| close (outfd);
# 191| if (infd >= 0)
# 192|-> close (infd);
# 193| if (execname != NULL)
# 194| {
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def863]
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c: scope_hint: In function ‘support_descriptors_list’
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:67:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(12)’
# 65|
# 66| DIR *fds = opendir ("/proc/self/fd");
# 67|-> if (fds == NULL)
# 68| FAIL_EXIT1 ("opendir (\"/proc/self/fd\"): %m");
# 69|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def864]
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c: scope_hint: In function ‘support_descriptors_list’
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:67:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(24)’
# 65|
# 66| DIR *fds = opendir ("/proc/self/fd");
# 67|-> if (fds == NULL)
# 68| FAIL_EXIT1 ("opendir (\"/proc/self/fd\"): %m");
# 69|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def865]
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:81:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(12)’
# 79| }
# 80|
# 81|-> if (e->d_name[0] == '.')
# 82| continue;
# 83|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def866]
glibc-2.39/support/support_descriptors.c:81:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc(24)’
# 79| }
# 80|
# 81|-> if (e->d_name[0] == '.')
# 82| continue;
# 83|
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def867]
glibc-2.39/support/support_subprocess.c:45: error[uninitvar]: Uninitialized variable: result
# 43| TEST_VERIFY (fflush (stderr) == 0);
# 44|
# 45|-> return result;
# 46| }
# 47|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-479): [#def868]
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c: scope_hint: In function ‘signal_handler’
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c:148:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-unsafe-call-within-signal-handler]: call to ‘printf’ from within signal handler
glibc-2.39/include/assert.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c:123:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
# 146| if (killed != 0 && killed != test_pid)
# 147| {
# 148|-> printf ("Failed to kill test process: %m\n");
# 149| exit (1);
# 150| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-479): [#def869]
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c:149:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-unsafe-call-within-signal-handler]: call to ‘exit’ from within signal handler
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c:123:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘assert’
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c:149:7: note: ‘_exit’ is a possible signal-safe alternative for ‘exit’
# 147| {
# 148| printf ("Failed to kill test process: %m\n");
# 149|-> exit (1);
# 150| }
# 151|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def870]
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c: scope_hint: In function ‘run_test_function’
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c:237:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc((long unsigned int)argc * 8)’
# 235| argv_[argc - 1] = NULL;
# 236| execv (argv_[0], argv_);
# 237|-> printf ("error: should not return here\n");
# 238| exit (1);
# 239| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def871]
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c: scope_hint: In function ‘run_test_function’
glibc-2.39/support/support_test_main.c:237:7: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘xmalloc((unsigned int)argc * 4)’
# 235| argv_[argc - 1] = NULL;
# 236| execv (argv_[0], argv_);
# 237|-> printf ("error: should not return here\n");
# 238| exit (1);
# 239| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-688): [#def872]
glibc-2.39/support/test-container.c: scope_hint: In function ‘concat’
glibc-2.39/support/test-container.c:220:3: warning[-Wanalyzer-possible-null-argument]: use of possibly-NULL ‘bufs[n]’ where non-null expected
<built-in>: note: argument 1 of ‘__builtin_strcpy’ must be non-null
# 218| }
# 219|
# 220|-> strcpy (bufs[n], str);
# 221| cp = strchr (bufs[n], '\0');
# 222| while ((next = va_arg (ap2, char *)) != NULL)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-190): [#def873]
glibc-2.39/support/timespec-add.c:41: error[integerOverflow]: Signed integer overflow for expression '(-2147483647-1)-1'.
# 39| rns = nsd;
# 40| time_t bs1;
# 41|-> if (!INT_ADD_WRAPV (bs, 1, &bs1))
# 42| bs = bs1;
# 43| else if (rs < 0)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-190): [#def874]
glibc-2.39/support/timespec-sub.c:41: error[integerOverflow]: Signed integer overflow for expression '(-2147483647-1)-1'.
# 39| rns = ns + TIMESPEC_HZ;
# 40| time_t bs1;
# 41|-> if (!INT_ADD_WRAPV (bs, 1, &bs1))
# 42| bs = bs1;
# 43| else if (- TYPE_SIGNED (time_t) < rs)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-190): [#def875]
glibc-2.39/support/timespec.c:69: error[integerOverflow]: Signed integer overflow for expression '-(TIMESPEC_HZ)'.
# 67| {
# 68| time_t time_ns;
# 69|-> if (INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV(time.tv_sec, TIMESPEC_HZ, &time_ns))
# 70| return time.tv_sec < 0 ? TYPE_MINIMUM(time_t) : TYPE_MAXIMUM(time_t);
# 71| if (INT_ADD_WRAPV(time_ns, time.tv_nsec, &time_ns))
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def876]
glibc-2.39/support/timespec-time64.c:39: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/support/timespec.c: scope_hint: In function ‘support_timespec_normalize_time64’
glibc-2.39/support/timespec.c:88:13: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘norm.<U 8e8>’
# 86| norm.tv_sec = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM (time_t): TYPE_MAXIMUM (time_t);
# 87| norm.tv_nsec = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? -1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1) : TIMESPEC_HZ - 1;
# 88|-> return norm;
# 89| }
# 90| norm.tv_nsec = time.tv_nsec % TIMESPEC_HZ;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def877]
glibc-2.39/support/timespec.c:91:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘norm.<U 8e8>’
# 89| }
# 90| norm.tv_nsec = time.tv_nsec % TIMESPEC_HZ;
# 91|-> return norm;
# 92| }
# 93|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def878]
glibc-2.39/support/timespec.h:33:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘r.<U45f0>’
glibc-2.39/support/dtotimespec.c: scope_hint: In function ‘dtotimespec_time64’
glibc-2.39/support/dtotimespec.c:27:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘dtotimespec’
# 31| r.tv_sec = s;
# 32| r.tv_nsec = ns;
# 33|-> return r;
# 34| }
# 35|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def879]
glibc-2.39/support/xdup2.c: scope_hint: In function ‘xdup2’
glibc-2.39/support/xdup2.c:26:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘dup2(from, to)’
# 24| xdup2 (int from, int to)
# 25| {
# 26|-> if (dup2 (from, to) < 0)
# 27| FAIL_EXIT1 ("dup2 (%d, %d): %m", from, to);
# 28| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def880]
glibc-2.39/elf/dl-lookup.c:27: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/dl-protected.h:39:50: warning[core.NullDereference]: Access to field 'st_value' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'ref')
# 37| "protected symbol `%s' in `%s'\n",
# 38| undef_name, map->l_name);
# 39|-> else if ((type_class & ELF_RTYPE_CLASS_PLT) && ref->st_value != 0
# 40| && ref->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF)
# 41| /* Disallow non-zero symbol values of undefined symbols in
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def881]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/e_lgamma_r.c:278:6: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 't' is never read
# 276| else if(ix<0x40200000) { /* x < 8.0 */
# 277| i = (int)x;
# 278|-> t = zero;
# 279| y = x-(double)i;
# 280| p = y*(s0+y*(s1+y*(s2+y*(s3+y*(s4+y*(s5+y*s6))))));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def882]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c:183:13: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The right operand of '*' is a garbage value
# 181| {
# 182| for (j = 0, fw = 0.0; j <= jx; j++)
# 183|-> fw += x[j] * f[jx + i - j];
# 184| q[i] = fw;
# 185| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def883]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__kernel_rem_pio2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c:205:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘iq[<unknown>]’
# 203| if (q0 > 0) /* need iq[jz-1] to determine n */
# 204| {
# 205|-> i = (iq[jz - 1] >> (24 - q0)); n += i;
# 206| iq[jz - 1] -= i << (24 - q0);
# 207| ih = iq[jz - 1] >> (23 - q0);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def884]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c:205:23: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '>>' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds
# 203| if (q0 > 0) /* need iq[jz-1] to determine n */
# 204| {
# 205|-> i = (iq[jz - 1] >> (24 - q0)); n += i;
# 206| iq[jz - 1] -= i << (24 - q0);
# 207| ih = iq[jz - 1] >> (23 - q0);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def885]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c:210:21: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '>>' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds
# 208| }
# 209| else if (q0 == 0)
# 210|-> ih = iq[jz - 1] >> 23;
# 211| else if (z >= 0.5)
# 212| ih = 2;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def886]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c:264:27: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds
# 263| DIAG_IGNORE_NEEDS_COMMENT (6.1, "-Warray-bounds");
# 264|-> for (k = 1; iq[jk - k] == 0; k++)
# 265| ; /* k = no. of terms needed */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def887]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c:284:21: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds
# 282| {
# 283| jz -= 1; q0 -= 24;
# 284|-> while (iq[jz] == 0)
# 285| {
# 286| jz--; q0 -= 24;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def888]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c:312:17: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The right operand of '*' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds
# 310| for (i = jz; i >= 0; i--)
# 311| {
# 312|-> q[i] = fw * (double) iq[i]; fw *= twon24;
# 313| }
# 314|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def889]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c:360:23: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 358| if (ih == 0)
# 359| {
# 360|-> y[0] = fq[0]; y[1] = fq[1]; y[2] = fw;
# 361| }
# 362| else
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def890]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/k_rem_pio2.c:364:24: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 362| else
# 363| {
# 364|-> y[0] = -fq[0]; y[1] = -fq[1]; y[2] = -fw;
# 365| }
# 366| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def891]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_lgammaf_r.c:213:6: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 't' is never read
# 211| else if(ix<0x41000000) { /* x < 8.0 */
# 212| i = (int)x;
# 213|-> t = zero;
# 214| y = x-(float)i;
# 215| p = y*(s0+y*(s1+y*(s2+y*(s3+y*(s4+y*(s5+y*s6))))));
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def892]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-96/e_lgammal_r.c:394:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 't' is never read
# 392| /* x < 8.0 */
# 393| i = (int) x;
# 394|-> t = zero;
# 395| y = x - (double) i;
# 396| p = y *
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def893]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-96/k_tanl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__kernel_tanl’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-96/k_tanl.c:144:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘sign’
# 143| DIAG_IGNORE_NEEDS_COMMENT (4.8, "-Wmaybe-uninitialized");
# 144|-> if (sign < 0)
# 145| w = -w;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def894]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lock.h:191: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/time/era.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/time/era.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_nl_init_era_entries.part.0’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:121:36: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_eras’
glibc-2.39/time/era.c:141:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__libc_rwlock_unlock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/generic/libc-tsd.h:44: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/locale/localeinfo.h:240: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/time/era.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/atomic.h:589:24: note: in definition of macro ‘atomic_store_release’
glibc-2.39/time/era.c:141:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__libc_rwlock_unlock’
# 119| /* Unlock the named lock variable. */
# 120| #define __libc_lock_unlock(NAME) lll_unlock (NAME, LLL_PRIVATE)
# 121|-> #define __libc_rwlock_unlock(NAME) __pthread_rwlock_unlock (&(NAME))
# 122|
# 123| #if IS_IN (rtld)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def895]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lock.h:191: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/iconv/gconv_int.h:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/intl/gettextP.h:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/intl/bindtextdom.c:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/intl/bindtextdom.c: scope_hint: In function ‘set_binding_values.part.0’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc-lockP.h:121:36: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘result’
glibc-2.39/intl/bindtextdom.c:37:27: note: in expansion of macro ‘__libc_rwlock_unlock’
glibc-2.39/intl/bindtextdom.c:312:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘gl_rwlock_unlock’
glibc-2.39/intl/bindtextdom.c:225:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘strdup’
glibc-2.39/intl/bindtextdom.c:225:28: note: in expansion of macro ‘strdup’
glibc-2.39/intl/bindtextdom.c:254:24: note: in expansion of macro ‘strdup’
glibc-2.39/intl/bindtextdom.c:37:27: note: in expansion of macro ‘__libc_rwlock_unlock’
glibc-2.39/intl/bindtextdom.c:312:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘gl_rwlock_unlock’
# 119| /* Unlock the named lock variable. */
# 120| #define __libc_lock_unlock(NAME) lll_unlock (NAME, LLL_PRIVATE)
# 121|-> #define __libc_rwlock_unlock(NAME) __pthread_rwlock_unlock (&(NAME))
# 122|
# 123| #if IS_IN (rtld)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def896]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/libc-start.c:35: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-start.c:119: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:48:23: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'self' during its initialization is never read
# 46| if (__glibc_likely (! not_first_call))
# 47| {
# 48|-> struct pthread *self = THREAD_SELF;
# 49|
# 50| /* Store old info. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def897]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/posix/sprofil.c:128:8: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'region' is never read
# 126| {
# 127| prof_info.last = r;
# 128|-> region = r;
# 129| break;
# 130| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def898]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/pthread/sem_open.c:203:51: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value
# 201|
# 202| /* Map the mmap error to the error we need. */
# 203|-> if (MAP_FAILED != (void *) SEM_FAILED && result == MAP_FAILED)
# 204| result = SEM_FAILED;
# 205|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def899]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/pthread/sem_routines.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__sem_check_add_mapping’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/pthread/sem_routines.c:135:6: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘newp’
glibc-2.39/include/sys/cdefs.h:10: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/features.h:503: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/search.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/search.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/pthread/sem_routines.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/misc/sys/cdefs.h:527:52: note: in definition of macro ‘__glibc_unlikely’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:99:11: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:108:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__lll_lock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/pthread/sem_routines.c:84:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘lll_lock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock-futex.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/semaphoreP.h:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/pthread/sem_routines.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:150:21: note: in expansion of macro ‘atomic_exchange_release’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:160:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__lll_unlock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/pthread/sem_routines.c:132:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘lll_unlock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:160:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__lll_unlock’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/pthread/sem_routines.c:132:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘lll_unlock’
# 133| }
# 134|
# 135|-> if (result != existing && existing != SEM_FAILED && existing != MAP_FAILED)
# 136| {
# 137| /* Do not disturb errno. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def900]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/check_pf.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__check_pf’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/check_pf.c:160:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘make_request(__socket(16, 524291, 0), (int)nladdr.nl_pid)’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/check_pf.c:32: included_from: Included from here.
# 158| goto out_fail;
# 159|
# 160|-> if (msg.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC)
# 161| goto out_fail;
# 162|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def901]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/check_pf.c:242:21: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer
# 240| info->addr[1] = 0;
# 241| info->addr[2] = htonl (0xffff);
# 242|-> info->addr[3] = *(const in_addr_t *) address;
# 243| }
# 244| else
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-416): [#def902]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/check_pf.c: scope_hint: In function ‘make_request’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/check_pf.c:242:35: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-after-free]: use after ‘free’ of ‘address’
# 240| info->addr[1] = 0;
# 241| info->addr[2] = htonl (0xffff);
# 242|-> info->addr[3] = *(const in_addr_t *) address;
# 243| }
# 244| else
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def903]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/check_pf.c:245:3: warning[unix.cstring.NullArg]: Null pointer passed as 2nd argument to memory copy function
# 243| }
# 244| else
# 245|-> memcpy (info->addr, address, sizeof (info->addr));
# 246| }
# 247| else if (nlmh->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-416): [#def904]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/check_pf.c:245:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-after-free]: use after ‘free’ of ‘address’
# 243| }
# 244| else
# 245|-> memcpy (info->addr, address, sizeof (info->addr));
# 246| }
# 247| else if (nlmh->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE)
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def905]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_getres64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:54:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U7980>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:49:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_VSYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:49:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_VSYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:49:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_VSYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_getres64’
# 52| # endif
# 53| if (r == 0 && res != NULL)
# 54|-> *res = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (ts32);
# 55| #endif
# 56|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def906]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_getres64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:54:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ub980>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:49:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_VSYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:49:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_VSYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c:49:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_VSYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_getres.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_getres64’
# 52| # endif
# 53| if (r == 0 && res != NULL)
# 54|-> *res = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (ts32);
# 55| #endif
# 56|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def907]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_gettime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:58:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U4980>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep-vdso.h:26:6: note: in definition of macro ‘INTERNAL_VSYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_gettime64’
# 56| if (r == 0 && tp32.tv_sec >= 0)
# 57| {
# 58|-> *tp = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tp32);
# 59| return 0;
# 60| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def908]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_gettime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:58:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ub980>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep-vdso.h:26:6: note: in definition of macro ‘INTERNAL_VSYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_gettime64’
# 56| if (r == 0 && tp32.tv_sec >= 0)
# 57| {
# 58|-> *tp = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tp32);
# 59| return 0;
# 60| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def909]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:80:13: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U4980>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:351:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ASMARGS_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:280:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_INLINE’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:335:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:36:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INTERNAL_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:52:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:58:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INTERNAL_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:77:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_gettime64’
# 78| if (r == 0)
# 79| {
# 80|-> *tp = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tp32);
# 81| return 0;
# 82| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def910]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:80:13: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ub980>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:351:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ASMARGS_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:280:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_INLINE’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:335:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:36:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INTERNAL_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:52:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:58:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INTERNAL_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:77:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_gettime64’
# 78| if (r == 0)
# 79| {
# 80|-> *tp = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tp32);
# 81| return 0;
# 82| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def911]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_gettime.c:101:13: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 99| if (ret == 0)
# 100| {
# 101|-> if (! in_time_t_range (tp64.tv_sec))
# 102| {
# 103| __set_errno (EOVERFLOW);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def912]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_nanosleep_time64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c:67:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U75f0>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c:18: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_nanosleep_time64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_nanosleep_time64’
# 65| {
# 66| if (r == -EINTR && rem != NULL && (flags & TIMER_ABSTIME) == 0)
# 67|-> *rem = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tr32);
# 68| }
# 69| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def913]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_nanosleep_time64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c:67:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U95f0>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c:18: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_nanosleep_time64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_nanosleep_time64’
# 65| {
# 66| if (r == -EINTR && rem != NULL && (flags & TIMER_ABSTIME) == 0)
# 67|-> *rem = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tr32);
# 68| }
# 69| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def914]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_nanosleep’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c:84:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U75f0>’
# 82| struct __timespec64 treq64, trem64;
# 83|
# 84|-> treq64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*req);
# 85| r = __clock_nanosleep_time64 (clock_id, flags, &treq64,
# 86| rem != NULL ? &trem64 : NULL);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def915]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__clock_nanosleep’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c:84:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U95f0>’
# 82| struct __timespec64 treq64, trem64;
# 83|
# 84|-> treq64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*req);
# 85| r = __clock_nanosleep_time64 (clock_id, flags, &treq64,
# 86| rem != NULL ? &trem64 : NULL);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def916]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/convert_scm_timestamps.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__convert_scm_timestamps’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/convert_scm_timestamps.c:106:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘0’
glibc-2.39/socket/sys/socket.h:33: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/sys/socket.h:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/convert_scm_timestamps.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/convert_scm_timestamps.c:62:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘CMSG_FIRSTHDR’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/convert_scm_timestamps.c:62:15: note: in expansion of macro ‘CMSG_FIRSTHDR’
# 104| msg->msg_controllen += CMSG_SPACE (sizeof tvts);
# 105| cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR (msg, last);
# 106|-> cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
# 107| cmsg->cmsg_type = type;
# 108| cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN (sizeof tvts);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def917]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/dl-origin.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dl_get_origin’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/dl-origin.c:38:25: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘linkval[0]’
# 36| len = INTERNAL_SYSCALL_CALL (readlinkat, AT_FDCWD, "/proc/self/exe",
# 37| linkval, sizeof (linkval));
# 38|-> if (len > 0 && linkval[0] != '[')
# 39| {
# 40| /* We can use this value. */
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def918]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/dl-origin.c:38:29: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '!=' is a garbage value
# 36| len = INTERNAL_SYSCALL_CALL (readlinkat, AT_FDCWD, "/proc/self/exe",
# 37| linkval, sizeof (linkval));
# 38|-> if (len > 0 && linkval[0] != '[')
# 39| {
# 40| /* We can use this value. */
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def919]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/epoll_pwait2.c: scope_hint: In function ‘epoll_pwait2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/epoll_pwait2.c:39:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U3c78>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/epoll_pwait2.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/epoll_pwait2.c: scope_hint: In function ‘epoll_pwait2’
# 37| if (tmo != NULL)
# 38| {
# 39|-> tmo64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*tmo);
# 40| ptmo64 = &tmo64;
# 41| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def920]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fcntl_nocancel.c:57:18: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value
# 55| int res = INTERNAL_SYSCALL_CALL (fcntl64, fd, F_GETOWN_EX, &fex);
# 56| if (!INTERNAL_SYSCALL_ERROR_P (res))
# 57|-> return fex.type == F_OWNER_GID ? :;
# 58|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def921]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fcntl_nocancel.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__fcntl64_nocancel_adjusted.part.0’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fcntl_nocancel.c:57:19: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘fex.type’
# 55| int res = INTERNAL_SYSCALL_CALL (fcntl64, fd, F_GETOWN_EX, &fex);
# 56| if (!INTERNAL_SYSCALL_ERROR_P (res))
# 57|-> return fex.type == F_OWNER_GID ? :;
# 58|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def922]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fstatat64.c:56:15: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 54|
# 55| *buf = (struct __stat64_t64) {
# 56|-> .st_dev = __gnu_dev_makedev (tmp.stx_dev_major, tmp.stx_dev_minor),
# 57| .st_rdev = __gnu_dev_makedev (tmp.stx_rdev_major, tmp.stx_rdev_minor),
# 58| .st_ino = tmp.stx_ino,
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def923]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fstatat64.c:116:19: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 114| memset (buf, 0, sizeof (*buf));
# 115|
# 116|-> buf->st_dev = st64.st_dev,
# 117| buf->st_ino = st64.st_ino;
# 118| buf->st_mode = st64.st_mode;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def924]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fstatat64.c: scope_hint: In function ‘fstatat64_time64_stat’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fstatat64.c:126:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U 8e8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fstatat64.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
# 124| buf->st_blksize = st64.st_blksize;
# 125| buf->st_blocks = st64.st_blocks;
# 126|-> buf->st_atim = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (st64.st_atim);
# 127| buf->st_mtim = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (st64.st_mtim);
# 128| buf->st_ctim = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (st64.st_ctim);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def925]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fstatat64.c: scope_hint: In function ‘fstatat64_time64_stat’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fstatat64.c:126:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U58e8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fstatat64.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
# 124| buf->st_blksize = st64.st_blksize;
# 125| buf->st_blocks = st64.st_blocks;
# 126|-> buf->st_atim = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (st64.st_atim);
# 127| buf->st_mtim = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (st64.st_mtim);
# 128| buf->st_ctim = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (st64.st_ctim);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def926]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fstatfs.c:35:15: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 33| return rc;
# 34|
# 35|-> buf->f_type = buf64.f_type;
# 36| buf->f_bsize = buf64.f_bsize;
# 37| buf->f_blocks = buf64.f_blocks;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def927]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimens.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimens’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimens.c:49:18: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U22f8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimens.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimens.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimens’
# 47| if (tsp)
# 48| {
# 49|-> tsp64[0] = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tsp[0]);
# 50| tsp64[1] = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tsp[1]);
# 51| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def928]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimens.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimens’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimens.c:49:18: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uf2f8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimens.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimens.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimens’
# 47| if (tsp)
# 48| {
# 49|-> tsp64[0] = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tsp[0]);
# 50| tsp64[1] = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tsp[1]);
# 51| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def929]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimes64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimes.c:31:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U7688>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimes.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimes64’
# 29| if (tvp64 != NULL)
# 30| {
# 31|-> ts64[0] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[0]);
# 32| ts64[1] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[1]);
# 33| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def930]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimes64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimes.c:31:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ue688>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimes.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimes64’
# 29| if (tvp64 != NULL)
# 30| {
# 31|-> ts64[0] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[0]);
# 32| ts64[1] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[1]);
# 33| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def931]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimesat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimesat64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimesat.c:30:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U4688>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimesat.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimesat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimesat64’
# 28| if (tvp64 != NULL)
# 29| {
# 30|-> ts64[0] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[0]);
# 31| ts64[1] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[1]);
# 32| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def932]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimesat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimesat64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimesat.c:30:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uc688>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimesat.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futimesat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__futimesat64’
# 28| if (tvp64 != NULL)
# 29| {
# 30|-> ts64[0] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[0]);
# 31| ts64[1] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[1]);
# 32| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def933]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getcwd.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__getcwd’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getcwd.c:81:25: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘*path’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getcwd.c:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:231:49: note: in definition of macro ‘TYPEFY’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:235:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘internal_syscall2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:44:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getcwd.c:80:12: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getcwd.c:80:12: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
# 79|
# 80| retval = INLINE_SYSCALL (getcwd, 2, path, alloc_size);
# 81|-> if (retval > 0 && path[0] == '/')
# 82| {
# 83| #ifndef NO_ALLOCATION
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def934]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getcwd.c:81:29: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value
# 79|
# 80| retval = INLINE_SYSCALL (getcwd, 2, path, alloc_size);
# 81|-> if (retval > 0 && path[0] == '/')
# 82| {
# 83| #ifndef NO_ALLOCATION
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def935]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getdents.c:72:7: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 70| structure this may compute a value that is bigger
# 71| than necessary. */
# 72|-> size_t old_reclen = inp->k.d_reclen;
# 73| size_t new_reclen = ((old_reclen - size_diff + alignment - 1)
# 74| & ~(alignment - 1));
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def936]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getsysstats.c: scope_hint: In function ‘next_line’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getsysstats.c:68:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘res’
# 66| if (*re == buffer_end)
# 67| {
# 68|-> memmove (buffer, *cp, *re - *cp);
# 69| *re = buffer + (*re - *cp);
# 70| *cp = buffer;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def937]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/if_index.c:74:10: warning[core.uninitialized.Branch]: Branch condition evaluates to a garbage value
# 72| {
# 73| struct if_nameindex *ptr = ifn;
# 74|-> while (ptr->if_name || ptr->if_index)
# 75| {
# 76| free (ptr->if_name);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def938]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ifaddrs.c:418:17: warning[unix.Malloc]: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'ifas'
# 416| if (!scratch_buffer_set_array_size (&buf, newlink, sizeof (int)))
# 417| {
# 418|-> result = -1;
# 419| goto exit_free;
# 420| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def939]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_sigaction.c:65: error[uninitvar]: Uninitialized variable: koact.k_sa_handler
# 63| if (oact && result >= 0)
# 64| {
# 65|-> oact->sa_handler = koact.k_sa_handler;
# 66| memcpy (&oact->sa_mask, &koact.sa_mask, sizeof (sigset_t));
# 67| oact->sa_flags = koact.sa_flags;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def940]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/libc_sigaction.c:33: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_sigaction.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__libc_sigaction’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_sigaction.c:65:31: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘koact.k_sa_handler’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_sigaction.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:89:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL4’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_sigaction.c:58:12: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
# 63| if (oact && result >= 0)
# 64| {
# 65|-> oact->sa_handler = koact.k_sa_handler;
# 66| memcpy (&oact->sa_mask, &koact.sa_mask, sizeof (sigset_t));
# 67| oact->sa_flags = koact.sa_flags;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def941]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lseek.c:53:16: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 51| (long) (((uint64_t) (offset)) >> 32),
# 52| (long) offset, &res, whence);
# 53|-> return rc ?: lseek_overflow (res);
# 54| # else
# 55| return INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL (lseek, fd, offset, whence);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def942]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lseek64.c:38:3: warning[core.uninitialized.UndefReturn]: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller
# 36| (long) (((uint64_t) (offset)) >> 32),
# 37| (long) offset, &res, whence);
# 38|-> return rc ?: res;
# 39| #else
# 40| return INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL (lseek, fd, offset, whence);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def943]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lutimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__lutimes64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lutimes.c:30:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U5c78>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lutimes.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lutimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__lutimes64’
# 28| if (tvp64 != NULL)
# 29| {
# 30|-> ts64[0] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[0]);
# 31| ts64[1] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[1]);
# 32| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def944]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lutimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__lutimes64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lutimes.c:30:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uac78>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lutimes.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/lutimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__lutimes64’
# 28| if (tvp64 != NULL)
# 29| {
# 30|-> ts64[0] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[0]);
# 31| ts64[1] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp64[1]);
# 32| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def945]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedreceive.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___mq_timedreceive’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedreceive.c:84:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U2da8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep-cancel.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedreceive.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedreceive.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___mq_timedreceive’
# 82| struct __timespec64 ts64;
# 83| if (abs_timeout != NULL)
# 84|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*abs_timeout);
# 85|
# 86| return __mq_timedreceive_time64 (mqdes, msg_ptr, msg_len, msg_prio,
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def946]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedreceive.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___mq_timedreceive’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedreceive.c:84:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U9da8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep-cancel.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedreceive.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedreceive.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___mq_timedreceive’
# 82| struct __timespec64 ts64;
# 83| if (abs_timeout != NULL)
# 84|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*abs_timeout);
# 85|
# 86| return __mq_timedreceive_time64 (mqdes, msg_ptr, msg_len, msg_prio,
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def947]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedsend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___mq_timedsend’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedsend.c:83:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U5da8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep-cancel.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedsend.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedsend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___mq_timedsend’
# 81| struct __timespec64 ts64;
# 82| if (abs_timeout != NULL)
# 83|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*abs_timeout);
# 84|
# 85| return __mq_timedsend_time64 (mqdes, msg_ptr, msg_len, msg_prio,
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def948]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedsend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___mq_timedsend’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedsend.c:83:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uada8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep-cancel.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedsend.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mq_timedsend.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___mq_timedsend’
# 81| struct __timespec64 ts64;
# 82| if (abs_timeout != NULL)
# 83|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*abs_timeout);
# 84|
# 85| return __mq_timedsend_time64 (mqdes, msg_ptr, msg_len, msg_prio,
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def949]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘kmsqid64_to_msqid64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c:57:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘kmsqid’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c:80:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘kmsqid64_to_msqid64’
# 55| struct __msqid64_ds *msqid64)
# 56| {
# 57|-> msqid64->msg_perm = kmsqid->msg_perm;
# 58| msqid64->msg_stime = kmsqid->msg_stime
# 59| | ((__time64_t) kmsqid->msg_stime_high << 32);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def950]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c:57:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘msqid64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c:80:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘kmsqid64_to_msqid64’
# 55| struct __msqid64_ds *msqid64)
# 56| {
# 57|-> msqid64->msg_perm = kmsqid->msg_perm;
# 58| msqid64->msg_stime = kmsqid->msg_stime
# 59| | ((__time64_t) kmsqid->msg_stime_high << 32);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def951]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c:154:21: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer
# 152| if (sizeof ((struct msqid_ds){0}.msg_perm.mode)
# 153| != sizeof (__kernel_mode_t))
# 154|-> arg->msg_perm.mode &= 0xFFFF;
# 155| # endif
# 156|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def952]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘msqid64_to_msqid’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c:191:24: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘mq64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c:80:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘msqid64_to_msqid’
# 189| msqid64_to_msqid (struct msqid_ds *mq, const struct __msqid64_ds *mq64)
# 190| {
# 191|-> mq->msg_perm = mq64->msg_perm;
# 192| mq->msg_stime = mq64->msg_stime;
# 193| mq->__msg_stime_high = 0;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def953]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c:191:24: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘mq’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c:80:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/msgctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘msqid64_to_msqid’
# 189| msqid64_to_msqid (struct msqid_ds *mq, const struct __msqid64_ds *mq64)
# 190| {
# 191|-> mq->msg_perm = mq64->msg_perm;
# 192| mq->msg_stime = mq64->msg_stime;
# 193| mq->__msg_stime_high = 0;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def954]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__nanosleep’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c:41:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ue5f0>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
# 39| struct __timespec64 treq64, trem64;
# 40|
# 41|-> treq64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*req);
# 42| int ret = __nanosleep64 (&treq64, rem != NULL ? &trem64 : NULL);
# 43|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def955]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__nanosleep’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c:41:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uf5f0>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
# 39| struct __timespec64 treq64, trem64;
# 40|
# 41|-> treq64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*req);
# 42| int ret = __nanosleep64 (&treq64, rem != NULL ? &trem64 : NULL);
# 43|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def956]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/netlink_assert_response.c:39:3: warning[core.uninitialized.UndefReturn]: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller
# 37| _Static_assert (0 < (__typeof__ (sa.ss_family)) -1,
# 38| "address family unsigned");
# 39|-> return sa.ss_family;
# 40| }
# 41|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def957]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ppoll.c: scope_hint: In function ‘ppoll’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ppoll.c:75:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U28e8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ppoll.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ppoll.c: scope_hint: In function ‘ppoll’
# 73| struct __timespec64 ts64;
# 74| if (timeout)
# 75|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 76|
# 77| return __ppoll64 (fds, nfds, timeout ? &ts64 : NULL, sigmask);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def958]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ppoll.c: scope_hint: In function ‘ppoll’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ppoll.c:75:12: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U68e8>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ppoll.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ppoll.c: scope_hint: In function ‘ppoll’
# 73| struct __timespec64 ts64;
# 74| if (timeout)
# 75|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 76|
# 77| return __ppoll64 (fds, nfds, timeout ? &ts64 : NULL, sigmask);
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def959]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/prlimit.c:60:28: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 58| an error because the operation itself worked. Best is perhaps
# 59| to return RLIM_INFINITY. */
# 60|-> old_rlimit->rlim_cur = old_rlimit64_mem.rlim_cur;
# 61| if (old_rlimit->rlim_cur != old_rlimit64_mem.rlim_cur)
# 62| {
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def960]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/procutils.c: scope_hint: In function ‘next_line’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/procutils.c:36:15: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘res’
# 34| if (*re == buffer_end)
# 35| {
# 36|-> memmove (buffer, *cp, *re - *cp);
# 37| *re = buffer + (*re - *cp);
# 38| *cp = buffer;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def961]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/pselect.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__pselect’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/pselect.c:84:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U3558>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep-cancel.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/pselect.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/pselect.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__pselect’
# 82| if (timeout != NULL)
# 83| {
# 84|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 85| pts64 = &ts64;
# 86| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def962]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/pselect.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__pselect’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/pselect.c:84:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U4558>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep-cancel.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/pselect.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/pselect.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__pselect’
# 82| if (timeout != NULL)
# 83| {
# 84|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 85| pts64 = &ts64;
# 86| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def963]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ptrace.c:49: error[uninitvar]: Uninitialized variable: ret
# 47| {
# 48| __set_errno (0);
# 49|-> return ret;
# 50| }
# 51|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def964]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ptrace.c:49:7: warning[core.uninitialized.UndefReturn]: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller
# 47| {
# 48| __set_errno (0);
# 49|-> return ret;
# 50| }
# 51|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def965]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ptrace.c: scope_hint: In function ‘ptrace’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ptrace.c:49:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ret’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ptrace.c:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ptrace.c:45:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ptrace.c:18: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ptrace.c:48:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__set_errno’
# 47| {
# 48| __set_errno (0);
# 49|-> return ret;
# 50| }
# 51|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def966]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/readdir64_r.c:46:11: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'maxread' during its initialization is never read
# 44| /* We've emptied out our buffer. Refill it. */
# 45|
# 46|-> size_t maxread = dirp->allocation;
# 47| ssize_t bytes;
# 48|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def967]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c: scope_hint: In function ‘recvmmsg_syscall’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c:55:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ub000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:122:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c:48:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘SYSCALL_CANCEL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c: scope_hint: In function ‘recvmmsg_syscall’
# 53| {
# 54| if (timeout != NULL)
# 55|-> *timeout = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (ts32);
# 56| }
# 57| #endif
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def968]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c: scope_hint: In function ‘recvmmsg_syscall’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c:55:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ue000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:122:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c:48:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘SYSCALL_CANCEL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c: scope_hint: In function ‘recvmmsg_syscall’
# 53| {
# 54| if (timeout != NULL)
# 55|-> *timeout = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (ts32);
# 56| }
# 57| #endif
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def969]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c:78:9: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 2nd function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 76| {
# 77| for (int i=0; i < r; i++)
# 78|-> __convert_scm_timestamps (&vmessages[i].msg_hdr, csize[i]);
# 79| }
# 80| #endif
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def970]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__recvmmsg’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c:93:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ub000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__recvmmsg’
# 91| if (timeout != NULL)
# 92| {
# 93|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 94| pts64 = &ts64;
# 95| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def971]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__recvmmsg’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c:93:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ue000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recvmmsg.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__recvmmsg’
# 91| if (timeout != NULL)
# 92| {
# 93|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 94| pts64 = &ts64;
# 95| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def972]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_getcpu.c:33: error[uninitvar]: Uninitialized variable: cpu
# 31| r = INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL (getcpu, &cpu, NULL, NULL);
# 32| #endif
# 33|-> return r == -1 ? r : cpu;
# 34| }
# 35|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def973]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_getcpu.c:33:3: warning[core.uninitialized.UndefReturn]: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller
# 31| r = INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL (getcpu, &cpu, NULL, NULL);
# 32| #endif
# 33|-> return r == -1 ? r : cpu;
# 34| }
# 35|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def974]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__sched_rr_get_interval64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:39:11: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U5000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:351:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ASMARGS_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:280:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_INLINE’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:335:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:44:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:37:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:37:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__sched_rr_get_interval64’
# 37| ret = INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL (sched_rr_get_interval, pid, &tp32);
# 38| if (ret == 0)
# 39|-> *tp = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tp32);
# 40| #endif
# 41| return ret;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def975]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__sched_rr_get_interval64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:39:11: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uf000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:351:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ASMARGS_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:280:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_INLINE’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:335:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:44:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:37:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:37:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__sched_rr_get_interval64’
# 37| ret = INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL (sched_rr_get_interval, pid, &tp32);
# 38| if (ret == 0)
# 39|-> *tp = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tp32);
# 40| #endif
# 41| return ret;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def976]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sched_rr_gi.c:57:13: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 55| if (ret == 0)
# 56| {
# 57|-> if (! in_time_t_range (tp64.tv_sec))
# 58| {
# 59| __set_errno (EOVERFLOW);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def977]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘semid64_to_ksemid64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semctl.c:68:26: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘semid64’
# 66| struct kernel_semid64_ds *ksemid)
# 67| {
# 68|-> ksemid->sem_perm = semid64->sem_perm;
# 69| ksemid->sem_otime = semid64->sem_otime;
# 70| ksemid->sem_otime_high = semid64->sem_otime >> 32;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def978]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semctl.c:80:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘ksemid’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semctl.c:127:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘ksemid64_to_semid64’
# 78| struct __semid64_ds *semid64)
# 79| {
# 80|-> semid64->sem_perm = ksemid->sem_perm;
# 81| semid64->sem_otime = ksemid->sem_otime
# 82| | ((__time64_t) ksemid->sem_otime_high << 32);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def979]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘ksemid64_to_semid64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semctl.c:80:22: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘semid64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semctl.c:127:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘ksemid64_to_semid64’
# 78| struct __semid64_ds *semid64)
# 79| {
# 80|-> semid64->sem_perm = ksemid->sem_perm;
# 81| semid64->sem_otime = ksemid->sem_otime
# 82| | ((__time64_t) ksemid->sem_otime_high << 32);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def980]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semtimedop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__semtimedop’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semtimedop.c:79:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U2558>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semtimedop.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semtimedop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__semtimedop’
# 77| if (timeout != NULL)
# 78| {
# 79|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 80| pts64 = &ts64;
# 81| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def981]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semtimedop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__semtimedop’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semtimedop.c:79:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U6558>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semtimedop.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semtimedop.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__semtimedop’
# 77| if (timeout != NULL)
# 78| {
# 79|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 80| pts64 = &ts64;
# 81| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def982]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/settimeofday.c:39:53: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'tv')
# 37| }
# 38|
# 39|-> struct __timespec64 ts = timeval64_to_timespec64 (*tv);
# 40| return __clock_settime64 (CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
# 41| }
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def983]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmat.c:40: error[uninitvar]: Uninitialized variable: raddr
# 39|
# 40|-> return raddr;
# 41| #endif
# 42| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def984]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmat.c:40:3: warning[core.uninitialized.UndefReturn]: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller
# 39|
# 40|-> return raddr;
# 41| #endif
# 42| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def985]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘kshmid64_to_shmid64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c:57:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘kshmid’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c:79:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘kshmid64_to_shmid64’
# 55| struct __shmid64_ds *shmid64)
# 56| {
# 57|-> shmid64->shm_perm = kshmid->shm_perm;
# 58| shmid64->shm_segsz = kshmid->shm_segsz;
# 59| shmid64->shm_atime = kshmid->shm_atime
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def986]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c:57:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘shmid64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c:79:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘kshmid64_to_shmid64’
# 55| struct __shmid64_ds *shmid64)
# 56| {
# 57|-> shmid64->shm_perm = kshmid->shm_perm;
# 58| shmid64->shm_segsz = kshmid->shm_segsz;
# 59| shmid64->shm_atime = kshmid->shm_atime
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def987]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c:157:21: warning[core.NullDereference]: Dereference of null pointer
# 155| if (sizeof ((struct shmid_ds){0}.shm_perm.mode)
# 156| != sizeof (__kernel_mode_t))
# 157|-> arg->shm_perm.mode &= 0xFFFF;
# 158| # endif
# 159|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def988]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘shmid64_to_shmid’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c:193:25: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘shm64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c:79:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘shmid64_to_shmid’
# 191| shmid64_to_shmid (struct shmid_ds *shm, const struct __shmid64_ds *shm64)
# 192| {
# 193|-> shm->shm_perm = shm64->shm_perm;
# 194| shm->shm_segsz = shm64->shm_segsz;
# 195| shm->shm_atime = shm64->shm_atime;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-476): [#def989]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c:193:25: warning[-Wanalyzer-null-dereference]: dereference of NULL ‘shm’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:91:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL5’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c:79:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/shmctl.c: scope_hint: In function ‘shmid64_to_shmid’
# 191| shmid64_to_shmid (struct shmid_ds *shm, const struct __shmid64_ds *shm64)
# 192| {
# 193|-> shm->shm_perm = shm64->shm_perm;
# 194| shm->shm_segsz = shm64->shm_segsz;
# 195| shm->shm_atime = shm64->shm_atime;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def990]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigstack.c:54: error[uninitvar]: Uninitialized variable: osas.ss_sp
# 52| if (result == 0 && oss != NULL)
# 53| {
# 54|-> oss->ss_sp = osas.ss_sp;
# 55| oss->ss_onstack = (osas.ss_flags & SS_ONSTACK) != 0;
# 56| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def991]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__sigtimedwait’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c:76:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U8850>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__sigtimedwait’
# 74| if (timeout != NULL)
# 75| {
# 76|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 77| pts64 = &ts64;
# 78| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def992]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__sigtimedwait’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c:76:14: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ua850>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__sigtimedwait’
# 74| if (timeout != NULL)
# 75| {
# 76|-> ts64 = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (*timeout);
# 77| pts64 = &ts64;
# 78| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def993]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/spawni.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__spawni_child’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/spawni.c:227:54: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup2(__open_nocancel(*action.action.open_action.path, *action.action.open_action.oflag | 32768, *action.action.open_action.mode), *action.action.open_action.fd)’
# 225| {
# 226| if (__dup2 (new_fd, action->action.open_action.fd)
# 227|-> != action->action.open_action.fd)
# 228| goto fail;
# 229|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def994]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/spawni.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__spawni_child’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/spawni.c:227:54: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup2(__open_nocancel(*action.action.open_action.path, *action.action.open_action.oflag, *action.action.open_action.mode), *action.action.open_action.fd)’
# 225| {
# 226| if (__dup2 (new_fd, action->action.open_action.fd)
# 227|-> != action->action.open_action.fd)
# 228| goto fail;
# 229|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-775): [#def995]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/spawni.c:251:53: warning[-Wanalyzer-fd-leak]: leak of file descriptor ‘__dup2(*action.action.dup2_action.fd, *action.action.dup2_action.newfd)’
# 249| else if (__dup2 (action->action.dup2_action.fd,
# 250| action->action.dup2_action.newfd)
# 251|-> != action->action.dup2_action.newfd)
# 252| goto fail;
# 253| break;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def996]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/statfs.c:33:19: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 31| if (rc == 0)
# 32| {
# 33|-> buf->f_type = buf64.f_type;
# 34| buf->f_bsize = buf64.f_bsize;
# 35| buf->f_blocks = buf64.f_blocks;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def997]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/tcgetattr.c:42:26: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 40| if (__glibc_likely (retval == 0))
# 41| {
# 42|-> termios_p->c_iflag = k_termios.c_iflag;
# 43| termios_p->c_oflag = k_termios.c_oflag;
# 44| termios_p->c_cflag = k_termios.c_cflag;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def998]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/tcgetattr.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__tcgetattr’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/tcgetattr.c:42:37: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘k_termios.c_iflag’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/tcgetattr.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/tcgetattr.c:38:12: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
# 40| if (__glibc_likely (retval == 0))
# 41| {
# 42|-> termios_p->c_iflag = k_termios.c_iflag;
# 43| termios_p->c_oflag = k_termios.c_oflag;
# 44| termios_p->c_cflag = k_termios.c_cflag;
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def999]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_create.c:65:13: warning[core.CallAndMessage]: 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value
# 63| return -1;
# 64|
# 65|-> *timerid = kernel_timer_to_timerid (ktimerid);
# 66| }
# 67| else
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1000]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_create.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___timer_create’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_create.c:65:20: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ktimerid’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_create.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:231:49: note: in definition of macro ‘TYPEFY’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:235:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘internal_syscall3’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:44:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:87:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL3’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_create.c:61:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:87:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL3’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_create.c:61:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
# 63| return -1;
# 64|
# 65|-> *timerid = kernel_timer_to_timerid (ktimerid);
# 66| }
# 67| else
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1001]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___timer_gettime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:44:28: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U 0>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:351:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ASMARGS_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:280:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_INLINE’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:335:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:44:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:41:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:41:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___timer_gettime64’
# 42| if (ret == 0)
# 43| {
# 44|-> value->it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (its32.it_interval);
# 45| value->it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (its32.it_value);
# 46| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1002]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___timer_gettime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:44:28: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uf000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:351:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ASMARGS_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:280:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_INLINE’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:335:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:44:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:41:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c:41:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___timer_gettime64’
# 42| if (ret == 0)
# 43| {
# 44|-> value->it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (its32.it_interval);
# 45| value->it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (its32.it_value);
# 46| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1003]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___timer_settime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:63:29: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U3000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:89:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL4’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:59:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___timer_settime64’
# 61| if (retval == 0 && ovalue)
# 62| {
# 63|-> ovalue->it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (oits32.it_interval);
# 64| ovalue->it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (oits32.it_value);
# 65| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1004]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___timer_settime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:63:29: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ue000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:89:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL4’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:59:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘___timer_settime64’
# 61| if (retval == 0 && ovalue)
# 62| {
# 63|-> ovalue->it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (oits32.it_interval);
# 64| ovalue->it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (oits32.it_value);
# 65| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1005]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timer_settime’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:88:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U3000>’
# 86| int retval;
# 87|
# 88|-> its64.it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (value->it_interval);
# 89| its64.it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (value->it_value);
# 90|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1006]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timer_settime’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timer_settime.c:88:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ue000>’
# 86| int retval;
# 87|
# 88|-> its64.it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (value->it_interval);
# 89| its64.it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (value->it_value);
# 90|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1007]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_gettime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:42:28: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U4000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:351:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ASMARGS_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:280:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_INLINE’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:335:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:44:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:39:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:39:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_gettime64’
# 40| if (retval == 0)
# 41| {
# 42|-> value->it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (its32.it_interval);
# 43| value->it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (its32.it_value);
# 44| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1008]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_gettime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:42:28: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Uc000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:351:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘ASMARGS_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:280:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_INLINE’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:335:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_MAIN_2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sysdep.h:44:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:39:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:85:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c:39:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_gettime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_gettime64’
# 40| if (retval == 0)
# 41| {
# 42|-> value->it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (its32.it_interval);
# 43| value->it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (its32.it_value);
# 44| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1009]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_settime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:55:29: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U8000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:89:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL4’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:51:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_settime64’
# 53| if (ret == 0 && ovalue != NULL)
# 54| {
# 55|-> ovalue->it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (oits32.it_interval);
# 56| ovalue->it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (oits32.it_value);
# 57| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1010]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_settime64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:55:29: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ud000>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:89:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL4’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:101:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:109:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INLINE_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:51:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_settime64’
# 53| if (ret == 0 && ovalue != NULL)
# 54| {
# 55|-> ovalue->it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (oits32.it_interval);
# 56| ovalue->it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (oits32.it_value);
# 57| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1011]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_settime’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:72:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U8000>’
# 70| int retval;
# 71|
# 72|-> its64.it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (value->it_interval);
# 73| its64.it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (value->it_value);
# 74|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1012]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__timerfd_settime’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/timerfd_settime.c:72:23: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ud000>’
# 70| int retval;
# 71|
# 72|-> its64.it_interval = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (value->it_interval);
# 73| its64.it_value = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (value->it_value);
# 74|
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1013]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/wait4.c:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/tv32-compat.h:62:20: warning[core.uninitialized.Assign]: Assigned value is garbage or undefined
# 60| r64->ru_utime = valid_timeval32_to_timeval64 (r32->ru_utime);
# 61| r64->ru_stime = valid_timeval32_to_timeval64 (r32->ru_stime);
# 62|-> r64->ru_maxrss = r32->ru_maxrss;
# 63| r64->ru_ixrss = r32->ru_ixrss;
# 64| r64->ru_idrss = r32->ru_idrss;
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1014]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimensat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__utimensat’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimensat.c:94:18: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U9980>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimensat.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimensat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__utimensat’
# 92| if (tsp)
# 93| {
# 94|-> tsp64[0] = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tsp[0]);
# 95| tsp64[1] = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tsp[1]);
# 96| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1015]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimensat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__utimensat’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimensat.c:94:18: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<Ub980>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/pthread.h:1: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86/elision-conf.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/nptl/lowlevellock.h:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/nptl/descr.h:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:114: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimensat.c:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimensat.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__utimensat’
# 92| if (tsp)
# 93| {
# 94|-> tsp64[0] = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tsp[0]);
# 95| tsp64[1] = valid_timespec_to_timespec64 (tsp[1]);
# 96| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1016]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__utimes64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimes.c:29:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U45f0>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimes.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__utimes64’
# 27| if (tvp != NULL)
# 28| {
# 29|-> ts64[0] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp[0]);
# 30| ts64[1] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp[1]);
# 31| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1017]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__utimes64’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimes.c:29:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘ts64.<U55f0>’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimes.c:19: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/utimes.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__utimes64’
# 27| if (tvp != NULL)
# 28| {
# 29|-> ts64[0] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp[0]);
# 30| ts64[1] = timeval64_to_timespec64 (tvp[1]);
# 31| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1018]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/dl-cet.h:51:27: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘kernel_feature’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/dl-cet.c: scope_hint: In function ‘_dl_cet_setup_features’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:231:49: note: in definition of macro ‘TYPEFY’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h:235:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘internal_syscall2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:36:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:27:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INTERNAL_SYSCALL2’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:28:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT_X’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:52:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__SYSCALL_CONCAT’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysdep.h:58:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__INTERNAL_SYSCALL_DISP’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/dl-cet.h:48:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘INTERNAL_SYSCALL_CALL’
# 49| &kernel_feature) == 0)
# 50| {
# 51|-> if ((kernel_feature & ARCH_SHSTK_SHSTK) != 0)
# 52| status = GNU_PROPERTY_X86_FEATURE_1_SHSTK;
# 53| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1019]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/dl-cet.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/dl-cet.h:51:27: warning[core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]: The left operand of '&' is a garbage value
# 49| &kernel_feature) == 0)
# 50| {
# 51|-> if ((kernel_feature & ARCH_SHSTK_SHSTK) != 0)
# 52| status = GNU_PROPERTY_X86_FEATURE_1_SHSTK;
# 53| }
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1020]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/libc-start.c:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/cpu-features.c: scope_hint: In function ‘update_active’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/cpu-features.c:343:42: warning[-Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value]: use of uninitialized value ‘xstate_comp_offsets[31]’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/libc-start.c:35: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-start.c:234:1: note: in expansion of macro ‘LIBC_START_MAIN’
glibc-2.39/csu/libc-start.c:269:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘ARCH_INIT_CPU_FEATURES’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/cacheinfo.h:21: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/cpu-features.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/ldsodefs.h:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/gnu/ldsodefs.h:46: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/ldsodefs.h:25: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/libc-start.c:27: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/cpu-features.c:151:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘CPU_FEATURE_SET_ACTIVE’
glibc-2.39/include/elf.h:6: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/stackinfo.h:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/stackinfo.h:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/alloca.h:7: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/stdlib/stdlib.h:706: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/stdlib.h:16: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/nptl/tls.h:27: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/nptl/tls.h:32: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/startup.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/startup.h:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/libc-start.c:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/include/libc-pointer-arith.h:46:35: note: in definition of macro ‘ALIGN_DOWN’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/cpu-features.c:297:19: note: in expansion of macro ‘ALIGN_UP’
# 341| /* Use XSAVEC. */
# 342| unsigned int size
# 343|-> = xstate_comp_offsets[31] + xstate_comp_sizes[31];
# 344| if (size)
# 345| {
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1021]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/libc-start.c:28: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86/cpu-features.c:916:7: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'ecx' is never read
# 914| update_active (cpu_features);
# 915|
# 916|-> ecx = cpu_features->features[CPUID_INDEX_1].cpuid.ecx;
# 917|
# 918| if (CPU_FEATURE_USABLE_P (cpu_features, AVX))
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def1022]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strcpy-evex.S: scope_hint: Assembler messages
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strcpy-evex.S:436: Warning: found `movsd'; assuming `movsl' was meant
# 434| # endif
# 435| bsf %VRCX, %VRCX
# 436|-> REP_MOVS
# 437|
# 438| # ifdef USE_AS_STPCPY
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def1023]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strncat-evex.S: scope_hint: Assembler messages
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strncat-evex.S:507: Warning: found `movsd'; assuming `movsl' was meant
# 505| jz L(page_cross_continue)
# 506| bsf %VRCX, %VRCX
# 507|-> REP_MOVS
# 508| ret
# 509|
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def1024]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strncat-evex.S:517: Warning: found `movsd'; assuming `movsl' was meant
# 515|
# 516| # ifdef USE_AS_WCSCPY
# 517|-> rep movsd
# 518| # else
# 519| rep movsb
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def1025]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strncpy-evex.S: scope_hint: Assembler messages
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strncpy-evex.S:941: Warning: found `movsd'; assuming `movsl' was meant
# 939| # endif
# 940|
# 941|-> REP_MOVS
# 942| # ifdef USE_AS_WCSCPY
# 943| movl $0, (%rdi)
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def1026]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strncpy-evex.S:979: Warning: found `movsd'; assuming `movsl' was meant
# 977| movq %rdi, %rax
# 978| # endif
# 979|-> REP_MOVS
# 980| ret
# 981|
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def1027]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strstr-avx512.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__strstr_avx512’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strstr-avx512.c:110:11: warning[-Wpsabi]: AVX512F vector return without AVX512F enabled changes the ABI
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strstr-avx512.c: scope_hint: In function ‘verify_string_match_avx512’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strstr-avx512.c:72:1: note: the ABI for passing parameters with 64-byte alignment has changed in GCC 4.6
# 108| __mmask64 ned_load_mask = _bzhi_u64 (
# 109| FULL_MMASK64, 64 - ((uintptr_t) (ned) & 63));
# 110|-> __m512i ned_zmm = _mm512_maskz_loadu_epi8 (ned_load_mask, ned);
# 111| __mmask64 ned_nullmask
# 112| = _mm512_mask_testn_epi8_mask (ned_load_mask, ned_zmm, ned_zmm);
Error: COMPILER_WARNING: [#def1028]
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strcspn-sse4.c:24: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strpbrk-sse4.c:26: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/i386/i686/multiarch/strpbrk-c.c:2: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/varshift.h: scope_hint: In function ‘__m128i_shift_right’
glibc-2.39/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/varshift.h:27:1: warning[-Wpsabi]: SSE vector return without SSE enabled changes the ABI
# 25| static __inline__ __m128i
# 26| __m128i_shift_right (__m128i value, unsigned long int offset)
# 27|-> {
# 28| return _mm_shuffle_epi8 (value,
# 29| _mm_loadu_si128 ((__m128i *) (___m128i_shift_right
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1029]
glibc-2.39/time/alt_digit.c:121:24: warning[unix.MallocSizeof]: Result of 'malloc' is converted to a pointer of type 'const wchar_t *', which is incompatible with sizeof operand type 'const uint32_t *'
# 119| if (ptr != NULL)
# 120| {
# 121|-> data->walt_digits = malloc (100 * sizeof (const uint32_t *));
# 122| if (data->walt_digits != NULL)
# 123| for (cnt = 0; cnt < 100; ++cnt)
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1030]
glibc-2.39/time/wcsftime_l.c:23: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/time/strftime_l.c:1310:8: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'to_uppcase' is never read
# 1308| if (change_case)
# 1309| {
# 1310|-> to_uppcase = 0;
# 1311| to_lowcase = 1;
# 1312| }
Error: CLANG_WARNING: [#def1031]
glibc-2.39/time/strftime_l.c:1311:8: warning[deadcode.DeadStores]: Value stored to 'to_lowcase' is never read
# 1309| {
# 1310| to_uppcase = 0;
# 1311|-> to_lowcase = 1;
# 1312| }
# 1313|
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-131): [#def1032]
glibc-2.39/time/tzfile.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__tzfile_read’
glibc-2.39/time/tzfile.c:280:17: warning[-Wanalyzer-allocation-size]: allocated buffer size is not a multiple of the pointee's size
glibc-2.39/include/stdlib.h:20: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/time/tzfile.c:22: included_from: Included from here.
glibc-2.39/time/tzfile.c:172:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__fstat64_time64’
glibc-2.39/string/byteswap.h:35:33: note: in definition of macro ‘bswap_32’
glibc-2.39/time/tzfile.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__tzfile_read’
# 278| + chars /* zone_names */
# 279| + tzspec_len + extra);
# 280|-> transitions = malloc (total_size);
# 281| if (transitions == NULL)
# 282| goto lose;
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-457): [#def1033]
glibc-2.39/timezone/zdump.c:471: error[uninitvar]: Uninitialized variable: hi
# 469| loend + 1 != hiend && !*hiend)) {
# 470| cutloyear = lo;
# 471|-> cuthiyear = hi;
# 472| } else {
# 473| fprintf(stderr, _("%s: wild -c argument %s\n"),
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def1034]
glibc-2.39/timezone/zdump.c: scope_hint: In function ‘istrftime’
glibc-2.39/timezone/zdump.c:950:10: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘<unknown>’
# 948| strcpy(f_prefix_copy + f_prefix_len, "X");
# 949| formatted_len = strftime(b, s, f_prefix_copy, tm);
# 950|-> if (oversized)
# 951| free(f_prefix_copy);
# 952| if (formatted_len == 0)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-686): [#def1035]
glibc-2.39/timezone/zic.c:2270: error[invalidFunctionArgBool]: Invalid putc() argument nr 1. A non-boolean value is required.
# 2268| for (i = old0; i < typecnt; i++)
# 2269| if (!omittype[i])
# 2270|-> putc(ttisstds[i], fp);
# 2271| if (utcnt != 0)
# 2272| for (i = old0; i < typecnt; i++)
Error: CPPCHECK_WARNING (CWE-686): [#def1036]
glibc-2.39/timezone/zic.c:2274: error[invalidFunctionArgBool]: Invalid putc() argument nr 1. A non-boolean value is required.
# 2272| for (i = old0; i < typecnt; i++)
# 2273| if (!omittype[i])
# 2274|-> putc(ttisuts[i], fp);
# 2275| }
# 2276| fprintf(fp, "\n%s\n", string);
Error: GCC_ANALYZER_WARNING (CWE-401): [#def1037]
glibc-2.39/wcsmbs/wcsmbsload.c: scope_hint: In function ‘__wcsmbs_load_conv’
glibc-2.39/wcsmbs/wcsmbsload.c:211:1: warning[-Wanalyzer-malloc-leak]: leak of ‘new_fcts’
# 209|
# 210| __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
# 211|-> }
# 212|
# 213|
Scan Properties
analyzer-version-clang | 18.1.3 |
analyzer-version-cppcheck | 2.13.0 |
analyzer-version-gcc | 14.0.1 |
analyzer-version-gcc-analyzer | 14.0.1 |
analyzer-version-shellcheck | 0.10.0 |
enabled-plugins | clang, cppcheck, gcc, shellcheck |
exit-code | 0 |
host | |
mock-config | fedora-41-x86_64 |
project-name | glibc-2.39-6.fc40 |
store-results-to | /tmp/tmp86p7xc7i/glibc-2.39-6.fc40.tar.xz |
time-created | 2024-04-22 10:48:57 |
time-finished | 2024-04-22 12:58:16 |
tool | csmock |
tool-args | '/usr/bin/csmock' '-r' 'fedora-41-x86_64' '-t' 'cppcheck,gcc,clang,shellcheck' '-o' '/tmp/tmp86p7xc7i/glibc-2.39-6.fc40.tar.xz' '--gcc-analyze' '/tmp/tmp86p7xc7i/glibc-2.39-6.fc40.src.rpm' |
tool-version | csmock-3.5.3-1.el9 |